Greater unity between Latter day Saints and Pentecostals ....


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The following idea is NOT THEOLOGICAL ROCKET SCIENCE... and the four hundred or so Christian advisors to President Donald J. Trump should have explained this to him....... (perhaps they did... which would be wonderful)?!
I admit it... .I am disappointed with the four hundred or so Christian Advisors to President TRump who do not seem to have yet
explained the possible implications of this information to him?
Jewish scholars have a teaching about "Messiah son of Joseph" that Christians should begin to look at in the light of Isaiah chapter forty five.
We are supposed to agree with our adversaries.... quickly.... before the disagreement becomes a full fledged squabble!
Mr. Yair Davidiy.....

" Since the founding of the State of Israel in 1948 the USA has often helped protect the State of Israel from destruction. The USA has not however really helped Israel expand her borders. On the contrary the USA has often forced Israel to give up territories it had liberated and to constrict her borders, but maybe that will change. Maybe the USA and Britain will help Israel expand her borders in the future as the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH is supposed to do. Ingathers the Exiles “Kol HaTor” says [2.40] “His [i.e. Joseph’s] bow abode in strength” (Genesis 49;24). This should be an important principle for us. We have to stand obstinately strong in the holy work of gathering in the exiles which is the task of the first redeemer [i.e. of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH]. Purifies the Land of Israel “Kol HaTor” says [2.41] “And Joseph was governor over the land” (Genesis 42;6). This means he will overcome all the forces of impurity. This is one of the great tasks of the First Redeemer [of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH]: to extirpate the spirit of impurity from the country by means of settling the Holy Land. When the Holy Land is not settled [with Israelites] a spirit of impurity settles over it. [When the Holy Land is settled with Israelites the Land becomes pure]. Joshua ben Nun Was a Forerunner “Kol HaTor” says [2.44]
The First Redeemer [MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH] fights against Amalek with total warfare…[he fights against the forces of anti-Semitism]. This was the task of Joshua ben Nun who was [a forerunner and ancestor of] the Messiah Son of Joseph. Aroused by Elijah “Kol HaTor” says [2.71] “Behold I will send you my prophet Elijah…and he will return the hearts of the fathers to their sons” (Malachi 4). One of the tasks of Elijah is to arouse the spirit of the MESSIAH SON OF JOSEPH. Comment:


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On 1/26/2021 at 11:00 PM, e v e said:

all that matters is to meet Him..

and not so much to meet the pentecostals or evangelicals etc.... ❤️

That is true.....

but I believe that when the world can see that Christians across denominational barriers love each other.....

and respect each other in spite of some doctrinal differences......THEN the world will recognize the Bride of Messiah as 

truly being the Bride of Messiah......!


The Late Kim Clement left a prediction that is relevant to all Latter day Saints... and all Pentecostals and other gifted Christians over these next few months.....

as well as for the next two years......


This gives us an amazing opportunity for increased unity.  


“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34, 35)


When Pentecostals and Latter day Saints find some common ground......

cooperate on some mutually beneficial goals ....THEN "ALL WILL KNOW THAT YOU ARE MY DISCIPLES!"



Monday, May 11, 2009
Prophecy the Lord gave Brother Kim Clement on April 4th, 2008-Seattle, WA

I feel the Spirit of the Lord telling me to tell you:
There is a reason to have joy at this moment-for many say, "this is the worst time ever in America." The Spirit of God said, who would declare a recession, and who would declare where I am going? God said, this is the best time, because joy is coming to you in the Spring, says the Lord, Joy is coming to you in the Spring, therefore, I want you to prophesy it: Joy!

God said, you have enticed me, you have enticed me. You have enchanted Me, enticed. God said, you have fascinated me, your sounds of faith and your sounds of praise and your embracing of the prophet and My promise has lured Me in a good way, attracted Me to come a little closer to you, to listen to the sounds of faith, to the sounds of victory, to the sounds of joy. You have sent a message to the caverns and the caves and the dungeons of hell: we shall relive and we will do greater than our forefathers and greater works in His name. The forces of darkness have trembled tonight at the sound of a people who are unafraid to fight a good fight of faith.

