Joining A New YSA Ward (Inactive Member)


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I just turned 25, moved to a new city and am wanting to become active in the church again, but I am pretty nervous. I am baptised, but haven't been to church since I was around 9 years old, my church knowledge is at a mimimum which makes me even more nervous. To top it off, I work from home and live in more of a suburban area and am planning on going to a YSA ward that is next to the Unversity here (I think this would be best for me as I would be meeting new people around my age that are also single). The thought of everything just makes me feel so out place and inadequate. (Being the only one who isn't currently a student, never having served a mission, etc.) I know I shouldn't be, but I am kind of embarassed, and don't want to stand out for all of the wrong reasons..


Does anyone have an experience or advice for YSA wards, or just my situation in general? If I even knew just one person in the ward I thik I would be more at ease.. I am sure I am overthinking the whole thing, but any help would still be great.

Edited by gsahero
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I was in a very similar circumstance back in October. I was inactive for 7 years and decided to start coming back (I was baptized at 16 and was only in the church 4 years before I went inactive, so I get the whole worry about not knowing enough about the gospel thing). I go to a YSA branch that is about 30 minutes from where I live, but serves the entire stake area. I thought I would be the only one in my older age range (I was 27 then), but found that there was a decent set of older folks in the branch. I didn't know anyone, and I'll be honest: it took me a few months to finally feel comfortable enough to start holding conversations. Since you are vocalizing the desire to go to church, I would like to think that you want to be there for yourself. That is a HUGE first step in coming back to the gospel!


I definitely agree in reaching out to the missionaries if that makes you feel more comfortable and at ease. I ended up meeting with my branch president the first day back and got the repentance process started for myself (but I had been thinking about this and pondering and praying about it for almost three weeks by that point, so I was at that point by the time I actually got to the branch).


I say go for it! The beauty of YSAs are that everyone is between 18-30, and there is so much love and support there at least in my experience. I have never felt judged or uncomfortable in my skin due to someone else making me feel that way. YSAs are all in the same turbulent decade of life; they understand the trials you have seen/are seeing/will see. I really can't think of a better place for you to go. I have such a testimony of the support and love that is present in YSA branches. I have visited a few others and have always felt that strong spirit in those congregations as well.


Good luck! If you need someone to talk to, I am always here. The path back to full activity is a hard one, but it is an AWESOME one!

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I just turned 25, moved to a new city and am wanting to become active in the church again, but I am pretty nervous. I am baptised, but haven't been to church since I was around 9 years old, my church knowledge is at a mimimum which makes me even more nervous. To top it off, I work from home and live in more of a suburban area and am planning on going to a YSA ward that is next to the Unversity here (I think this would be best for me as I would be meeting new people around my age that are also single). The thought of everything just makes me feel so out place and inadequere. (Being the only one who isn't currently a student, never having served a mission, etc.) I know I shouldn't be, but I am kind of embarassed, and don't want to stand out for all of the wrong reasons..


Does anyone have an experience or advice for YSA wards, or just my situation in general? If I even knew just one person in the ward I thik I would be more at ease.. I am sure I am overthinking the whole thing, but any help would still be great.


I would totally recommend that you get a hold of the missionaries for the YSA ward.  They're great for making connections with people, showing you the ropes, and will be thrilled to teach you more about the Gospel ("thrilled"= like kids at Christmas).


Actually, there are a lot of non-students attending YSA wards, as the requirements for a YSA ward are A) age 18-30, and B) Not married. My old YSA ward had tons of non-students (and I lived in a college town!), and a lot which hadn't served missions (including myself).  As to being embraced, there is no reason (unless you were planning on dancing the macerena during the Lord's Supper...).


And congrats on your decision to have the Lord back in your life!

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