Primary Nativity


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Im a newly apointed primary pressident, and was just wondering if there are any rescourse out there that helps with the childrens nativity? Its been tradition in the past in my unit to write it yourself, with the aproveal of the bishop. Im ok with doing this but wondered how other primary pressedancies went about it or if their is any help out there. I cant seem to find what Im looking for on

Thanks, any help will be welcome, or if we could share ideas with each other that would be great too :D

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Are you refering to the Primary Presentation Programme?

Or are you talking about something else?

I had such a great time as Primary Pres before we left SA...

I was amazed as to how much there is online.

A few sites you might like to check out for Primary ideas etc are: (not as good as what it used to be but you will find loads of activity ideas etc)

Hope these help... I just need to have a looksie for all the other sites I used.

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Im a newly apointed primary pressident, and was just wondering if there are any rescourse out there that helps with the childrens nativity? Its been tradition in the past in my unit to write it yourself, with the aproveal of the bishop. Im ok with doing this but wondered how other primary pressedancies went about it or if their is any help out there. I cant seem to find what Im looking for on

Thanks, any help will be welcome, or if we could share ideas with each other that would be great too :D

Ive been a Primary President but unfortunately the Nativity scene is not something we ever did.

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Im a newly apointed primary pressident, and was just wondering if there are any rescourse out there that helps with the childrens nativity? Its been tradition in the past in my unit to write it yourself, with the aproveal of the bishop. Im ok with doing this but wondered how other primary pressedancies went about it or if their is any help out there. I cant seem to find what Im looking for on

Thanks, any help will be welcome, or if we could share ideas with each other that would be great too :D

my wife was just called as the Primary President and we had a very brief discussion about this....not sure if she is really wanting to do it or not....I guess I am not much help!!!.... :)
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Luckly I was called just in time to see the last primary president do a fantisic presentaion. Im refuring to the one at christmas, I know not all units do them, but we have loooadds of kids and it would be a shame not to.

Oh okay... Never heard of that or seen it :dontknow:

So I can't really help you there... Sorry

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What I did to keep it easy is to use the New Testament Stories - had an older child read it, put hymns in an appropriate places and had the younger children act out the parts - we are very low tech though the manger is usually a magazine rack and Jesus a tiny tears (I made mistake of using my baby doll he wouldn't fit in the rack lol so we had to have Mary hold him the whole time) - some of the older kids also gave talks and anyone else was in the choir. We had an activity to make tinsel crowns and like necklace things.


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  • 1 year later...

Our Primary does a simple/basic program; (the narrator is usually our oldest primary child) Mary sitting on a bale of hay holding baby Jesus; there will be a Joseph and the three wise men...all in costume; and the rest of the children will be in the background, in costume, and they will sing a couple of songs. It is simple, but the children love doing it.

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