Penicillin-a discovery, once again a discovery, penicillin-a discovery embarked upon by a mistake as so many great journeys. And God said tonight, there shall be a discovery, as you know, that shall completely and entirely wipe out any form or trace of cancer in the human body and a generation shall exist very quickly that shall be cancer free, says the Lord of Hosts!

God made a promise about a generation and a people soon that shall say "how long did it control us for so long?" And yet discovered, Egypt has already trodden upon it, they don't even know, but I will take my Nation, America, those that have sought after answers. The corruption in the pharmaceutical-you shall be exposed. And God shall bring about in this Nation a plan for health insurance that shall not be penetrated by the democrats or by the republicans. This shall be something that shall transpire because of a sudden change cause I command it. It is a disgrace, says the Spirit of the Lord, that politics are swayed by this one things. Therefore, watch as I move in these next two years and I show America how strong I am and prove Myself in the political arena. I shall be your President, says the Spirit of the Living God!

And they shall say, "but now there is a second President, how can we have two presidents?" An unusual thing, isn't it, says the Spirit of the Lord? Why would it be that one with a double mind would stand up and face the people? No, they shall say "we have two presidents, what do we do now? Fear not, for God said, as I promised before this is My Nation and I will change things according to the time and season and I told you now in Spring I will expose and reveal things that have been hidden so that My Nation can move into this next election and to the next phase with victory and honor and glory, says the Lord of of Hosts!

I prophesy America, I prophesy America: You are a light, salt, joy, you are a light, salt joy.

I declare upon this Nation:
Great great prosperity again, oil prices that shall change rapidly, and when the new source of energy suddenly unfolds, people will say "God, how, how did we miss it, it was so easy!" At the right time, and the time is now, says the Spirit of God.

Edited by DennisTate
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On 1/28/2021 at 9:00 AM, DennisTate said:

That is true.....

but I believe that when the world can see that Christians across denominational barriers love each other.....

and respect each other in spite of some doctrinal differences......THEN the world will recognize the Bride of Messiah as 

truly being the Bride of Messiah......!


The Late Kim Clement left a prediction that is relevant to all Latter day Saints... and all Pentecostals and other gifted Christians over these next few months.....

as well as for the next two years......


This gives us an amazing opportunity for increased unity.  


“A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; as I have loved you, that you also love one another.

“By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:34, 35)


When Pentecostals and Latter day Saints find some common ground......

cooperate on some mutually beneficial goals ....THEN "ALL WILL KNOW THAT YOU ARE MY DISCIPLES!"


“The World” will never recognize Christ... we are not to be one it. 


So the world recognizing christians is not necessary and would be a horrible sign that those christians are not christian. 


Christians are persecuted by the world. Christ was persecuted. 

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20 hours ago, e v e said:

“The World” will never recognize Christ... we are not to be one it. 


So the world recognizing christians is not necessary and would be a horrible sign that those christians are not christian. 


Christians are persecuted by the world. Christ was persecuted. 

Many Pentecostals are persecuted even more than Latter day Saints are and some of them have been given visions and dreams that sure seem to fit perfectly with Latter day Saint teachings on the State of the Dead.

The Torch and the Sword by Rick Joyner, a Pentecostal......  sure reminds me of chapter forty one of Gospel Principles.  


Chapter 41

The Postmortal Spirit World


This is the kind of literature that I believe most Latter day Saints will want their kids to read as opposed to much of the stuff that they are given in public schools.


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On 12/15/2020 at 12:13 PM, prisonchaplain said:

There is so much here. It can be overwhelming. Lately, I have read some Christian dystopian future fiction. They tend to depict calamity that can be political (upheaval, civil war with a small-c, etc.), economic (fiat money exposed as worthless), or technological (EM pulse, etc.). There's always a survivalist Christian who was smart enough to see it coming, and he runs a safe haven until criminal elements (or the U.N.) come and try to fix them. The problem is that the heroes almost always end up doing some rather harsh actions in the name of saving their righteous peers from bad guys. Sometimes the Left Behind heroes were guilty of that, as well.

