I would love to understand


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This is something new for me and I would love if you could help me with this situation I have.

First anything I need to apologize if what I wrote is not easy to understand, I have a neurological situation, which began in sept, 2013.

I join here and started writing this because a few years back it was my first day at work and I was meeting my coworkers, one of them was late but at the moment I saw him. The Holy Spirit or Holy Ghost as you call Him, whispered to me that he was the one. 
We had a really long friendship because I am catholic and he is mormon, later on I convinced him to date because we were looking for marriage in the future. For me this is the path God set up for us and I will follow it, even if it is changing my religion. 

One day I got sick(yeap, that thingy I mention), and my family request me to search for medical support in their city. We talk, we decided to wait until I get better and he was the one who take me to the airport. A couple of months later he send me a message breaking the engangement and relationship, because he couldnt take it more and being rude towards my family and myself.

I pray every day to regain my peace because I found in LDS something that clicked with everything I feel towards the Heavenly Father but I can not understand why He still keep telling me to love him, to miss him, look for him when each time I try to talk with him, he just walks away or say hurtful things. Can I be understanding Him wrong? 

I am really tired of my medical condition, the situation with him and I am more afraid that I might get lost on my way following the path He made for me. But I am grateful for the family He place me in.

Edited by Lita12
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First off, your shouldn't join the Church for a guy.  You should join the Church because you have a testimony that it is true.  Second, it is hard to understand why relationships sometimes end the way that they do, or why we might feel the Spirit is telling us something when someone else is seemingly having a completely different prompting.  Without knowing the full story, it is hard to understand what exactly occurred in the relationship that made it unbearable for him.  And, yes, it is very possible that you have misunderstood what the Spirit has been trying to tell you.  For most of us, recognizing, understanding, and obeying the promptings of the Holy Ghost is a lifelong pursuit.

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Suggest keep reading the Book of Mormon, pray three times a day to know if the church is true, you can ask the missionaries questions on Mormon.org. If possible attend church. Go to lds.org and put meeting house into the search engine. Relationships with boyfriends end. The relationship that you have with G-d is forever. Good luck!

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