Grandkids - What did Grandma do!!!


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12 hours ago, JohnsonJones said:

Okay, another story about Grandma tonight.

Tonight, one of my kids (a daughter) came over for what I thought was going to be family home evening with us. 

Nope...Grandpa has it completely wrong.  Grandma and daughter decided to go out and go shopping or something.  That leaves me and the grandkids.  Grandma gives me $40 and says...have a fun time with family home evening.

Total surprise for me.  Grandma doesn't even have dinner waiting.  So what to do?

I took them all to McDonalds.

While there they created this weird green concoction they called Bug juice.  I looked it up and it does not seem to be what they say it is.  The internet says it's some type of punch served at summer camp.  What they did is they mixed blue poweraid with Orange soft drink to make a green mixture that looked pretty sick.  They convince Grandpa (me) that he has to try this odd concoction.  It was a pretty strong mix of sugar and more sugar.  Definitely not good for my health. 

Well, that was only $20...time to get revenge...

So, we went and I got them ice cream, butter bars, cookies, and candy and they are currently gorging themselves on sugar watching animated scriptures stories behind me (I'm on this computer right now).  I'll have them bouncing off the walls by the time their mother comes back...heh...heh...heh. 

At least I hope they are coming back soon...what happens if my wife and daughter don't come home for another few hours, the stores they are shopping at don't close to 10 and 11 o'clock..hmmm...maybe I haven't thought this through yet...

Goodness gracious batman... YOU ARE MY DAD!

Kids:  "We're not supposed to drink soda."
My dad:  "I won't tell your mom if you don't."

Ohhhh... that used to bug me.  Especially since it's my own Dad who taught me not to drink soda!


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1 hour ago, anatess2 said:

My dad:  "I won't tell your mom if you don't."

Sounds like a great guy.

When my parents used to leave us alone on Friday nights to go out - my oldest brother was supposed to cook us dinner.  Instead, as he watched TV, he just told us to make ourselves no-bake cookies.  

To cover up his omission, he further instructed us to tell my parents that he had made us a 'chocolate casserole'.  

@JohnsonJones - this paired with some Olympics re-runs sounds like a good coverup for your next sugar-fueled meeting with the grandkids. :) .

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