Praise Your Spouse


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I would like to take this opportunity to praise my husband as I'm feeling very proud of him today. :D (I will let him know too.)

He works for a restoration company and has been in that line of work for quite some time now. At a previous company, he learned skills iin carpentry, plumbing, and electrical, and many times people have commented that they need more of him. He went to his old company to visit a couple days ago and newer people said, "So you're Mr. MorningStar? Bill talks about you all the time! 'If Mr. MorningStar were here, he could fix this!'" Bill didn't appreciate his skills enough at the time, but now when there is a small job, he has to send out an electrician, a plumber, and a carpenter. :lol: Serves him right! He worked there over five years ago and Bill is still talking about my husband.

He is strongly considering becoming a general contractor so he can make what he's worth. On a recent job, this woman commented that she wished she could find a good handyman who she could trust to do the things she wants done that her insurance won't pay for. When Mr. MorningStar mentioned that he might start a little business of his own, she said, "Promise me you'll call me when you do! PROMISE ME!" There have been quite a few people who sing his praises as the nice, trustworthy guy who can fix anything.

I'm so proud of him! :D In addition to that, he is a very thoughtful, giving husband and daddy. I love him.

Who else wants to praise their spouse?

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I don't have a spouce, but I have a very special girlfriend. She is mentally challenged, and has significant difficulties with certain tasks. However, in her I sense a strong spirit. She comes from a long line of social workers, and she too has a special ability as it seems for nurtering. If she had not incurred any brain damage when she was born, she would have followed in her mother's footsteps for sure. She is quite a silly person, and she makes me laugh. She is quite loveable, and it's like being with a little child, yet with some adult attributes. I know that sounds gross, especially when I am romantically interested in her, but it's that inate child like quality, like humility, that gives her that character that I really enjoy being with.

Most other mentally challenged people I know have a tendancy to be quite self centred. Well that's normal considering they all have the intellectual capacity of a 5 year old. Well as any parent could attest to, some kids are self centred brats, and some are kind hearted and sweet and nurtering. With my girlfriend, that side of her was fortunatly not taken out like I think happens with so many people. What touched me the most lately, is that I found that she has been helping a friend of hers for several years. The boy cannot talk, and I think has some severe autistic tendancies(like the "potato bums"). My girlfriend has helped him out since they were in grade six. She has also looked after other kids in her class(all of them have special needs).

To put in blunt, I find women who like social work to be quite attractive. I suppose it goes with my desire to be a father. I have to be careful because society may not be comforatable with our relationship(she is also alot younger than me as well). I also have to make sure I don't tempt myself too much arround her.

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My non-LDS hubby was quite special... we were very much in love... he treated me like a queen, and admired/respected my working career... and I delighted in surprising him with thoughtful little things... and I travelled a great deal with him during the last 14 years of his career, handling some of the women's programs during business meetings, conferences, etc. We travelled all over the western states and western Canada. Actually, it was wonderful.

He had a "twinkle" in his eyes and a subtle sense of humor that was charming. We were "evenly yoked" so to speak and that made life very pleasant. We shared the same goals and values, with home being our center. We were married 38 years, and I have a wealth of memories.

When I reactivated 3 years before he died, he was very supportive. And he treated the sister missionaries assigned to our ward wonderfully and did special things for them. After learning of how some non-LDS spouses treat their member spouses... particularly the husbands who actually think they have a right to tell their wife they can't attend Church... I know I was blessed with a husband who could see the good things about the Church, even if he would not attend... He was very special.

Garden Girl

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I have come to appreciate my husband even more the last few days... I have been in Oregon visiting his family and am missing him a lot. He has 4 sisters and 2 are married and one is living with her boyfriend and are engaged... They are all having serious problems with thier husbands.... and often talk of how hard married life is.... and how much work it is.... I feel for them. My sweetheart is affectionate, giving, strong, hardworking, sensitive to my needs, smart, funny, pretty much perfect for me. I don't know what I would do if he had any of the problems his sisters men are having. I love him more everyday.

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That's awesome. I love reading about enduring love. :)

Yedi, please praise anyone you want to here.

Well, you seem to have a friendly, sunny disposition...and I really like Garden Girl, too!!! I have a bunch of my friends from ldstalk who followed me over here that I have great things to say about, too!! The best thing about them is their desire to have friendly fellowship and end the contention that drove me away from ldstalk....though not entirely....

...I thought about not going back...but I have friends up there that I enjoy conversing I think just a break from it is in guys/gals up here are GREAT!!! Love this forum!!!!!!

