What are the restrictions for images here?

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I've found out there were restrictions concerning images that I wanted to show here in one or two of my posts that don't depend on the size of the image. Very often this message is indicated:


You are not allowed to use that image extension on this community.



Just for example, when I look for Hamburg images, from a Google site like the following (if you look for images you will often find those collections of Google images first), it's rejected by the forum software, even if it's only a small image.




Even a small one (out of the above mentioned Google collection it is the 8th one, showing some shiploaders on a quay) with only 220 x 147 pixels is restricted here. But when I find a similar image on any other website (wikipedia, cinema movies, Hamburg tourism sites, etc.) it works, and the forum software accepts it. Also YouTube videos, and I've only have to copy the link in one of my posts and it's shown as a video automatically without any restrictions. Are especially those Google images under restriction here?

Edited by JimmiGerman
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But when I'm clicking on that small image mentioned before (which is not accepted by the forum software) I'm led to a wikipedia site about Hamburg, and from that site I can take an image and put it in here without any problem. So it's probably only Google images here which aren't accepted.




220px-Landungsbr%C3%BCcken%2C_Hamburg.JP (This one is taken directly from the wikipedia Hamburg website.)

Edited by JimmiGerman
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That's because you're using the thumbnail URL. If you look at the URLs Google use for their image thumbnails, there is no file extension at the end of the URL. Your browser knows how to interpret the the image however, even without the file extension, by looking at the contents of the file.


The forum software isn't quite that advanced, and it's looking for a image file extension to verify whether it'll accept that type of file. It doesn't see one, so it simply doesn't allow it.


If you look at the image file you posted that did work, you can see the URL does have a JPG file extension at the end of it. Therefore the forum software knows what it is and allows it.


The solution is just to click 'view the full size image'. That will take you to a URL that likely has the file extension at the end of it.


You should be very careful doing this though. It's known as hot-linking and many websites don't like you to embed images direct from their websites. If you do that, it downloads the image from their website each time someone loads this forum page, using their bandwidth and costing them money. They can and do use techniques using cookies to show a different image to anyone who hasn't visited their website directly but is viewing the image via a different website, like lds.net. Sometimes this different image isn't very pleasant.

Edited by Mahone
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That's because you're using the thumbnail URL. If you look at the URLs Google use for their image thumbnails, there is no file extension at the end of the URL. Your browser knows how to interpret the the image however, even without the file extension, by looking at the contents of the file.


The forum software isn't quite that advanced, and it's looking for a image file extension to verify whether it'll accept that type of file. It doesn't see one, so it simply doesn't allow it.


If you look at the image file you posted that did work, you can see the URL does have a JPG file extension at the end of it. Therefore the forum software knows what it is and allows it.


The solution is just to click 'view the full size image'. That will take you to a URL that likely has the file extension at the end of it.


You should be very careful doing this though. It's known as hot-linking and many websites don't like you to embed images direct from their websites. If you do that, it downloads the image from their website each time someone loads this forum page, using their bandwidth and costing them money. They can and do use techniques using cookies to show a different image to anyone who hasn't visited their website directly but is viewing the image via a different website, like lds.net. Sometimes this different image isn't very pleasant.


Thanks for this information, I see the point. Concerning hot-linking and the techniques to show different images to anyone who hasn't visited the site where the image is taken from directly and views it via a different website (like this) I will be careful and try to avoid embeding those images in future.

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