Personally, Rapture-believer that I am, I suspect that things will settle down, go back to the immoral equilibrium, and that most will be lulled back into complacency. Then, at a time and hour when people do not expect, the LORD will return. In the mean time, we share faith, be good neighbors, and pray for our leaders (and pay tax).

Have you ever heard the testimony of Mr. Steven Collingsworth?

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To the degree to which I am doing the following in a relatively incompetent manner... my apologies... but if it is any consolation.... my day job is merely that of a janitor........

so that should lower expectations!

Here is me attempting to set up cooperation between a number of Latter day Saints with a number of Pentecostals or Evangelical Christian ministries who feel led to work together perhaps toward a prison ministry of some type:

Wow!!!!!! The Steven Collingworth story is powerful!!!!!!!!!
Chapter forty one of Gospel Principles is brilliant and presents a powerful case that after we die a prison ministry goes on and on and on and on forever. Jesus never gives up on us... and Jesus invented TIME somewhat like a vehicle that is used to take souls from point A to point B to point C... and eternity stretches ahead of all of us!
I am not yet LDS but I absolutely love what you teach on the State of the Dead.
My wife is Pentecostal....... so I am kind of in between several churches and groups... .and what I feel is that Jesus wants Latter day Saints and Pentecotals to come together and cooperate..... and when they do........ there will be a billion soul harvest.........
I am sure that it is not a mere coincidence that Pentecostal Author Rick Joyner wrote The Torch and the Sword from a visionary dream and it seems to fit perfectly with Chapter forty one of Gospel Principles?
This is on a Latter day Saint discussion forum........ I am visualizing a series of films where Mr. Steven Collingsworth is a star.... in an outreach... where LDS and Evangelical Christians cooperate......
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  • 2 weeks later...

To my thinking... there is no definite or clear contradiction between what author Mary K. Baxter reports being shown with chapter forty one of Gospel Principles!

There may be a contradiction........ but I personally cannot be dogmatic in saying that the possible contradiction is there... because if there are contradictions there I am not certain what they are.  

I greatly prefer the flavour.. .the sound... the atmosphere produced by Gospel Principles chapter forty one but.......... I believe that both Latter day Saints as well as Pentecostals have much to discuss with each other when it comes to the State of the Dead.




Also in the spirit prison are those who rejected the gospel after it was preached to them either on earth or in the spirit prison. These spirits suffer in a condition known as hell. They have removed themselves from the mercy of Jesus Christ, who said, “Behold, I, God, have suffered these things for all, that they might not suffer if they would repent; but if they would not repent they must suffer even as I; which suffering caused myself, even God, the greatest of all, to tremble because of pain, and to bleed at every pore, and to suffer both body and spirit” (D&C 19:16–18). After suffering for their sins, they will be allowed, through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, to inherit the lowest degree of glory, which is the telestial kingdom.

  • How are conditions in the spirit world similar to conditions in this life?

Additional Scriptures



Here are some statements by author Mary K. Baxter that I believe give both Latter day Saints and Pentecostals some ideas to discuss.  I sure do hope that the Latter day Saints have a more accurate teaching on what all can happen to the dead and I personally suspect that the answer to what may seem to be contradictions on the surface are answered in Ezekiel chapter thirty seven, Revelation chapter twenty, Romans nine, ten and eleven............... as explained by the modern Multiverse Theory.  

Mary K. Baxter:


"A Divine Revelation of Hell, The Left Leg of Hell, page 31,
"In the next pit was a woman on her knees, as if looking for something. Her skeletal form also was full of holes. Her bones were showing through, and her torn dress was on fire. Her head was bald, and there were only holes where her eyes and nose were supposed to be. A small fire was burning around her feet where she was kneeling, and she clawed the sides of the brimstone pit. The fire clung to her hands, and dead flesh kept falling off as she dug.