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Well, you seem to have a friendly, sunny disposition...and I really like Garden Girl, too!!! I have a bunch of my friends from ldstalk who followed me over here that I have great things to say about, too!! The best thing about them is their desire to have friendly fellowship and end the contention that drove me away from ldstalk....though not entirely....

...I thought about not going back...but I have friends up there that I enjoy conversing I think just a break from it is in guys/gals up here are GREAT!!! Love this forum!!!!!!

Thank you! :D My son laughed on the day he was born. My husband thinks it's because I laughed so much when I was pregnant, he learned it in the womb. At first it freaked me out because I thought he had a breathing problem and then I looked down and saw that he was grinning so big, his gums were showing. The nurse in the NICU couldn't believe his eyes when he saw it and it really helped me through that difficult time. I am pretty cheerful and I love to laugh.

It's fun getting to know you! I don't think I've ever met anyone who has so much of the Bible memorized. That's cool. I've never been to ldstalk. How long has that been around?

GG is the best - very supportive, friendly, has a wonderful testimony - oh, and you should see her garden! So pretty.

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Who else wants to praise their spouse?

My husband of three years ( we just had our anniversary last month :wub: ) is my soul mate. We met on-line and had a truly whirlwind courtship.

He is so patient, gentle, non-combative man I have ever been around - -with the exception of my father. Heavenly Father brought us together and I am so very thankful for that.

We may have met and married late in life, but thankfully we did meet and marry. I was never so happy as the day we were married, and content the day we were sealed in the Temple. On the drive home from the Temple, I sighed and told my darling husband - now I am truly complete!

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My husband of three years ( we just had our anniversary last month :wub: ) is my soul mate. We met on-line and had a truly whirlwind courtship.

He is so patient, gentle, non-combative man I have ever been around - -with the exception of my father. Heavenly Father brought us together and I am so very thankful for that.

We may have met and married late in life, but thankfully we did meet and marry. I was never so happy as the day we were married, and content the day we were sealed in the Temple. On the drive home from the Temple, I sighed and told my darling husband - now I am truly complete!

Happy belated Anniversary! I'm so glad you have a happy marriage! :D

My husband and I got engaged on the 4th of July. I always say, "And when we kissed that night, I saw fireworks!" Ha ha ha ha. That makes people gag.

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Thank you! :D My son laughed on the day he was born. My husband thinks it's because I laughed so much when I was pregnant, he learned it in the womb. At first it freaked me out because I thought he had a breathing problem and then I looked down and saw that he was grinning so big, his gums were showing. The nurse in the NICU couldn't believe his eyes when he saw it and it really helped me through that difficult time. I am pretty cheerful and I love to laugh. It's fun getting to know you! I don't think I've ever met anyone who has so much of the Bible memorized. That's cool. I've never been to ldstalk. How long has that been around?GG is the best - very supportive, friendly, has a wonderful testimony - oh, and you should see her garden! So pretty.

Like I said...I came from a Baptist background...but even in Baptist circles...I have raised some eyebrows!! The Baptist believe that memorisation is key to keeping the Bible close to us in the last days as they believe that the Bible will be taken away from us...I have been memorising scripture since I learned how to read...I got REALLY serious about it in my 20's!!! I have slacked off since converting to LDS...but I keep up with what I already have memorised and I have picked some Book of Mormon chapters that I am working on, now!!! I truly do LOVE my scriptures!!!! :)

Happy belated Anniversary! I'm so glad you have a happy marriage! :D My husband and I got engaged on the 4th of July. I always say, "And when we kissed that night, I saw fireworks!" Ha ha ha ha. That makes people gag.

It made me smile!! :)
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Happy belated Anniversary! Thank you I'm so glad you have a happy marriage! :D

My husband and I got engaged on the 4th of July. I always say, "And when we kissed that night, I saw fireworks!" Ha ha ha ha. That makes people gag.

Let them gag - I think it is sweet. I was married to the husband from hades for 27 years. He was an alcoholic, gambler, lying, womanizing, emotional/physical/verbal abuser. When I met Hubby, I was NOT looking for a husband. I had just gotten rid of 220 pounds of pure evil and I was enjoying the serenity of being alone. I was looking for a male friend. An active LDS male friend. One who I could talk with, ask questions of and get straight answers from. I got all that and a whole lot more. Father really did bring us together and by us listening to the Holy Ghost we are married now.

