Preaching The Gospel In All The Nations


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Here's something for some general speculation.

Probably the great last sign before everything really starts getting shaken up before the second coming is that the gospel will be preached in all nations.

A few questions to think about:

How close do you think we are to this?

What is entailed with preaching the gospel in all nations?

Would you expect the prophet to tell us when this sign has been fulfilled?

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Here's something for some general speculation.

Probably the great last sign before everything really starts getting shaken up before the second coming is that the gospel will be preached in all nations.

A few questions to think about:

How close do you think we are to this?

What is entailed with preaching the gospel in all nations?

Would you expect the prophet to tell us when this sign has been fulfilled?

Good questions For many years I have been telling people that just because the Gospel has been made available to most of the nations this does not really fulfill this sign.

Here are some of my thoughts.

1. Not very close. We are falling behind. Everyday there are more people born than we have missionaries or members available to contact and preach the Gospel to them.

How about China? Is having a very, very, very small percentage of the total population as members of the Church considered having the Gospel preached to the Chinese.

2. Is it sufficient to make it available on the internet in multiple languages?

3. Probably not. The only way he would know would be if the Lord revealed that we should stop all missionary work and as far as I know missionary work will still be going on during the millenium.

Larry P

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1. Not very close. We are falling behind. Everyday there are more people born than we have missionaries or members available to contact and preach the Gospel to them.

How about China? Is having a very, very, very small percentage of the total population as members of the Church considered having the Gospel preached to the Chinese.

Then again, the sign is that the gospel is to be preached in all nations - not to all people.

2. Is it sufficient to make it available on the internet in multiple languages?

Probably not entirely; however, the Internet will play a large part in fulfilling this, I believe. The push to make Internet access universally available is starting to rival the availability of TV sets.

3. Probably not. The only way he would know would be if the Lord revealed that we should stop all missionary work and as far as I know missionary work will still be going on during the millenium.

One of the functions of the president of the Church that I've always felt strongly about is that he will give us some fairly specific direction concerning signs either as they occur, or as they are about to occur. Otherwise, what's the benefit of having the Church restored in preparation for the second coming?

However, this is also contingent upon the timing of the full establishment of Zion as a place of return and refuge - which should commence before the second coming.

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I, personally, am looking for the Middle East stuff. The two prophets. . . .etc.

The two prophets don't come on the scene until things have progressed pretty well down the pike. In fact, the big war is in full swing when they appear in Jerusalem. Before then, and after the gospel being preached in all nations, there are quite a few significant things that appear to happen.

In fact, it may well be possible that we see the establishment of Zion in Missouri before the two prophets come on the scene. But, I may be wrong...

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Then again, the sign is that the gospel is to be preached in all nations - not to all people.

Probably not entirely; however, the Internet will play a large part in fulfilling this, I believe. The push to make Internet access universally available is starting to rival the availability of TV sets.

I agree access to internet in many countries is rivaling the earlier availability of access to radio transmisions. Which incidentaly only required a simple Xtal radio with earphones.

One of the functions of the president of the Church that I've always felt strongly about is that he will give us some fairly specific direction concerning signs either as they occur, or as they are about to occur. Otherwise, what's the benefit of having the Church restored in preparation for the second coming?

However, this is also contingent upon the timing of the full establishment of Zion as a place of return and refuge - which should commence before the second coming.


The following statement from President Kimbal may shed some light on this question.

Note the extent of preparation suggested by President Kimball: “When we have increased the missionaries from the organized areas of the Church to a number close to their potential, that is, every able and worthy boy in the Church on a mission; when every stake and mission abroad is furnishing enough missionaries for that country; when we have used our qualified men to help the apostles to open these new fields of labor; when we have used the satellite and related discoveries to their greatest potential and all of the media—the papers, magazines, television, radio—all in their greatest power; when we have organized numerous other stakes which will be springboards; when we have recovered from inactivity the numerous young men who are now unordained and unmissioned and unmarried; then, and not until then, shall we approach the insistence of our Lord and Master to go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Edward L. Kimball, ed., The Teachings of Spencer W. Kimball, Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1982, p. 585.)

According to this we still have a long way to go.

Among the things mentioned in the scripture associated with the statement about preaching the Gospel to all the world are admonitions to the Jews and to the gentiles to listen to the warnings. I agree that a prophet has the function of giving warning, but if we can not heed the prophet when he tells us what we must do just to prepare for the fulfillment of this prophecy why should we expect to be warned or even listen when we are warned.

Larry P

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The following statement from President Kimbal may shed some light on this question.

According to this we still have a long way to go.

Among the things mentioned in the scripture associated with the statement about preaching the Gospel to all the world are admonitions to the Jews and to the gentiles to listen to the warnings. I agree that a prophet has the function of giving warning, but if we can not heed the prophet when he tells us what we must do just to prepare for the fulfillment of this prophecy why should we expect to be warned or even listen when we are warned.

