Reasons Why The Adam Can Not Be God...


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Do we believe Adam is God (the father)?

What definition of "god" did BY and other church leaders intend?

I'm interested in reading others ideas.

It seems clear to me through scriptures and writings that Adam is not God (the father). Starting in Genesis and Moses God placed Adam in garden to rule over it.

As stated in another post anti's would interpret our early history as though we believe Adam is our God. "the only God in which we have anything to do"

Do you have some sources that might clarify LDS belief and what was intended?

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See Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith page 157 to 162 for a great discourse on the subject of the Priesthood that gives insight about Adam and his role therein.

Here is an exerpt: 'The Priesthood was first given to Adam; he obtained the First Presidency, and held the keys of it from generation to generation. He obtained it in the Creation, before the world was formed, as in Genesis 1:26, 27, 28. He had dominion given him over every living creature. He is Michael the Archangel, spoken of in the Scriptures. Then to Noah, who is Gabriel: he stands next in authority to Adam in the Priesthood; he was called of God to this office, and was the father of all living in this day, and to him was given the dominion. These men held keys first on earth, and then in heaven.

The Priesthood is an everlasting principle, and existed with God from eternity, and will to eternity, without beginning of days or end of years. The keys have to be brought from heaven whenever the Gospel is sent. When they are revealed from heaven, it is by Adam's authority.

Daniel in his seventh chapter speaks of the Ancient of days; he means the oldest man, our Father Adam, Michael, he will call his children together and hold a council with them to prepare them for the coming of the Son of Man. He (Adam) is the father of the human family, and presides over the spirits of all men, and all that have had the keys must stand before him in this grand council. This may take place before some of us leave this stage of action. The Son of Man stands before him, and there is given him glory and dominion. Adam delivers up his stewardship to Christ, that which was delivered to him as holding the keys of the universe, but retains his standing as head of the human family.'

Look under the headings of 'Adam', 'Ancient of Days', and 'Michael' in the index to the Church History volume set and you will get plenty of gems.


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....and the number one reason why Adam is not God.....

...Adam is a mythological figure!


:hmmm: Could this be why you are not LDS anymore? :lol:

<div class='quotemain'>

....and the number one reason why Adam is not God.....

...Adam is a mythological figure!


:hmmm: Could this be why you are not LDS anymore? :lol:

Just to assure everyone no offense was intended-just a little light hearted humor to break up the intensity of the posts.

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Do we believe Adam is God (the father)?

What definition of "god" did BY and other church leaders intend?

I'm interested in reading others ideas.

It seems clear to me through scriptures and writings that Adam is not God (the father). Starting in Genesis and Moses God placed Adam in garden to rule over it.

As stated in another post anti's would interpret our early history as though we believe Adam is our God. "the only God in which we have anything to do"

Do you have some sources that might clarify LDS belief and what was intended?


Rosie, i think you may have misinterpreted.

I already gave several reasons why that (above) is an INCORRECT reading / interpretation of this teaching.

Let's try again:

In the Church, "Brother Smith" can hold several positions at different times, or even at the same time. He can be a HomeTeacher, a Husband and Father, and an Apostle -- at all the same time (although generally, Apostles probably are not called as Home teachers!) but stay with me on this, please.

When Brother Smith goes to Conference, he may participate in several different ways:

He might drive the family to the Taberacle -- thereby acting as a Father;

He might hold the door open for his wife -- thereby acting as a good Husband;

He might say the opening prayer -- thereby acting as a member of the Church;

He might give an address -- thereby acting as an Apostle.

EAch of these roles has different responsbiilites, authority, power, and obligations attendant with them.

It is wrong to say that as a part of his duties as an apostle, he gave the opening prayer, or held the door open or drove the family car.

Apostle is not the same thing as Home TEacher -- but those positions/ offices / callings might be held by the same person!

Similarly, "Michael-Adam" is NOT the name of an individual, it's an OFFICE in the Priesthood - -like "Christ". NOw, what the Adam-God principle is saying, is that it's pssible the same person might fulfil the role of "MIchael-Adam" who at another time and place, fulfilled the role of "Heavenly FAther". But they are NOT "the same thing." They have DIFFERENT roles, responsibilities, obligations, authoriy and power.

It is NOT correct to say that "Adam is God" anymore than it is to say, "Members are apostles" --

Do you see what i mean?


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God has experienced mortality already.


