The "elect Lady"


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I have always been a great fan of Emma Smith, the wife of Joseph. One of my favorite stories is how she received her very own revelation from the Lord wherein she is called the "Elect Lady."

On June 28, 1830, Emma was baptized into the Church by Oliver Cowdery. That evening, as friends began to gather for her confirmation ordinance, she was shocked to see a constable on the doorstep for Joseph's arrest. He charged Joseph with "being a disorderly person and setting the country in an uproar by preaching the Book of Mormon."

Emma made arrangements to stay with her sister Elizabeth, and waited two days for Joseph to return. When he finally came back, Emma's face was "wet with tears . . . [and] her very heartstrings [were] broken with grief." Joseph had not been convicted of anything, but it had been very hard on Emma waiting for him. She had spent the entire time praying for him, and was visibly shaken by the ordeal.

It was after this that Emma received her "Elect Lady" revelation, directed exclusively to her. Although Joseph occasionally mentioned women in his revelations, this one is the only one addressed solely to a woman. Whether she heard it first as Joseph spoke the words, or whether he dictated the verses for Oliver Cowdery to write, Emma believed it to be a communication from God to her.

According to Mormon Enigma: Emma Hale Smith:

The revelation addressed Emma warmly. "Hearken unto the voice of the Lord your God while I speak unto you, Emma Smith, my daughter," it began, then in recognition of her acceptance of the gospel it further explained, "all who receive my gospel are sons and daughters in my kingdom."

"Thy sins are forgiven thee," the Lord assured her, "thou are an elect lady, whom I have called." She would learn God’s will for her life and "if thou art faithful and walk in the paths of virtue before me, I will preserve thy life, and thou shalt receive an inheritance in Zion."

Probably in reference to others' viewing of the plates while Emma was not allowed to see them, the instructions continued, "Murmur not because of the things which thou hast not seen, for they are withheld from thee and from the world." That single line urging Emma to "murmur not" would later give rise to speculation that Emma had complained of not seeing the record. Future writers would use that phrase to condemn Emma, but nothing in the Elect Lady revelation approaches the chastisements Joseph occasionally received.

The revelation outlined Emma's responsibilities toward Joseph. "Let thy soul delight in thy husband and the glory which shall come upon him. . . go with him at the time of his going . . . be for a comfort in . . his afflictions [and offer] consoling words in the spirit of meekness. . . . Thou shalt be ordained under [Joseph's] hand to expound scriptures and to exhort the church," the words continued. "Thy time shall be given to writing and to learning much."

"Lay aside the things of this world, and seek for the things of a better." the revelation said, then it gave Emma two specific assignments. The first was to act as scribe for her husband. The second gave Emma responsibility "to make a selection of sacred hymns . . . which is pleasing unto me, to be had in my church. My soul delighteth in the song of the heart; yeah, the song of righteousness is a prayer unto me."

The revelation ended with a phrase of hope. "Lift up they head and rejoice, and cleave unto the covenants which thou has made." It urged Emma to beware of pride and to keep the commandments continually. "A crown of righteousness thou shalt receive. And except thou do this, where I am you cannot come."


Emma was ecstatic at her very own revelation. Not only had the Lord spoken specifically to her, he had given her two assignments which fitted her specific personality. She sang as she worked and sang as she worshipped, so it would be pure joy to put together a hymnal.

Additionally, her intellect, combined with her education, qualified her to act as Joseph's scribe, which would most likely now be penning letters, revelations and blessings. Combined with her compassionate nature, her true leadership qualities would soon be apparent and relied upon by both her husband and the Church as a whole.

I often think if only Emma could have made time stand still at this moment. Imagine you've just been given a phenomenal personal revalation by God. You're forgiven of your sins, you're given tasks to complete that you know you're going to love, and best of all, you've been told you're going to end up with Him.

And yet, even though she had much heartbreak ahead of her, she also had a wondrous life, married to a man she was completely devoted to, and adventures very few could ever imagine.

I just love this "Elect Lady."


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That was pretty cool when that revelation with Emma came about......another story from Church History that I love is the where Sister Whitmer was able to touch the plates, even though they were covered up she got the chance to touch them and feel them. That story is awesome as well.

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Guest Yediyd

Now Emma....does this mean we agreed again????? I can tell that I am going to have get a new wall.....LOL!!!!!

Just get yourself a punching bag and name it: Billery!

...ha! and YOU thought I was going to say, Emma!!!!!

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My favorite person in church history is Jane mansfield.

Absolutely! Mine too!

Only I call her Jane Elizabeth Manning James. :P


Now Emma....does this mean we agreed again????? I can tell that I am going to have get a new wall.....LOL!!!!!

Hey PR, no Emma here. It's "Elphaba"!

I think you should take Yediyd's advice and get that punching bag. I'm not through with you yet. hehehehe

Just kidding!

Elphie :P

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<div class='quotemain'>

My favorite person in church history is Jane mansfield.

Absolutely! Mine too!

Only I call her Jane Elizabeth Manning James. :P


Now Emma....does this mean we agreed again????? I can tell that I am going to have get a new wall.....LOL!!!!!

Hey PR, no Emma here. It's "Elphaba"!

I think you should take Yediyd's advice and get that punching bag. I'm not through with you yet. hehehehe

Just kidding!

Elphie :P

Emma was easier to spell...........LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My favorite person in church history is Jane mansfield.

Wasn't she an actress?

I really don't think Jane Mansfield was LDS in the least.

Yediyd and I established early in the thread that we were talking about Jane Elizabeth Manning James, who was one of the pioneers. Yediyd just mispelled her name.


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Guest Yediyd
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My favorite person in church history is Jane mansfield.

Wasn't she an actress?

I really don't think Jane Mansfield was LDS in the least.

Yediyd and I established early in the thread that we were talking about Jane Elizabeth Manning James, who was one of the pioneers. Yediyd just mispelled her name.

Elphie I made a mistake...I ment Jane Manning...I just mixed the names up...OOPS!!!!!!

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Guest Yediyd
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Not me. No Cat man do here.

wow........another mention of a song........ :wow:

He's just masking!!

...poor man!!!! :(

Cat rehab failed! :huh:

You are in my prayers, Dr, Tom!!!!!

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