I just read one of the most scary articles in a while - China using COVID 19 to expand


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From the National review...

China Wants to Use the Coronavirus to Take Over the World


As the virus spread to the whole world, it became apparent that Western societies — Beijing’s true rivals — did not have the ability to quickly organize every citizen around a single goal. As opposed to China, which remains to a large extent a revolutionary society, their political systems were built for normal times. Chinese society is a mobilized army, which can quickly drop everything else and march in one direction.


Several commentators have suggested that China may be winning the coronavirus battle by stepping forward in providing medical help to affected countries, mostly in Europe, at a time when the United States is consumed with its own difficulties. This misses the point.


Finally, in a more extreme scenario, important countries could experience the kind of economic shock that leads to widespread social and political collapse. At that point, China would have a unique opportunity to step in, provide aid, and refashion these countries in its image. It would look like a repeat of the Marshall Plan and the beginning of the American world order after the ravages of World War II. Indonesia, South Asia, and even Russia might be of special interest in such a scenario.

Limiting it to the amount normally acceptable to quote, but there is far more in the article itself.  This is a tough situation.  We NEED to save lives and I feel that we need strong measures to ensure this, but this is a very chilling article.

Conspiracy theories have thought that this may have been a lab created virus, but many have shot those theories down.  However, what if it was something that was not created entirely by the lab, just manipulated by it?  If the article is right, China could have calculated that this was the perfect thing to create chaos in the world and to take advantage of it.

I normally laugh at conspiracy theories, but this article has a very frightening scenario that seems it could be a very real situation to deal with.  I feel we need to take extreme measures to beat this virus and to ensure that are injured or killed by it as possible. 

This article talks about a scary side effect that I think could be just as serious and dangerous.  Perhaps the entire thing where people were doing the NAFTA and pushing manufacturing and businesses to China should have been seen with a far more critical eye then they were doing originally.  By private US businesses empowering China, the US may have inadvertently hurt it's own interests.

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I think that Daniel Chapter 5 applies to China and perhaps our nation as well.


25 ¶ And this is the writing that was written, MENE, MENE, TEKEL, UPHARSIN.

26 This is the interpretation of the thing: MENE; God hath numbered thy kingdom, and finished it.

27 TEKEL; Thou art weighed in the balances, and art found wanting.

28 PERES; Thy kingdom is divided, and given to the Medes and Persians.


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