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Full Definition of CREED--Merriam Webster

1:  a brief authoritative formula of religious belief

2:  a set of fundamental beliefs; also :  a guiding principle


Lehi--where do you find me as labeling your submission as "substandard"? Could you give us a cite on that one?

It's in this very ^ post.

If yours is the "Full definition of CREED" as you have adamantly said again and again. any other definition must be something less, (which is, by definition, "substandard").

So. one might ask again, how did Merriam Webster become the one, true dictionary, while Random House is apostate?


Edited by LeSellers
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Well, if we modify the phrase "the Articles of Faith are not a classic creed", would that satisfy you?


 Hi Lehi--


That still leaves the Articles of Faith a creed--with a distinction.


Lehi--my argument is not that the Articles of Faith are looked at differently from the creeds of man. They are.


But that does not mean the Articles of Faith cannot qualify under the term "creed". They can.


The difference I see in the creeds of the various faiths--and the creed found in the Articles of Faith--is that one has man-made doctrines within(maybe along with some truth)--the other(Articles of Faith)--I believe reflects eternal truths.

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