Brigham Young:

Moses said Adam was made of 'the dust of the ground,' but he did not say of WHAT ground. I say he was not made of the dust of the ground of THIS earth, but he was made of the dust of THE EARTH WHERE HE LIVED, where he honored his calling, believed in HIS Savior or elder brother, and by his faithfulness was redeemed and got a glorious RESURRECTION. ... I will tell you more: ADAM IS THE FATHER OF OUR SPIRITS. He lived upon AN earth, he did abide His creation and did honor to His calling and priesthood and obeyed HIS master or lord, and probably MANY of his wives did the same; and THEY LIVED AND DIED UPON AN AN EARTH AND THEN WERE RESURRECTED again to immortality and eternal life.

(Brigham Young, General Conference, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. October 8th, l854, Hist.Rec.)

Adam was an immortal being when he came to this earth. He had lived on an earth similar to ours. He had received the priesthood and the keys thereof, and had been faithful in all things, and had gained his

resurrection, and his exaltation and was crowned with glory, immortality and eternal lives, and was numbered with the Gods, for such he became through his faithfulness.

(Brigham Young quoted in the Journal of L. John Nuttall, Feb 7, 1887)

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<div class='quotemain'>

....and the number one reason why Adam is not God.....

...Adam is a mythological figure!


:hmmm: Could this be why you are not LDS anymore? :lol:

<div class='quotemain'>

....and the number one reason why Adam is not God.....

...Adam is a mythological figure!


:hmmm: Could this be why you are not LDS anymore? :lol:

Just to assure everyone no offense was intended-just a little light hearted humor to break up the intensity of the posts.

None taken here! B)

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<div class='quotemain'>

Do we believe Adam is God (the father)?

What definition of "god" did BY and other church leaders intend?

I'm interested in reading others ideas.

It seems clear to me through scriptures and writings that Adam is not God (the father). Starting in Genesis and Moses God placed Adam in garden to rule over it.

As stated in another post anti's would interpret our early history as though we believe Adam is our God. "the only God in which we have anything to do"

Do you have some sources that might clarify LDS belief and what was intended?


Rosie, i think you may have misinterpreted.

I already gave several reasons why that (above) is an INCORRECT reading / interpretation of this teaching.

Let's try again:

In the Church, "Brother Smith" can hold several positions at different times, or even at the same time. He can be a HomeTeacher, a Husband and Father, and an Apostle -- at all the same time (although generally, Apostles probably are not called as Home teachers!) but stay with me on this, please.

When Brother Smith goes to Conference, he may participate in several different ways:

He might drive the family to the Taberacle -- thereby acting as a Father;

He might hold the door open for his wife -- thereby acting as a good Husband;

He might say the opening prayer -- thereby acting as a member of the Church;

He might give an address -- thereby acting as an Apostle.

EAch of these roles has different responsbiilites, authority, power, and obligations attendant with them.

It is wrong to say that as a part of his duties as an apostle, he gave the opening prayer, or held the door open or drove the family car.

Apostle is not the same thing as Home TEacher -- but those positions/ offices / callings might be held by the same person!

Similarly, "Michael-Adam" is NOT the name of an individual, it's an OFFICE in the Priesthood - -like "Christ". NOw, what the Adam-God principle is saying, is that it's pssible the same person might fulfil the role of "MIchael-Adam" who at another time and place, fulfilled the role of "Heavenly FAther". But they are NOT "the same thing." They have DIFFERENT roles, responsibilities, obligations, authoriy and power.

It is NOT correct to say that "Adam is God" anymore than it is to say, "Members are apostles" --

Do you see what i mean?


From study, I understand what you are saying-or so I believe I do;) Adam signifies an office or position. As indicated in another post somewhere in the Lion Witch and Wardrobe for example the children were referred to as the sons of Adam. So Adam refers to something beyond an actual person.

But there is another Adam referred to. There was an actual man named Adam who was the first on earth-correct? I'm thinking of the whole Adam and Eve story. We will not be punished for Adam's sin......

Those outside the church may have difficulty with the language of seeing the position vs. the person. There are lots of names for positions and priesthoods in the LDS faith.

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Certainly. 'Sons of Adam' or 'Daughters of Eve' signifies human.

'Son of David' signifies Davidic decent. (Mark 10:47)



Your above post reminded me of something. I don't intend to hijack the thread, but I think this may be related. Christ is referred to several times in the scripture as "the son of Man" with the "M" in "Man" a capital letter. I have my own idea of why this is so, but if others want to comment I would like to here it.

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