Tremendous sobs shook her, "O Lord, O Lord," she cried, "I want out." As we watched, she finally got to the top of the pit with her feet. I thought she was going to get out when a large demon with great wings that seemed at the top and hung down his sides ran to her. His color was brownish - black, and he had hair all over his large form. His eyes were set far back into his head, and he was about the size of a large grizzly bear. The demon rushed up to the woman and pushed her very hard backward into the pit and fire. I watched in horror as she fell. I felt so sorry for her. I wanted to take her into my arms and hold her, to ask God to heal her and take her out of there.

Jesus knew my thoughts and said, "My child, judgment has been set. God has spoken. Even when she was a child, I called and called her to repent and to serve Me. When she was sixteen years old, I came to her and said, "I love you. Give your life to me and come follow Me, for I have called you for a special purpose.' I called all her life, but she would not listen. She said, "Someday I will serve You. I have no time for You now. No time, no time, I have my life of fun. No time, no time to serve You, Jesus. Tomorrow I will." 'Tomorrow never came, for she waited too long."

The woman cried out to Jesus, "My soul is truly in torment. There is no way out. I know that I wanted the world instead of You, Lord. I wanted riches, fame and fortune, and I got it. I could buy anything I wanted; I was my own boss. I was the prettiest, best -dressed woman of my time. And I had riches, fame and fortune, but I found I could not take them with me in death. O Lord, hell is horrible, I have no rest day or night. I am always in pain and torment. Help me, Lord," she cried.

The woman looked up at Jesus so longingly and said, "My sweet Lord, if only I had listened to you! I will regret that forever. I planned to serve You someday --- when I got ready. I thought You would always be there for me. But how wrong I was! I was one of the most sought after women of my time for my beauty. I knew God was calling me to repent. All my life He drew me with cords of love, and I thought I could use God like I used everyone else. He would always be there. Oh yes, I used God! He would try so hard to get me to serve Him, while all the time I thought I didn't need him. Oh how wrong I was! For Satan began to use me, and I began to serve Satan more and more. At the last I loved him more than God. I loved to sin and would not turn to God.

Satan used my beauty and my money, and all my thoughts turned to how much power he would give me. Even then, God continued to draw me. But I thought, I have tomorrow or the next day. Then one day while riding in a car, my driver ran into a house, and I was killed. Lord, please let me out." As she spoke her bony hands and arms reached out to Jesus while the flames continued to burn her.

Jesus said, "The judgment is set."

Tears fell down His cheeks as we moved to the next pit.........." (Mary K. Baxter:
"A Divine Revelation of Hell, The Left Leg of Hell, page 31- 34)


Edited by DennisTate
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  • 1 month later...
I have attempted to put forward some common ground for my Latter day Saint friends as well as for my Pentecostal friends. My wife is Pentecostal.... the Gifted Kim Clement may have set the stage for a pretty serious level of cooperation between LDS and Pentecostals by some predictions that he made back in 2007..... but this will be controversial.......
Kim Clement predicted that somehow or another Bill Gates would somehow open up some sort of 'financial gates" for the Bride of Messiah... the church... in the future.........
I suspect that Jesus has a much larger definition for His Bride... than many Pentecostals would feel entirely comfortable with??????
Since I work for free... .and since my challenge to the management and posters on Sciforums could be caught like a football by the staff and student of BYU Provo
surely... my offer is worth at least some prayerful consideration?
"Proposal for creation of Sciforums Volunteerism Hour"
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Now this gets kind of unusual.......

this is a potential opportunity for outreach by Latter day Saints interested in this particular topic?



On one level the "we" in the title of this discussion would refer to Christians, Muslims, Buddhists, Hindus and even Atheists who believe that the benefits of the Jewish State and / or the Jerusalem Sanhedrin building an Ezekiel temple complex would far outweigh the negatives.


