Hurricane Henriette


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[Maybe you could convince her to go with PAM :sparklygrin: and leave you at home with all the kids.

Just a little bit of history. For the last few years my wife has worked for a company and gone to their yearly convention out of town. When she has done that, I have also taken the week off form my first job and worked on projects around the house, essentially spending my vacation time working. Sometimes it has seemed as if I really had no vacation at all, between pulling shifts at my second job, dealing with the kids and school, and hurrying to get something done before she gets home. It sometimes has been a relief to go back to work and rest.

This one time, I want to go away and forget about life. I don't want to be reminded of what I forgot to do or needs to be done at home, or hear about which kid down the street offended one of my kids. I just want to disappear and generally be unreachable for long periods of the day and just do things for ME. I need ME time. And if my wife doesn't want to come, share and spend some WE time as part of my ME time, well, I wish she would, but it won't ruin my life if I spend a week doing what I want to do without her for a change. I rarely ask her for time off to go out with the guys and do guy things. It happens maybe one or two times a year. So this one time, if she doesn't want to go, it's not the end of the world for me or us. I'll just find some guy to take her place and we'll do guy things for a week.

I understand there is a baja buggy track down there where you can rent buggies and go blasting around a track all day. That sounds like fun to me. Or I have always wanted to experience deep-sea fishing, something she would not even consider doing with me. Or I could just go to the beach and laze around all day in the sun, sipping on virgin Coronas, looking at the sights.

May I also add something to this. Just a little over a month ago, while JD had one of his week "vacations" while his wife was out of town at a car broke down. Stranded off of one of the local highways. JD dropped everything to go meet my son who was with the car. He then used his "vacation" time to go back into his shop to repair my car. He for sure needs a vacation for "ME" time. He works hard both at 2 jobs and at home.

I think his wife just needs to give in a little, compromise and do it for him.

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Hey John, I enjoy deep sea fishing, diving and pina coladas, LOL. Tell your wife I am real safe to take to Mexico, I even speak the language. :)

Pam can vouch for me and my wife would not mind if I went away fishing for a week.

Ben Raines

There ya go JD.

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Hey John, I enjoy deep sea fishing, diving and pina coladas, LOL. Tell your wife I am real safe to take to Mexico, I even speak the language. :)

Pam can vouch for me and my wife would not mind if I went away fishing for a week.

Ben Raines

Applicant #1. I know a little spanish, but mostly just automotive terms. Oh, and of course, some of the more common cuss words. I think we would probably get along for a week, Ben. It's definitely a thought.

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Hey John, I enjoy deep sea fishing, diving and pina coladas, LOL. Tell your wife I am real safe to take to Mexico, I even speak the language. :)

Pam can vouch for me and my wife would not mind if I went away fishing for a week.

Ben Raines

Applicant #1. I know a little spanish, but mostly just automotive terms. Oh, and of course, some of the more common cuss words. I think we would probably get along for a week, Ben. It's definitely a thought.

Does that mean I'm not considered an applicant? hahahaha

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That is the city where my son and daughter in law was... they were staying here.

I am glad you won the trip John Doe. You are a great Guy and you deserve a vacation! :D

Awww, thanks for the kind words, If it weren't for you I'd probably never come back. :thumbsup::bearhug:

Awww :bearhug:

Come back from where John Doe?

My feelings are now hurt jd. :P

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Hey John, I enjoy deep sea fishing, diving and pina coladas, LOL. Tell your wife I am real safe to take to Mexico, I even speak the language. :)

Pam can vouch for me and my wife would not mind if I went away fishing for a week.

Ben Raines

Applicant #1. I know a little spanish, but mostly just automotive terms. Oh, and of course, some of the more common cuss words. I think we would probably get along for a week, Ben. It's definitely a thought.

Does that mean I'm not considered an applicant? hahahaha

Much as I would like to, Pam, and I know you deserve consideration, as I stated before, My wife, your sister, would probably put her foot down if I were to take any woman I was not legally married to. :dontknow::dontknow: I know, it's not fair, but I think it's rule I would have to abide by if I wanted a home to stay in when I returned. But I love you anyway, in a brother-in-law/ sister-in-law sort of way. :sparklygrin::sparklygrin::sparklygrin:

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Hey John, I enjoy deep sea fishing, diving and pina coladas, LOL. Tell your wife I am real safe to take to Mexico, I even speak the language. :)

Pam can vouch for me and my wife would not mind if I went away fishing for a week.

Ben Raines

Applicant #1. I know a little spanish, but mostly just automotive terms. Oh, and of course, some of the more common cuss words. I think we would probably get along for a week, Ben. It's definitely a thought.

Does that mean I'm not considered an applicant? hahahaha

Much as I would like to, Pam, and I know you deserve consideration, as I stated before, My wife, your sister, would probably put her foot down if I were to take any woman I was not legally married to. :dontknow::dontknow: I know, it's not fair, but I think it's rule I would have to abide by if I wanted a home to stay in when I returned. But I love you anyway, in a brother-in-law/ sister-in-law sort of way. :sparklygrin::sparklygrin::sparklygrin:

Awww that is the nicest thing you've ever said to me in 20 years. :sparklygrin:

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