Mormon. Gay. and Okay.

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No, not me - this lady:

Along my path I have learned that “Pray away the gay” doesn’t work, “Just be celibate and good luck” doesn’t work. “Religion causes guilt and the way to not feel guilty is to walk away” doesn’t work. “God is love so whatever I do is fine” doesn’t work. Nothing from before has worked, so now I go and imperfectly try something new while walking hand in hand with God.

Very real, very good blog post.  Glad she's finding something that's working for her. 

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I read the link.  Nice.  I understand all the statements quoted in the OP.  And I get it.  But I do think the 2nd one is really the one that will be the problem.

I liked her final line in her post.  She is having fun embracing the many stereotypes.  I've spent a lot of time trying to crush stereotypes.  The fact I'm an Asian engineer doesn't really help.  But what can I cay.  I was born to be an engineer.

But the other day I was explaining why a particular design suggested by my office manager wouldn't be ideal.  I told him,"Once it gets to that level, I begin to squint my eyes.  And I'm an Asian."

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Incidentally--just yesterday I was working with a client who's in drug rehab and has five kids in state custody.  We were talking about her maintaining sobriety in the face of an estranged husband who is still using and has sabotaged her recovery at least once before, and she said something very odd:

"Yeah, the weird thing about it all is, I'm actually gay.  But then he comes around and we use meth together and have sex and I get pregnant again."

How someone can self-identify as gay, but seeks heterosexual experiences when her inhibitions are at their lowest, is beyond me. :confused:  I think we all have a lot more to learn about human sexuality than most of us are willing to admit.

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