Why Are You All Whispering!


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Just kidding. The name LoudmouthMormon is actually due to my realization that somewhere in the last 10 years, I've stopped being a cut-and-paste apologist with a skill for finding other people's answers to criticisms, and I've become a source of my own answers to criticisms. This dawned on me when I looked through my 173 page word doc of collected apologetics, and discovered that quite a few of the entries were actually my own work. It sure didn't start out that way.

In real life, I've just been released as Executive Seceretary after 4 years. I've been keeping track, and I think I actually have had a hand in ushering more people out of the church (via name removal, disciplinary council, etc), than I've helped usher in. This does not sit right with me, even though I'm aware that only the spirit converts people, and only the Lord brings salvation.

Well, I make a lousy missionary, but I make a halfway-decent apologist. I even got the folks on a countercult outreach forum based in England, to admit to the possibility that I am actually a real live Christian.

So, with record church numbers, a worldwide missionary effort, the SLC Olympics a few years back, Mitt Romney's candidacy and Harry Ried, a new ad campaign from the church, and now the 150th anniversary of the Mountain Meadow's Massacre, more non-LDS are thinking and wondering about us than ever before. It's the perfect time for this board to be here, and a pretty good time for me to be here.


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Just kidding. The name LoudmouthMormon is actually due to my realization that somewhere in the last 10 years, I've stopped being a cut-and-paste apologist with a skill for finding other people's answers to criticisms, and I've become a source of my own answers to criticisms. This dawned on me when I looked through my 173 page word doc of collected apologetics, and discovered that quite a few of the entries were actually my own work. It sure didn't start out that way.

In real life, I've just been released as Executive Seceretary after 4 years. I've been keeping track, and I think I actually have had a hand in ushering more people out of the church (via name removal, disciplinary council, etc), than I've helped usher in. This does not sit right with me, even though I'm aware that only the spirit converts people, and only the Lord brings salvation.

Well, I make a lousy missionary, but I make a halfway-decent apologist. I even got the folks on a countercult outreach forum based in England, to admit to the possibility that I am actually a real live Christian.

So, with record church numbers, a worldwide missionary effort, the SLC Olympics a few years back, Mitt Romney's candidacy and Harry Ried, a new ad campaign from the church, and now the 150th anniversary of the Mountain Meadow's Massacre, more non-LDS are thinking and wondering about us than ever before. It's the perfect time for this board to be here, and a pretty good time for me to be here.


What? What? Speak up, son! I can't hear you!

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So, with record church numbers, a worldwide missionary effort, the SLC Olympics a few years back, Mitt Romney's candidacy and Harry Ried, a new ad campaign from the church, and now the 150th anniversary of the Mountain Meadow's Massacre, more non-LDS are thinking and wondering about us than ever before. It's the perfect time for this board to be here, and a pretty good time for me to be here.


I couldn't agree more.


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  • 4 months later...


A.K.A gVr :P

This merger was quite a surprise to find out about... after I signed up here. Hopefully they can merge me too. LOL

The last few weeks I have been busy with doing what I said I wanted to, but was a bit nervous about. I have a blog! YIKES... Kind of scary to be out there, but I know it is the right thing. (see my profile for more info)

But it is great to see so many familiar faces over here. I am so happy about this. I look forward to seeing you all around. And loudmouth, I may need your advice in the near future... a lot!



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