Thanks for the quote from President Kimball. If I remember correctly, it was part of his emphasis on lengthening our stride.

One of the things that I think is important is to apply a "reality check" to both the scriptures and the statements of the prophets.

In this case, is it realistic to expect that "every creature" will have to hear the gospel before the sign can be considered fulfilled?

Was President Kimball speaking prophetically, or was this his opinion on the subject?

Note that I'm not seeking to say he was wrong; there is a strong chance he is mostly, if not totally, correct. However, are there aspects of his statement that we can dig into to better understand what he meant?

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Thanks for the quote from President Kimball. If I remember correctly, it was part of his emphasis on lengthening our stride.

One of the things that I think is important is to apply a "reality check" to both the scriptures and the statements of the prophets.

In this case, is it realistic to expect that "every creature" will have to hear the gospel before the sign can be considered fulfilled?

Was President Kimball speaking prophetically, or was this his opinion on the subject?

Note that I'm not seeking to say he was wrong; there is a strong chance he is mostly, if not totally, correct. However, are there aspects of his statement that we can dig into to better understand what he meant?


Yes, I think he was both speaking as a prophet and giving us his personal insight into what our duty was in order to help Christ fulfill this prophecy. After reading your comments, I wondered what the original text said and the context in which it was said. Sometimes we tend to quote things as we think they were written and never go back and check.

The original quote comes from Joseph Smith-Mathew 1:31 and says

31 And again, this Gospel of the Kingdom shall be preached in all the world, for a witness unto all nations, and then shall the end come, or the destruction of the wicked;

that the gospel will be preached to all the world as a witness to all nations. even President Kimball does not quote it exactly.

It also does not say that this must occurr before the end can come, it says that when it has been done then shall the end come. We are not told what the end is other than that all the wicked will be destroyed when it is accomplished. We normally think that all the wicked will be destroyed at His coming before the millenium begins but we should remember that at the end of the millenium, Satan will be loosed and only then will all the wicked be destroyed. We also know that all those who survive into the millenium will not yet be members of the Church. Thus the need for continued missionary work during the milenium. For these reasons I dont think that this is necesarily a sign that must be fulfilled before He comes but is a process that must be completed before the final end can come.

Larry P

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It is important that one keep in mind what the word "nation" actually means, and especially what it meant to those who wrote the scripture in the English language. It is an error to make 'nation' synonymous with 'state' A "nation" is a group of people who share a common identity and origin, in the sense of ancestry, parentage or descent. Thus preaching the gospel to Arabs does not necessarily mean teaching the gospel in all the states of Arabia. Teaching the gospel to the Chinese nation does not necessarily mean preaching the gospel in the boundaries of the State known as the Peoples Republic of China. The church is doing very well in South Korea - teaching the gospel in the state of North Korea is not necessary for fulfillment of scripture.

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It also does not say that this must occurr before the end can come, it says that when it has been done then shall the end come. We are not told what the end is other than that all the wicked will be destroyed when it is accomplished. We normally think that all the wicked will be destroyed at His coming before the millenium begins but we should remember that at the end of the millenium, Satan will be loosed and only then will all the wicked be destroyed. We also know that all those who survive into the millenium will not yet be members of the Church. Thus the need for continued missionary work during the milenium. For these reasons I dont think that this is necesarily a sign that must be fulfilled before He comes but is a process that must be completed before the final end can come.

Good thoughts.

I agree that when Christ comes, not all are converted to the Church at once. It happens over a period of time.

It is possible that the end could have a dual meaning - the end of the world and the telestial wicked at His second coming, and the end when the earth receives its celestial glory.

In any case, if we start to see other significant, identifiable signs, we can then take a look at the status of preaching the gospel in all the world and try to figure out what level of fulfillment we've seen.

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It is important that one keep in mind what the word "nation" actually means, and especially what it meant to those who wrote the scripture in the English language. It is an error to make 'nation' synonymous with 'state' A "nation" is a group of people who share a common identity and origin, in the sense of ancestry, parentage or descent. Thus preaching the gospel to Arabs does not necessarily mean teaching the gospel in all the states of Arabia. Teaching the gospel to the Chinese nation does not necessarily mean preaching the gospel in the boundaries of the State known as the Peoples Republic of China. The church is doing very well in South Korea - teaching the gospel in the state of North Korea is not necessary for fulfillment of scripture.

Good point.

In any case, the states that existed when the prophecy was given are not the same states that exist now.

It has been the source of some speculation as to whether preaching to expatriate Chinese, for instance, would count as carrying the gospel to the Chinese in general.

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Here's something for some general speculation.

