The Water Of Life

Guest Yediydforyou

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Don't you think John Travolta would do great in playing the transformed son of Paul Atreides in the sequel, God-Emperor of Dune? If one of the poster here was clever with photoshop, they could make a composite of John Travolta's face and the Sand Worm's body. Seeing as how it is John Travolta, do you think they could also include a dance number as the God-Emperor? Seeing that would cause me to produce some Waters of Life.

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Wow!! You are an inspiration!!! Since Jesus IS the water of life...I find it hard to believe he had any trouble finding good water...course, if he could turn it into wine, reckon he could make it sweet, too!!!!

Thanks for your comments, Traveler!!!! :)

BTW...can you tell me more about this fast? What possessed you to do it...what did you get out of did you learn what was good to eat and what was not/ How did you know about the dangerous water? I am fascinated by this!!!! :)

Sorry I have been away so long: I determined to spend 40 days fasting in the wilderness (South West USA Desert) after my LDS mission and service in the Army. This was a troubled time of my life in which there was much anger and disappointment towards my fellow man (and women).

I thought my desert fast would be much different than it was. To be honest I expected something glorious along the line of a burning bush. Interestingly enough I did not recognize anything at the time as being out of the ordinary. However, I have found myself explaining and understanding so many things by referring to this spiritual quest.

Let me now finish my thought about “living water”. I have referred to drinkable water of the desert as a symbol of living water. I have indicated that such water gives of itself and its life giving power to all that encounter it. It gives life to the parched desert that cannot have life without water.

I have contrasted this to “waters of death” that instead of giving life it ###### the life out of everything that encounters it. It takes and does not give. But there is something more in Christ for in partaking of the living waters of Christ; we will never again thirst. I understand this to mean that we become living water giving life to all we encounter. Because we do not thirst we no longer ###### the water out of things we encounter but rather give water to those that are in need. Water – I do not believe is doctrine, though doctrine may be a part of living water it is not the living water. We do not dream of drinking water and talk of water for such dreams and talk (or just doctrine) does not quench thirst and giving such lifeless water leaves the person even more thirsty when they awake.

Giving living water is a sacrifice that threatens your life – even as the life of Jesus was given till he had none for himself – and not just for your friends that you dearly love so but even for the lowest of all slimy or hardening non-believing creatures that you encounter in the desert.

The Traveler

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