Video Of Teheran Iran

Guest the_big_picture

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Guest the_big_picture

Why do you see those pictures as a people being oppressed? Is it because of the head scarves/coverings?

Among other things yes. You do not get to hold hands or kiss your girlfriend. You do not get to date. You do not get to drink. You do not get to speak freely about politics et c.

Those pictures are taken under good circumstances, sometimes the dictatorship gets paranoid and becomes stricter.

You do not get to show one piece of hair, boys do not get to wear short sleeved shirts, boys do not get to have long hair, you do not get to listen to western music, you dont even get to walk in groups of boys and girls.

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A fascinating video and sound track..I love that music! Tehran wasn't anything like what I imagined it to be.

I understand that those images were taken in what we would consider the more 'touristy' places, and I understand too, that people in other parts of Iran might not fare as well as those shown in the images.

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Guest Yediyd

Can you say....propaganda? of Hitler and his film he made about the concentration camps comes to mind....everything looks Soooo beautiful and nice...too nice.

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Guest Yediyd

Yes, Yed. I was just saying, "Based on the pictures" it does not look so oppressive.

I know Dr. was just the impression that I got as I watched the film.
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Guest the_big_picture

There is no such thing as tourist areas in Iran. In some cases women dont wear a veil at all. It all depends on how paranoid the dictators get.

All the major citys are like that. Wouldnt you call hollywood propaganda? They make all americans rich, but the reality is diffrent. There are people with lamborghinis in Iran and there are poor people, just like everey where else.

Heres an Iranian girl in the city of Shiraz, she hits back on a hezbolah women.

not the lebanese hezbollah, its more like a "moral" police. She didnt wear a veil.

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Guest Yediyd

I'm in 100% agreement with you about's a propaganda doubt. I can't say that I know what life is like in Iran, but I can say that videos like that that place a one-sided slant on things appears to be biased and propagandised. opinion

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There is no such thing as tourist areas in Iran. In some cases women dont wear a veil at all. It all depends on how paranoid the dictators get.

All the major citys are like that. Wouldnt you call hollywood propaganda? They make all americans rich, but the reality is diffrent. There are people with lamborghinis in Iran and there are poor people, just like everey where else.

Heres an Iranian girl in the city of Shiraz, she hits back on a hezbolah women.

not the lebanese hezbollah, its more like a "moral" police. She didnt wear a veil.

Don't tke this the wrong way but isn't most of Hollywood's elite Jewish? I would wonder if that might influence the way Iran might get portrayed in any films or in the USA press considering that Iran is not terribly fond of Israel.

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Guest the_big_picture

Lol, thats not what I mean. Yes Iranians are also extremly poor but its nothing special. There are milions of americans that cant even eat 3 times a day, that dont afford going to the hospital, and have a house that is about to break but cant fix it.

But yet videos from America shows big mansions, and nice cars.

That video is just as "one sided" as any hollywood movie about America.

Heres a video of Iranian supercars, Lamborghini, Hummer et c.

Western media goes to the poor areas of Iran to show Iran, its like someone wanted to show America and goes to a gettho.

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Lol, thats not what I mean. Yes Iranians are also extremly poor but its nothing special. There are milions of americans that cant even eat 3 times a day, that dont afford going to the hospital, and have a house that is about to break but cant fix it.

But yet videos from America shows big mansions, and nice cars.

That video is just as "one sided" as any hollywood movie about America.

Heres a video of Iranian supercars, Lamborghini, Hummer et c.

Western media goes to the poor areas of Iran to show Iran, its like someone wanted to show America and goes to a gettho.

Yeah, Michael Moore capitalizes on that. American TV is also the reason, I believe, that whenever a blond girl visits places in the Middle East a lot of guys call her a whore (or worse) unless she is with a man (then she gets respect).

Hollywood poisons th view that the world has of America. Yeah, plenty of people in the USA can't make ends meet and live in modest homes. But Hollywood presents reality to the world of either ghettos or Beverly Hills. If middle Americans are presented they are generally victims needing the government to save them or just plain old stupid "red necks".

Middle eastern people are presented as backward and as terrorists, Russians are prostitutes or mafia...the list can go on and on.

Just don't forget -- the typical Hollywood person is also a liberal Democrat.

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Guest the_big_picture

I believe, that whenever a blond girl visits places in the Middle East a lot of guys call her a whore (or worse) unless she is with a man (then she gets respect).

Lol by the way I have a theory about blonds, whenever I am in the middle east I see more blond boys and men than I see in the west. especially kurdish and afghan immigrants.

Then you go back to the west, and you see almost no blond male, but everey other woman is blond, wich is strange.

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<div class='quotemain'>I believe, that whenever a blond girl visits places in the Middle East a lot of guys call her a whore (or worse) unless she is with a man (then she gets respect).

Lol by the way I have a theory about blonds, whenever I am in the middle east I see more blond boys and men than I see in the west. especially kurdish and afghan immigrants.

Then you go back to the west, and you see almost no blond male, but everey other woman is blond, wich is strange.

Are the Kurd and Afghani guys dying their hair? I know there are a few people born in those regions displaying the characteristics of the people back in the days of the Bible but they aren't all that common, or are they?

As for guys in the west it may be the 1980s "gay man cut" (hair avove the ears) that has been popular for a few years now that makes one's hair look darker.

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Guest the_big_picture

Kurds and afhans no they dont dye their hair, its natural and just as common between both sexes, not 95 for gilrs and 5 for boys being blond like in the west.

