The sin of "commission" (?)


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Thoughts on charging extra for a good to receive a commission while at work?

I work at a hotel and if we upsell a room, we get a small portion of the money made.

Particularly on nights where we only have a few rooms left, we can sell it for quite a bit more if we wanted to. 

Part of me feels guilty, the other part of me says "it's just economics and capitalism working."

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12 minutes ago, Fether said:

Part of me feels guilty, the other part of me says "it's just economics and capitalism working."

I believe in capitalism. I believe in being honest. The two are not supposed to be mutually exclusive. They are supposed to be hand in hand.

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Supply and demand.  You aren't charging "extra".  You are adjusting the price to meet demand.  The transaction is freely made, and if you are unreasonable people are free to look elsewhere.  It also isn't mandatory, and you are free to NOT charge extra if you feel it is inappropriate.  This is done every day in the marketplace.  

Whether or not it is a sin isn't up to us, though.  I've read nothing that would suggest capitalism is sinful.  Your feeling of guilt is natural.  I have a small homestead and sell things I raise/grow all the time.  I always feel a little bad when I sell a dozen eggs or a chick, for example.  I sell for less than most homesteads like mine, but I make a profit.  Because I know what my costs are and don't put a true value on my labor, I always feel a little guilty.   

If earning commission is a sin, I'm in BIG trouble.

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5 hours ago, Grunt said:

Supply and demand.  

I was referencing willingness to buy. 12am, driving for 10 hours, have a family of 12. You arrive at a hotel with the last room in the city and your willingness to buy is sky high. At an economical level, It's up to me to make an estimate of what your willingness to buy is   And sell at that rate.

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13 minutes ago, Fether said:

I was referencing willingness to buy. 12am, driving for 10 hours, have a family of 12. You arrive at a hotel with the last room in the city and your willingness to buy is sky high. At an economical level, It's up to me to make an estimate of what your willingness to buy is   And sell at that rate.

Correct.  That is still supply and demand.  That said, follow your conscience.  

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