September Dawn....mountain Meadows Massacre Movie


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On This Page (413), Ford admits to the letter.

I'm sorry. You gave me the link the other day, but because the word "letter " didn't pop out on the page, I didn't see what you were talking about. Unfortunately I am a very literal person. Subterfuge goes right over my head and it meant you had to send a polite, yet I'm sure confusing to you, shove, for me to see it. Who's the "superior" one now?

Another source that you probably have access to (which must have been what was fresh on my mind when I gave the Reader's Digest Version as going back and re-reading it, I saw pretty much the same info that I posted) is Schindler's biography on OPR. In the Second Edition, it's on page 144.

No I do not, and I am remedying that as we speak. My other window is open to Amazon where I am a one-click customer.

I read Schindler about three years ago, but only remember certain parts that have stuck with me. Remember we were discussing Porter a few weeks ago? I was going to go to the library, but I just pooped out on it.

However, since I like my books around me just for times like this I've decided to go ahead and purchased it. Okay, I clicked! It will probably be here Tuesday or Wednesay. Yippee!

This is why I love you. The mention of the letter was just a periferal thing, yet it's got you all curious and searching. You are a true Gem. -- You inspire me (really).

Well, gee, that's the nicest thing anyone's said to me here. Usually when I get into these deep discussion I tend to be treated with contempt or disdain! Especially if it's Mormon history. Especially if my discussion partner has a penis!

And I do not believe for one minute you aren't on top of all of this. You think I don't know you, but I do! I've watched you for years, (no, I'm not a stalker).

I know it's hard to believe because I'm such a chatterbox here. But I've lurked on FAIR/MAD for five years. I just rarely post. Shades board as well. I know you, so you can't go all humble on me. It won't fly.

I consider you, Tarski, and The Dude among the most intelligent posters at MAD off the top of my head. I think Bond is the funniest at Shades, and really enjoy Beastie and Truth Dancer. TD and I used to talk on the phone and I miss her. I love how GIMR used to write songs how she wanted Moksha to be her "baby daddy." :animatedlol: I despise Pah and Juliann.

Are you getting my point? I KNOW you, so don't give me any more crap about me being your "superior."

So, what's the dating of the letter from Brannan?

Sigh...I'm not telling. I already feel stupid enough. (January 17, 1846, when they're already crossing the Missouri. :blush: But it is an interesting letter, don't you think?)

Feeling humbled,


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Elphie, don't worry...I feel lots of good vibes from you and Stu...

Perhaps it would be a good idea for you and him to 'get a room' at the local library. lol :)

PUSHKA! :rofl:

I'm old enough to be his mummy!

I can just picture it now. I could have been rocking the lad while reciting him all of Joseph's wives as his eyes struggled to stay awake from interest. During his first bath when he accidentally turned the cold water all over himself I could have said: “See, that’s how Emma felt when she was baptized!“ When I gave him his first set of toy six shooters, I could have shown him a picture of Porter Rockwell, put a wig on him, and let him run out and pretend to shoot Governor Boggs!

Maybe that could explain our inextricable connection and "love" for MORMON HISTORY!

He is going to be soooo embarrassed when he reads this. I’ll just have to tell him about your "wild side." :P

And now I have to go pee because I am laughing so hard.


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<div class='quotemain'>

Elphie, don't worry...I feel lots of good vibes from you and Stu...

Perhaps it would be a good idea for you and him to 'get a room' at the local library. lol :)

PUSHKA! :rofl:

I'm old enough to be his mummy!

I can just picture it now. I could have been rocking the lad while reciting him all of Joseph's wives as his eyes struggled to stay awake from interest. During his first bath when he accidentally turned the cold water all over himself I could have said: “See, that’s how Emma felt when she was baptized!“ When I gave him his first set of toy six shooters, I could have shown him a picture of Porter Rockwell, put a wig on him, and let him run out and pretend to shoot Governor Boggs!

Maybe that could explain our inextricable connection and "love" for MORMON HISTORY!

He is going to be soooo embarrassed when he reads this. I’ll just have to tell him about your "wild side." :P

And now I have to go pee because I am laughing so hard.


:blush: Ooops a daisy!!! :blush:

Well, I never said what you had to do in that room in the library now, did I?

Who's dirty mind is reallyworking overtime, eh? Elphie???




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First Big Love, then a horrible "documentary" on PBS and now the hollyweirdos are at it again with their latest hitjob on Mitt Romney's candidacy for presidency. think about it........nobody has really given the MMM the time of day on a large scale for a century and a half and now a movie comes out about it a few months before the primaries begin? nicely done, lefties......

Hate to side track this, but I had understood that the PBS documentary was mostly viewed favorably by members of the church. Some had complained about certain emphases here and there, but overall thought that it was pretty decent, coming from a secular source.

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Oh, man. Okay, but just one thing. That's not Stu. B)


'Tis true, 'tis true.

'Twas not me, 'twas you.

There in the room

With the bibliophile

For I was out looking

At a reference file.


Can I go outside and play Missouri Anti-Mos and Danites please?


You'r son from another mum.

I consider you, Tarski, and The Dude among the most intelligent posters at MAD off the top of my head.


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