"Are we ready to build the Ezekiel chapter forty to forty eight temple complex?"

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/28/2020 at 7:47 PM, prisonchaplain said:

I know I may be blowing up the direction of this string, but, based on the title, two thoughts come to mind.

1. Yes, we can unite for particular causes. I've mentioned before that Rev. Jerry Falwell (Sr.) embraced LDS participation in his Moral Majority. It is easy to imagine Pentecostals, LDS, and perhaps even other faith communities finding common cause for religious liberty and social-moral efforts.

2. In terms of actual religious unity, I suspect that we can learn to be more civil, more respectful, more open to each other. We can stop with name-calling, and we can each ask the worst of our faith communities to cease with inappropriate opposition tactics and inflammatory attacks (and yes, Evangelicals--including Pentecostals--bare the greater guilt, probably by far). However, our doctrines remain very distinct, so I am not sure how much spiritual unity--other than mutual kindness and goodness--we can expect.

I am of the belief that a significant increase in unity between gifted Pentecostals like my wife with zealous and powerfully Holy Spirit led Latter day Saints will lead to a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit over the coming years and months and decades........ and centuries............. and even into millennia in the future...... .this will never stop.



I've been in correspondence with Latter day Saints since 2018 and I believe that
they are in a unique position to significantly decrease the level of hostility in the Middle East
due to their tendency to identify with the Lost Tribes of Israel which put them in a special position
to perhaps be willing to trade homes with Palestinians living in the West Bank or perhaps with Muslims living in
any part of Israel who might be willing to
move to wherever a particular LDS family happened to be living?

Latter day Saints already have an agreement with the Jewish Rabbi's in Israel to not proselytize to Jews
but..... Latter day Saints may even be willing to join in some variation of the Noahide Movement that
is like a Jewish outreach to the Gentile world.

A near death experiencer in 1992 was given a series of visions related to bringing peace to the Middle East that
would have obvious "artistic value" that can be transformed into "educational value, diplomatic value and yes economic value" in
the form of reality film projects where Latter day Saints end up living in Israel......
having traded places with an Israeli family who would prefer to live wherever those Latter day Saints happened to have their home.

Now we are in a position to even liven things up further if the Latter day Saints could make an agreement with the nation of China to
pay a ransom for Uighur Muslims who perhaps become students at BYU in Jerusalem, or at any BYU campus.

It is obvious that the nation of China sure does not want Uighur Muslims living in their nation so this presents a special
opportunity to set in motion something that could alter the formula in the Middle East because...... if the LDS had an agreement that
rescued thousand and soon tens of thousands and soon hundreds of thousands of Uighur Muslims and moved them out of China.....
I suspect that Uighur Muslims who have been saved from a modern Holocaust would tend to be very difficult to convince to
become "suicide bombers" due to their level of thankfulness for their new nation that may accept them?

For the record I personally could not catch onto the logic for "God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land" until I read "Way of Holiness and the Sacred Hoop"
by the same near death experiencer.

God's Peace Plan Arabic Version (final)
God's Peace Plan English God's Peace Plan for the Holy Land
God's Peace Plan Hebrew God's Peace Plan Hebrew Version (final)
Way of Holiness and the Sacred Hoop Way of Holiness & the Sacred Hoop
What's Going On in the Holy Land What_s Going On In The Holy Land
Map of the Holy Land Map of the Holy Land
Map of the Holy Land Map of the Holy Land (Arabic & Hebrew)

It has been estimated that the Latter day Saints church could come up with a hundred billion dollars if they had to
and I believe that they would be open to a variation of Theistic Evolutionary Theory that would tend to lay a foundation
for the idea that perhaps each human life has something like infinite value to a Creator composed of fundamental or nearly
fundamental energy who was "evolving" and learning over infinite time even before the last major Big Bang type event.
Investing in saving human lives through some variation of "art" could potentially transform and boost the world economy
out of this COVID 19 economic slump that fits with the two factors needed for a time of hyperinflation.
1. print extra money

This is a basic idea that Agnostics, Atheists, Latter day Saints, Jews, Muslims and many other people all over the world could potentially cooperate to some degree on. I have in mind a new genre of film entitled "semi-reality science fiction" that deals with the predictions of the Jewish, Christian, Muslim and other prophecies for the latter days or last hour that........ create acting jobs and address some of the circumstances that might tend to produce WWIII.