Probably the great last sign before everything really starts getting shaken up before the second coming is that the gospel will be preached in all nations.

A few questions to think about:

How close do you think we are to this?

What is entailed with preaching the gospel in all nations?

Would you expect the prophet to tell us when this sign has been fulfilled?

You know what? G-d created the Earth in 7 of his days...7000 years? A day on Kolob is 1000 years here...I believe that the seven seals in the book of revelation are seven dispensations or periods of 1000 years...If that be the case...we are in the sixth dispensation now...with the last one being the millenium. Looking at it from that prospective...I would not make any long range plans if I were you!! I expect Christ back tonight!! And EVERY night!!! He said.."Behold, I come quickly!" According to his time...he has only been on the right hand of the father for two days...he will be back here very soon!! I expect to see him anytime now!!!
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actually, jw, i think ur off a little on the point of what will happen before things go downhill.

The Lord will call home the missionaries, before He preaches His own sermons to the nations of the Earth.

3 sources, courtesy


"Do you think there is calamity abroad now among the people? Not much. All we have yet heard and experienced is scarcely a preface to the sermon that is going to be preached. When the testimony of the Elders ceases to be given, and the Lord says to them, "Come home; I will now preach my own sermons to the nations of the earth," all you now know can scarcely be called a preface to the sermon that will be preached with fire and sword, tempests, earthquakes, hail, rain, thunders and lightnings, and fearful destruction. "What matters the destruction of a few railway cars? You will hear of magnificent cities, now idolized by the people, sinking in the earth, entombing the inhabitants. The sea will heave itself beyond its bounds, engulfing mighty cities. Famine will spread over the nations, and nation will rise up against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and states against states, in our own country and in foreign lands." - JD, B YOUNG 8:123


"When God has called out the righteous, when the warning voice has been sufficiently proclaimed among the Gentile nations, and the Lord says, 'It is enough,' he will also say to his servants -- 'O, ye, my servants, come home, come out from the midst of these Gentile nations, where you have labored and borate testimony for so long a period; come out from among them, for they are not worthy; they do not receive the message that I have sent forth, they do not repent of their sins, come out from their midst, their times are fulfilled. Seal up the testimony among them and bind up the law." - JD, O PRATT 18:64


"I stand here without any fear and say without any danger of anybody successfully being able to prove the contrary, that if the warning voice of the Prophet Joseph Smith and the elders of this Church had been heeded by the nations of the earth, we would not have seen the dreadful calamity of war through which we have passed, that these problems could have been solved and averted.

The means was provided, and the means was rejected, and then when our Father has done this, though he be God, is yet limited to law, by obedience to which he became God, and he must honor the same, he cannot step beyond those limitations and set aside the law. The law must take its course, and when men refuse the offer and tender the Lord has given by which they may be saved, they cannot blame the Lord if calamities, judgments and destructions come upon them. The Lord cannot avert it, it must take its course, and yet our Father in his kindness and mercy has offered the way and the means of escape." - CR, MJ BALLARD OCT, 1923

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actually, jw, i think ur off a little on the point of what will happen before things go downhill.

The Lord will call home the missionaries, before He preaches His own sermons to the nations of the Earth.

3 sources, courtesy


"Do you think there is calamity abroad now among the people? Not much. All we have yet heard and experienced is scarcely a preface to the sermon that is going to be preached. When the testimony of the Elders ceases to be given, and the Lord says to them, "Come home; I will now preach my own sermons to the nations of the earth," all you now know can scarcely be called a preface to the sermon that will be preached with fire and sword, tempests, earthquakes, hail, rain, thunders and lightnings, and fearful destruction. "What matters the destruction of a few railway cars? You will hear of magnificent cities, now idolized by the people, sinking in the earth, entombing the inhabitants. The sea will heave itself beyond its bounds, engulfing mighty cities. Famine will spread over the nations, and nation will rise up against nation, kingdom against kingdom, and states against states, in our own country and in foreign lands." - JD, B YOUNG 8:123


"When God has called out the righteous, when the warning voice has been sufficiently proclaimed among the Gentile nations, and the Lord says, 'It is enough,' he will also say to his servants -- 'O, ye, my servants, come home, come out from the midst of these Gentile nations, where you have labored and borate testimony for so long a period; come out from among them, for they are not worthy; they do not receive the message that I have sent forth, they do not repent of their sins, come out from their midst, their times are fulfilled. Seal up the testimony among them and bind up the law." - JD, O PRATT 18:64


"I stand here without any fear and say without any danger of anybody successfully being able to prove the contrary, that if the warning voice of the Prophet Joseph Smith and the elders of this Church had been heeded by the nations of the earth, we would not have seen the dreadful calamity of war through which we have passed, that these problems could have been solved and averted.

