New to Here and to the Faith


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Hey there, I'm jmhranch and well I've got a few things to learn. A little backstory, since I was born (15 years ago) I've been raised in a baptist house hold, being my living in central Texas I've never really been exposed to other religions. Recently due to my love of history I've came across Joseph Smith. Now I've always known of the Mormon religion but I've never really read into it. Now that I have, a lot of the things that are slightly varied from the mainstream baptist beliefs make lots of sense to me. One of the most striking is how, the lord continues to speak to us as humans, something that always struck me as odd when being raised. Here's my problem, with my newfound curiosity and changing beliefs, there are no Morman churches near my small town in which I could even begin to learn and worship. So for now, I will have to settle with what I can learn on the Internet till I can strike out on my own. 


To to make a long story short, I really look forward to learning as much as I can with y'all!

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You sound delightful.  Welcome to the forum.

We also have a LOT of unusual ideas in our faith.  I hope you have an open mind and can give everything some enough time.  And above all, pray about everything.  No matter what man thinks he knows, it is God who knows all.  If he continues to witness to you that this is the truth, then blessed day.

And again, welcome.

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Hi @jmhranch and welcome to the forum!  More importantly, welcome to checking out the LDS faith.  

Feel free to ask any question you'd like.  Many of us here have background in Baptists faith too, so can better connect the dots for you.  Some links to help you out:

The Official Mormon Website.  They have explanations on basic beliefs, FAQ's, profile pages, etc

If you would like to chat with official LDS missionaries online, you can do that 24/7 on this link.  Alternatively they can also put you in touch with in person missionaries in your area that can drive to a place of your choosing to meet up

A useful map feature that shows local buildings, meeting times, etc


A word of caution: when it comes to researching anything, it's always best to get things from the horse's mouth.  The more controversial and/or complicated the subject, the more important it is to get the best sources and the more junk sources that exist.  Faith is something that is very controversial and complicated, so there are a LOT of junk sites out there.  

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Welcome to the forum! Also, I wish you luck in finding the answers you seek through this faith. Since Jane already gave you some excellent resources and starting points, I'll just echo that definitely talking to the missionaries and reading the Book of Mormon are the things I'd recommend for anyone interested. It's good to always keep asking questions!

Edited by a mustard seed
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