Here is an ancient Islamic prediction that I believe Agnostics, Atheists, Muslims, Jews, Christians and many other people could cooperate on:

Book 005, Number 2208:
"Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (way peace be upon him) as saying: The Last Hour will not come before wealth becomes abundant and overflowing, so much so that a man takes Zakat out of his property and cannot find anyone to accept it from him and till the land of Arabia becomes meadows and rivers."
SAHIH MUSLIM, BOOK 25: The Book on General Behaviour (Kitab Al-Adab)

In theory film footage that actually saves lives and makes the world a somewhat better and safer place for everybody could play the role of metaphorical "gold" in backing up an increase in the supply of "money" in one form or another.



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I am of the belief that a significant increase in unity between gifted Pentecostals like my wife with zealous and powerfully Holy Spirit led Latter day Saints will lead to a massive outpouring of the Holy Spirit over the coming years and months and decades........ and centuries............. and even into millennia in the future...... .this will never stop.

"Auditions for the role of Elijah needed..... "
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I am of the belief that moving a significant percentage of the USA film industry to parts of Israel can play an important part in saving the economy of both Israel and the USA. Here is an intriguing prediction from just over ten years ago that has off the scale "Artistic Value" that can be transformed into educational value, diplomatic value and yes....... ECONOMIC VALUE for both the USA as well as the nation of Israel!
Could the faculty and student body at Brigham Young University in Jerusalem assist Israelis and Americans to come together to produce interesting and economically viable films based on the following intriguing message????????
Mr. Mark Taylor :


4-28-11 Commander in Chief
The Spirit of God says, I have chosen this man, Donald Trump, for such a time as this. For as Benjamin Netanyahu is to lsrael, so shall this man be to the United States of America! For I will use this man to bring honor, respect and restoration to America. America will be respected once again as the most powerful and prosperous nation on earth, (other than lsrael). The dollar will be the strongest it has ever been in the history of the United States, and will once again be the currency by which all others are judged.
The Spirit of God says, the enemy will quake and shake and fear this man I have anointed. They will even quake and shake when he announces he is running for president, it will be like the shot heard across the world. The enemy will say what shall we do now? This man knows all our tricks and schemes. We have been robbing America for decades, what shall we do to stop this? The Spirit says HA! No one shall stop this that lhave started! Forthe enemy has stolen from America fordecades and it stops now! For I will use this man to reap the harvest that the United States has sown for and plunder from the enemy what he has stolen and return it 7 fold back to the United States. The enemy will say lsrael, lsrael, what about lsrael? For lsrael will be protected by America once again. The spirit says yes! America will once again stand hand and hand with lsrael, and the two shall be as one. For the ties between lsrael and America will be stronger than ever, and lsrael will flourish like never before.
The Spirit of God says, I will protect America and lsrael, for this next president will be a man of his word, when he speaks the world will listen and know that there is something greater in him than all the others before him. This man's word is his bond and the world and America will know this and the enemy will fear this, for this man will be fearless. The Spirit says, when the financial harvest begins so shall it parallel in the spiritual for America.
The Spirit of God says, in this next election they will spend billions to keep this president in; it will be like flushing their money down the toilet. Let them waist their money, for it comes from and it is being used by evil forces at work, but they will not succeed, for this next election will be a clean sweep for the man I have chosen. They will say things about this man (the enemy), but it will not affect him, and they shall say it rolls off of him like the duck, for as the feathers of a duck protect it, so shall my feathers protect this next president. Even mainstream news media will be captivated by this man and the abilities that I have gifted him with, and they will even begin to agree with him says the Spirit of God." (Mr. Mark Taylor, March 28, 2011)



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  • 2 weeks later...
On 9/28/2020 at 7:47 PM, prisonchaplain said:

I know I may be blowing up the direction of this string, but, based on the title, two thoughts come to mind.