I have never laughed so much in my life. Husband is great, he laughs with me and he encourages me to be what ever I feel that I need to be, do, say. He is everything my first husband was not. I thank Father every day for my darling. I thank Father every day that I listened to Him, that I had the faith to continue with our freindship and to take the plunge and ask hubby to marry me! :lol: Yep, I am the one who proposed!!

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Let them gag - I think it is sweet. I was married to the husband from hades for 27 years. He was an alcoholic, gambler, lying, womanizing, emotional/physical/verbal abuser. When I met Hubby, I was NOT looking for a husband. I had just gotten rid of 220 pounds of pure evil and I was enjoying the serenity of being alone. I was looking for a male friend. An active LDS male friend. One who I could talk with, ask questions of and get straight answers from. I got all that and a whole lot more. Father really did bring us together and by us listening to the Holy Ghost we are married now.

I have never laughed so much in my life. Husband is great, he laughs with me and he encourages me to be what ever I feel that I need to be, do, say. He is everything my first husband was not. I thank Father every day for my darling. I thank Father every day that I listened to Him, that I had the faith to continue with our freindship and to take the plunge and ask hubby to marry me! :lol: Yep, I am the one who proposed!!

OK, I am not gagging...just jealous!!! :angry:
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I would like to take this opportunity to praise my husband as I'm feeling very proud of him today. :D (I will let him know too.)

He works for a restoration company and has been in that line of work for quite some time now. At a previous company, he learned skills iin carpentry, plumbing, and electrical, and many times people have commented that they need more of him. He went to his old company to visit a couple days ago and newer people said, "So you're Mr. MorningStar? Bill talks about you all the time! 'If Mr. MorningStar were here, he could fix this!'" Bill didn't appreciate his skills enough at the time, but now when there is a small job, he has to send out an electrician, a plumber, and a carpenter. :lol: Serves him right! He worked there over five years ago and Bill is still talking about my husband.

He is strongly considering becoming a general contractor so he can make what he's worth. On a recent job, this woman commented that she wished she could find a good handyman who she could trust to do the things she wants done that her insurance won't pay for. When Mr. MorningStar mentioned that he might start a little business of his own, she said, "Promise me you'll call me when you do! PROMISE ME!" There have been quite a few people who sing his praises as the nice, trustworthy guy who can fix anything.

I'm so proud of him! :D In addition to that, he is a very thoughtful, giving husband and daddy. I love him.

Who else wants to praise their spouse?

I need to praise my wife of many,many years, after me working for over 30 someodd years, and often she

worked as well, {at outside home job} now my health has gone poo poo, and the last 2 years she has

taken on the task of main support for us both, she works for the school district and has a job that is

pysycally demanding. but she is always working for better pay and promotions, God bless her because she

is no spring chicken anymore, {47} She comes home with aches and pains evrey day, but she loves

all her family and our home we must make payments on. plus she is always trying her best to help me

with my problems. I love her very much. no man could have a better wife.

we were recently sealed in las vegas temple and are looking forward to doing family work now.


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I need to praise my wife of many,many years, after me working for over 30 someodd years, and often she

worked as well, {at outside home job} now my health has gone poo poo, and the last 2 years she has

taken on the task of main support for us both, she works for the school district and has a job that is

pysycally demanding. but she is always working for better pay and promotions, God bless her because she

is no spring chicken anymore, {47} She comes home with aches and pains evrey day, but she loves

all her family and our home we must make payments on. plus she is always trying her best to help me

with my problems. I love her very much. no man could have a better wife.

we were recently sealed in las vegas temple and are looking forward to doing family work now.


You are a lucky man! :)

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I'd like to praise my husband for never giving up. He's got enough emotional problems, clinical and "family-of-origin"-al, but he's never given up on himself or his family (that would be this family with me, not his mom and sisters). Though he detested his mom by the end of her life, he drove 45 minutes each way daily during the last part of her life to make sure she ate her food and got to her doctor appointments. Unlike his sister who lived in the house with her.

He's worked out-of-state for the past year, coming home only on the weekends so my son could finish his magnet high school education and I could get my teaching certification. He is constantly trying to find ways to become healthier and stronger.

He is currently inactive, but is supportive about my going to church meetings and activities, as well as taking the kids with me.

He may make me madder than anyone else in the world can, but he can also make me happier than anyone else can. Living with him for the past 21 years has been an adventure, ups and downs, and, I believe, the reason I am as far along as I am in become like Christ. (not that I'm there yet, by ANY means).


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