Banking Question

a mustard seed

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9 hours ago, Vort said:

I agree with this, with the following caveat: If the education loan doesn't charge interest for a period of time, put your money in a savings account or CD instead of the loan. This will give you a (small) increase in interest to pay toward the loan. Then on the month (or week, or day) before the account starts charging interest, put all of your money that you have saved up into the education loan.

EDIT: Okay, never mind, you and zil have already covered this ground.

Lol, thank you for the reiteration, at least. It makes me think that might be the most feasible way to try to tackle these responsibilities.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The last decade of squat for interest, or maybe squat with benefits if you jump through hoops, may be easing up a bit.  This is good news for people who like earning interest on checking/savings/CD accounts:

Fed policymaker sees further rate rises


He also told the BBC he was "pencilling in" three further increases next year, as interest rates returned gradually to "a normal level" of about 2.5%.

The key rate target is now 1% to 1.25%.

Imma get me some of that sweet, sweet $10/mo interest by end of 2018!  Maybe.

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