Blond hair is extremly common, I dont think that haircoulour has much to do with where you live, all the eskimoes would be blond if that was the case.

Alexander the great was not blond and blue eyed, however hes persian queen was, Roxanna.

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Guest the_big_picture

I read that Mohammed was red-headed and one of his wives was a blond -- is that true?

Esau is recored in the Bible as being red-headed and he was one of the contributers to the Arabic gene pool.

Yes that is very possible, but it could also be a disease like ginger vitus, its like albino but common, you have red hair and frickles, you are a little more sensitive to the sun but its no big defects.

Yes he had wifes of all kinds, 6 years, 60 years blonds...

There are africans where evereyone have blue eyes, The biggest afghan ethnicity are pashtuns it means (the green eyed people) all of them have green eyes,

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The prime minister of Sweden

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I realy think that Idea of blond and blue eyed westerner is getting a bit old fashioned, even do Hollywood keeps the tradition on with "Alexander" and "300".

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<div class='quotemain'>

I read that Mohammed was red-headed and one of his wives was a blond -- is that true?

Esau is recored in the Bible as being red-headed and he was one of the contributers to the Arabic gene pool.

Yes that is very possible, but it could also be a disease like ginger vitus, its like albino but common, you have red hair and frickles, you are a little more sensitive to the sun but its no big defects.

Yes he had wifes of all kinds, 6 years, 60 years blonds...

There are africans where evereyone have blue eyes, The biggest afghan ethnicity are pashtuns it means (the green eyed people) all of them have green eyes,

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The prime minister of Sweden

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I realy think that Idea of blond and blue eyed westerner is getting a bit old fashioned, even do Hollywood keeps the tradition on with "Alexander" and "300".

I have a friend who is from Afghanistan -- she looks like the cartoon character Dora (though 20-something) but she says she has blond and red headed family members -- her grandmother was pale with blue eyes and red hair. She is Pushtun. Traditionally the Pushtuns are supposed to be part of the "lost" Ten Tribes so they are probably what the Hebrews/Jews looked like in the days of Jesus. Of course the Afghans have mixed with various tribes that have left the people a bit darker than they were originally (same with the Iranians from what I understand).

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Guest the_big_picture

Iranians well, its no Iranian race, persians make 51% but its belived to be much lover.

Yes its the same with Iranians but I decided to leave Iranians out cause afghans and kurds have more blonds than in western nations. Iran is just about the same as lets say Italy.

Iranians have more similiar features and dialects like europeans, an Iranian looks more like an Italian or greek than arab and speaks western language much better than an arab.

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I don't know, I think most "original" or ethnic Swedes tend to look like this:

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Daughter of the Swedish king.

The current prime minister of Sweden, from one news article I read, has a great great grandmother (something like that) who was an American black woman so maybe he doesn't look as "Swedish". My wife is a Swede but has dark brown hair and blue/hazel eyes but everyone else in her family is really blond. I think blond hair is dying out in Sweden since most immigrants are from lands that are darker and when they intermarry dark genes are dominant over light ones.

I find studies on race interesting since, when I was looking into the Church, I thought it odd that Nephites were described as really light. I thought Jews were dark until I looked into it more carefully. Also, the tribe of Joseph was characterized as being pale and with light brown or red hair. So soemthing that might have made me wonder about the church initially was cleared up through research.

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Guest the_big_picture

Yes most swedish women look like her cause they dye their hair. The rest of the royal family hasnt changed their hair and they all have dark almost black hair.

Yes most swedish girls have blodn hair but its not natural, just look at the guys, you descrobed yourself as a normal sweed.

He is 1/32 black, it was hes great great grandfather that was a half black half white ###### child.

Yes your wife might be a natural blond there are many in Sweden, but not even close as the amount there is in parts of the middle east.

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<div class='quotemain'>

I read that Mohammed was red-headed and one of his wives was a blond -- is that true?

Esau is recored in the Bible as being red-headed and he was one of the contributers to the Arabic gene pool.

Yes that is very possible, but it could also be a disease like ginger vitus, its like albino but common, you have red hair and frickles, you are a little more sensitive to the sun but its no big defects.

Yes he had wifes of all kinds, 6 years, 60 years blonds...

There are africans where evereyone have blue eyes, The biggest afghan ethnicity are pashtuns it means (the green eyed people) all of them have green eyes,

Posted Image

The prime minister of Sweden

Posted Image

I realy think that Idea of blond and blue eyed westerner is getting a bit old fashioned, even do Hollywood keeps the tradition on with "Alexander" and "300".

TBP, I think you should be careful with your references regarding this 'disease' known as Ginger Vitus...I first heard this referred to on a South Park episode, which was extremely funny, but entirely UNTRUE!!

Please see the definition below for 'ginger vitus' from the Urban Dictionary:

1. Ginger Vitus 21 up, 22 down

Ginger kids are born with a desise witch causes verry light skin, red hair and freckles. This desise is called ginger vitus, and it occurs because ginger kids have no souls. Kids that have ginger vitus can not be cured. Because there skin is so light, ginger kids must avoid the sun, not unlike vampires. Some people have red hair but not light skin and freckles. These people are called day-walkers.

"I feel sorry for that kid over there, he has no soal so he got ginger vitus"

tags g ginga gina ginga vitus ginger vitis

by Notposs Durham UK Jan 22, 2006 email it


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