3 Mormons: Feminism

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5 minutes ago, Godless said:

Wave 1 is finished in the Western world, yes. The status of wave 2 is admittedly pretty subjective, depending on where you stand on issues like bodily autonomy and conception/start of life. 

From what I could gather, the march was primarily an outcry against a new president who, at various points in his career, has represented the pinnacle of male chauvinism through his words and actions. The march was a message to the new administration that the women of America aren't objects to be grabbed or trophies to be paraded about. It was also a response to a very real threat of Planned Parenthood defunding, which in accordance with current laws would take a relatively minuscule amount of government money out of abortion services while effectively gutting non-abortion services. Yes, I know there are loopholes. Close the dang loopholes if it upsets you that much. Don't take away one of the best pre-natal care options that low-income women have.

That's because we're one of the few Western nations that hasn't established paid maternity leave on a national level. The way I see it, that's currently the biggest roadblock to pay equality in the US, not a wage gap. Motherhood shouldn't be discouraged in our workforce. It should be accommodated far more than it currently is, especially in an age when SAH motherhood isn't a viable economic option for many women. 

If "men are rapists" is your perception of the idea of rape culture, then you haven't been paying attention. 

Late-term abortions - almost exclusively done for medical, not elective reasons. Taking that away puts women's lives at risk, period.

Birth control - Again, this goes back to how you view a fertilized egg. 

Father's say - It's not the father's body.

Planned Parenthood - I already addressed this. 

I agree that there is nothing logical in this. I absolutely oppose religious oppression of women, regardless of what religion it is. 

It was a cheap shot on my part, I admit. But hopefully I've been able to provide a bit more clarity on my position.

All leftist captrap that has NOTHING at all to do with Women being treated Unequally.

Example - maternity leave.  Why should businesses have to pay for women not working???  Why is that an Equality issue?  Men don't work = men don't get paid.  Women don't work = women don't get paid.  So, it's the business' fault you decide to get pregnant and have children?

And that's just one of them.

And Trump... don't even get me started on that Propaganda.  That has NOTHING to do with Gender Equality.  None.  That is all Political Posturing of Leftists who can't accept their loss.  Because, hello.... Bill Clinton.

Etc. etc. etc.

Edited by anatess2
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  • 4 weeks later...

In reference to my earlier comments...


The suspect is better known to the larger YouTube community as... "The Feminist Skeptic". 

The deceased? One of two women he was in a poly relationship with. 


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6 hours ago, Ironhold said:

In reference to my earlier comments...


The suspect is better known to the larger YouTube community as... "The Feminist Skeptic". 

The deceased? One of two women he was in a poly relationship with. 


Scattered reports are indicating that the guy was known to have PTSD *and* was known to be self-medicating, something that was making his condition worse. 

...And yet nobody did a thing about it. 

He and the deceased were reportedly indulging in mind-altering mushrooms during an internet live stream the same night as the incident. 


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