What on Earth - Is it good or bad?


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The company that I do almost all of my consulting with just announced today that they are being acquired – some call it a merger.  Since I have been consulting for the same foundries (silicon fabs) this will be the 4th “company” change I have gone through.  The people I use to advice have all moved on and I am already working with a whole new set.  In addition I have dealt with increasingly more international entities.  I was so happy to converse with my new bosses in German but now it looks like I will need to learn Chinese.  The new company is a major global leader in artificial intelligence.

In the past I have criticized Trump for his “bring back jobs to America” rhetoric.  I am very certain that the jobs we have lost that, at this point of globalization of automation, robotics and artificial intelligence – we do not want those old jobs back.  We need to step up as a nation and at least catch up with jobs in new technologies.   Our current education model is way behind and continuing to fall behind – even and especially excluding the disaster of intercity schools.

It is my opinion that the latest generation to enter the job market is unprepared for globalization in the job market – especially with team skills to accomplish complex solution.  As a nation we seem to be hung up on individualism and individual achievement - almost anti-conformity.   As per the gay and other “I want for me and to H-ll with collectivity” individually movements.

Bottom line – I believe Trump to be a piece of work – the typical, I am rich so I am right attitude.  And Hillary??? Are you kidding me – we are looking at fewer morals than a range bull and the business mentality of a drug cartel hit man.

So is it good or bad that the corporate world is moving toward a global mentality while governments are trying to be nationalistic???  Maybe we, as a country (USA) should think more like a corporation.  Instead of strengthening our borders – maybe we ought to think about expanding them.  Maybe we ought to start by acquiring Mexico?


The Traveler

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21 minutes ago, Traveler said:

Maybe we ought to start by acquiring Mexico?

From the Star-spangled Banner

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Yes, let's take Mexico and Canada. That would be a good start. We should become the superpower I know we can be.

Edited by Larry Cotrell
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34 minutes ago, Larry Cotrell said:

 ... Yes, let's take Mexico and Canada. That would be a good start. We should become the superpower I know we can be.

Some folks might like the idea, but I suspect that some others in Mexico and Canada (probably most in Canada) would have a problem with it. Their sentiments might be something along the lines of some lyrics from a song called "Sunshine" (1971) by a writer named Jonathan Edwards.  "...but he can't even run his own life, I'll be damned if he'll run mine" 

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3 hours ago, Traveler said:

... So is it good or bad that the corporate world is moving toward a global mentality while governments are trying to be nationalistic?

Personally, I believe that most of the big players in the so-called corporate world have always had global ambitions. And they are inextricably bound up with the perceived national security interests of many of the respective nations where the corporations began. But you may be referring instead to the trend toward a global mentality in terms of the inter-connectedness resulting from technological advancements such as the internet, and the growing inter-dependentness in the markets. Whether one wishes to focus on calling it good or bad I think is irrelevant--it just is, and it is inevitable. It will probably become ever more complex, and we will all become ever more inter-dependent as time passes barring fruition of the fears held my some that we'll all reach a tipping-point and set ourselves back to the pre-electricity era. 

Edited by UT.starscoper
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5 hours ago, Larry Cotrell said:

From the Star-spangled Banner

Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto: “In God is our trust.”
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O’er the land of the free and the home of the brave!

Yes, let's take Mexico and Canada. That would be a good start. We should become the superpower I know we can be.

How interesting. The Star-spangled Banner, a song created due to the War of 1812 in which the US invades Canada (Upper Canada, a British territory at the time). ?


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Just a little more information – when I started my consulting business – I was traveling almost 90% of the time.  Currently I seldom travel and do most of my work remotely.  I attend a weekly meeting that takes place internationally – from time to time I require a translator.  For the most part English is the standard business language but often we need to drill down to details.  Mostly with the last merger those needing translation have been European.  However, one of my customers that I report to currently resides in Mexico.  This is what I have meant by globalization.

My Mexico connection often jokes with me about being expensive since I make about 3 times what he does.  I kid him that he should come live in the USA and make a decent salary.  He has considered this possibility but family ties keep him in Mexico – mostly his wife’s family.  Recently during one of our fun discussions he told me of a recent survey published in Mexico indicated that 70 percent of Mexicans plan to move to the USA.  This is not just poor people or laborers - this is everybody including politicians, doctors, lawyers and professional individuals like himself. 

Kidding a little – I suggested that the USA just acquire Mexico and create 8 to 10 more new states.  He thought that if such an idea was put to a vote – that it would likely pass in Mexico.  He said that English may be a problem for some but he thought that if a language change was required that most Mexicans would still consider it.  He believes that most Mexicans that enter the USA illegally do so with the intent to become citizens in order to stay here.  Anyway I was surprised that my friend believed that most Mexicans would vote to become American citizens of the USA – that an open border means that much to them.  He asked me how Americans would feel about taking on all of the Mexican peoples.  I suggested that I thought most citizens would consider it if there was an honest effort to make such a thing happen – but the main concern would be the corruption currently in Mexico.  He agreed – indicating that is one of the major reasons most Mexicans want to come here anyway.  He also suggested that the criminal and corrupt elements prefer the border continue to divide the two countries.

Anyway – just thought I would put out concerning this very unscientific opinion between my friend and me.  BTW - he also indicated that when it looks like Trump will win the presidency that the peso drops in relation to the dollar and when it looks like Hillary will win the dollar drops.  He thinks if Hillary wins that the peso will become much stronger and more Mexicans will opt to stay in Mexico rather than come to the USA


The Traveler

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