Is God actually the father of the host of heaven?


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Hi. It seems that one eternal round is: Create a host, test them, appoint their glory. Then, create another host. Ad infinitum.

Jehovah was the firstborn of the host of heaven and I feel pretty sure He is the offspring of the Father.

But, what about the rest of the host?  Is it possible that we are the spirit children of a celestial society?  And that we spirit children came into the prior celestial world just as we do here -  that is in families?  Or would that amount to false doctrine? :-)  Thanks.

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We are the spirit children of God the Father.  We are the spiritual children of Christ as he is the way to salvation.  We are the physical children of our earthly parents.  And we are spiritually sealed to our eternal earthly parents (either natural or adopted). No other persons fill those roles in the universe.  So, our spirit family (which is virtually everyone) is a bit different than our spiritual family (our ward?)  or our physical family or our potentially adopted Earthly family.

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26 minutes ago, bytebear said:

We are the spirit children of God the Father. 

Agreed. under the heading "God the Father":
"We are all literally children of God, spiritually begotten in the premortal life." gospel topics section under "God is Our Father":
"We are all His spirit children, literally the sons and daughters of God - Bible Dictionary under "God":
"man is literally God’s offspring," - Teachings of Joseph F. Smith, chapter 40 - "The Father and the Son"
"God the Eternal Father, whom we designate by the exalted name-title “Elohim,” is the literal Parent of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, and of the spirits of the human race. Elohim is the Father in every sense in which Jesus Christ is so designated, and distinctively He is the Father of spirits."


I see no evidence to suggest that our Father in Heaven delegated this task to others and then some how clumped us together under a generic umbrella of "his spirit children". 

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