The means was provided, and the means was rejected, and then when our Father has done this, though he be God, is yet limited to law, by obedience to which he became God, and he must honor the same, he cannot step beyond those limitations and set aside the law. The law must take its course, and when men refuse the offer and tender the Lord has given by which they may be saved, they cannot blame the Lord if calamities, judgments and destructions come upon them. The Lord cannot avert it, it must take its course, and yet our Father in his kindness and mercy has offered the way and the means of escape." - CR, MJ BALLARD OCT, 1923

Calling home the missionaries has always been a point of speculation. I'm not quite sure of the timing; I do know that at some point the missionary work will have to change, but whether they come home because of what's happening or before, I'm not sure.
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  • 1 year later...

Sorry, I know that this is really…really late, but I just wanted to drop my 2 cents into this discussion

I have to agree with the poster above when they talked about the timeline, this is what is really important, and what differentiates us from any other time, I know that people have always said, “Christ is coming” but right now it's different, we have entered into the 7th seal of time, or the 7000 yr period in the earth spiritual existence where 2 things happen:

1. The earth is prepared for the coming of the Savior, and by that I mean the wickedness is cleansed from the earth, through…War, Tsunami’s, earthquakes, Hurricanes, economic collapse, changing climates, plagues….do these sound familiar? Look at how many MAJOR events have taken place since the year 2000, which would be the opening of the 7th seal of time….I know.

2. The Millennium happens remember it is 1000yrs…which means we are living in the time period that we should be experiencing the Millennium. However, in the scriptures we are told that there is a 30 minuet time period ,“In the Lords time” which would be equilivant to about 20yrs our time, where the cleansing process takes place to prepare for the Lords return.

Now listen, I’m not saying the Lord is coming in a year or even 10 yrs, but I don’t think 20 year is out of the question. I know the White Horse Prophecy is not official “Doctrine” but have you read it lately…sounds and awful lot like what it happening right now and what could be happening 5yrs from now. And I have many other quotes from the church archives that would blow you away about stuff that could be happening in 2 yrs from now.

Now with the gospel being preached in every nation I don’t know, I don't know how we can preach the gospel in Iran, or any Arab nation without getting killed. I could not even teach them in New Zealand without my investigators getting killed, but a lot can happen in 10 yrs. If you listened to Elder Packer in the last general conference he made a comment that stuck with me he said that “The sun never sets on the Church” That is quite a statement.

I think the good times are behind us and we are in for a very turbulent 10 to 15 yrs. This is when things get exciting. And if you have read up on ALL that has been said about the second coming you would be silly to expect MORE direct warnings would be coming from the leaders of the church. I think we have been warned, and now it's time to listen, and obey.

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I've also heard that every person will be able to hear the gospel in their own language. Not sure if it's a prophecy or not. I thinh that person will have the chance to be taught by missionaries. So not only every country being open to missionaries but having sufficient numbers of missionaries in those countries.

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Here's something for some general speculation.

Probably the great last sign before everything really starts getting shaken up before the second coming is that the gospel will be preached in all nations.

A few questions to think about:

How close do you think we are to this?

What is entailed with preaching the gospel in all nations?

Would you expect the prophet to tell us when this sign has been fulfilled?

If the prophet who will be a seer like Joseph is still serving his mission, we still have time. :D

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1. Not very close. We are falling behind. Everyday there are more people born than we have missionaries or members available to contact and preach the Gospel to them.

How about China? Is having a very, very, very small percentage of the total population as members of the Church considered having the Gospel preached to the Chinese.

Larry P

I believe it was Kimball that spoke on this subject concerning the Chinese and the Gospel, that a day will come when there own people will be missionaries for the Asian community.

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I believe it was Kimball that spoke on this subject concerning the Chinese and the Gospel, that a day will come when there own people will be missionaries for the Asian community.

I returned from a senior mission in Macau, China three years ago. Prior to that time two missionaries from mainland China had already been sent on missions. As I recall, one went to Taiwan and the other to Australia. I didn't hear that from official sources but I think it is accurate.

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For all it may be worth there are a couple of other considerations that I can think of pertinent to this topic.

1. We don't know how well the missionary work is going in the Spirit Prison. If the heavens will be open as I think they will be during the Millennium and the spirits of the dead allowed to walk and talk with temple workers to get their work done, perhaps the timing of the Millennium would be affected by the success of the work among the dead as well.

2. As Latter-day Saints we preach the fulness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, things pertinent not only to a Terrestrial resurrrection but also a Celestial. We are alone in having the authorized Priesthood and temple ordinances.

But we are not alone in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the point where it would lift someone from a Telestial state to a Terrestrial. And Terrestrial is all that is required to survive into the Millennium. Maybe the timing of the Millennium would include the work done by other churches and groups to lift people to a Terrestrial state of righteousness...

We may be further along than we sometimes think we are.

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