1. Yes, we can unite for particular causes. I've mentioned before that Rev. Jerry Falwell (Sr.) embraced LDS participation in his Moral Majority. It is easy to imagine Pentecostals, LDS, and perhaps even other faith communities finding common cause for religious liberty and social-moral efforts.

2. In terms of actual religious unity, I suspect that we can learn to be more civil, more respectful, more open to each other. We can stop with name-calling, and we can each ask the worst of our faith communities to cease with inappropriate opposition tactics and inflammatory attacks (and yes, Evangelicals--including Pentecostals--bare the greater guilt, probably by far). However, our doctrines remain very distinct, so I am not sure how much spiritual unity--other than mutual kindness and goodness--we can expect.

I woke up this morning with what I feel could be a major key to a whole new level of cooperation between Latter day Saints and 

Pentecostals and to all Christians in all denominations who take the ideas of some of the more gifted Pentecostals seriously.  Pentecostals are

involved in the Alpha movement so they now have friends in most major denominations of Christianity.  

All Christians can agree that bringing somebody up out of Satanism.......

no matter which church they choose to join afterward is less important than 

they at least return to Jesus and renounce working directly for Satan as Evangelist John Ramirez explains he did

in 1999.  

A book by Ms. Mary K. Baxter has an idea that both Latter day Saints as well as Pentecostals can use........

Satanists are TREATED WORSE in hell.... than for example a backslidden Christian..... according to what was shown to

Ms. Mary K. Baxter.




"Jesus told me that there is a place in hell called the "fun center." Souls confined to the pits cannot be brought there. He also told me that though torments are different for different souls, all are burned with fire. The fun center is shaped like a circus arena.

Several people who are to be the entertainment are brought to the center ring of the fun center. These are people who knowingly served Satan on earth. They are the ones who, of their own free will, chose to follow Satan instead of God. Around the sides of the arena are the other souls, except those from the pits.

The ones in the center ring were leaders in the occult world before their death. They were mediums, soothsayers, sorcerers, mind readers, witches and warlocks --- all those who consciously made a choice to serve Satan. When they were alive on earth, they deceived many and caused them to follow Satan and to sin. The ones who had been deceived are were caused to fall into sin came and tormented their deceivers. One by one they were allowed to torture them." (A Divine Revelation of Hell, The Horrors of Hell, by Mark K. Baxter, page 96). ......

..... "As Jesus was speaking, Satan was saying to his subjects, "Ha-ha, this is your kingdom --- all the kingdom you will ever have. My kingdom covers all the earth and the world below." I heard him shout, "This is your life for eternity!" While cries of regret came from the burning cells.

Jesus said, "My salvation is free. Whoever will, let him come and be saved from this place of everlasting punishment. I will not cast him out. If you have been a witch or a warlock, even if you have a written agreement with the devil, My power will break it, and My shed blood will save you. I will take the evil curse off your life and redeem you from hell. Give me your heart that I may unchain you and set you free." (Mary K. Baxter, page 100 and 101).


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Here is a paragraph from the near death experience account of Mr. Christian Andreason that can assist in the unification of a high percentage of Christians all across the denominational spectrum.  

I believe that I can present a pretty decent explanation for this from Ezekiel chapter thirty seven, Revelation chapter twenty, Romans chapter nine, ten and eleven and then toss in Theistic Applied Multiverse Theory.  





h. Who goes to heaven?

In the end … believe it or not (sigh of relief), everyone gets to come home! Heaven is a place of ultimate LOVE. When we have learned how to become individuals that base our entire existence and consciousness around manifesting LOVE, we then become capable of entering the domain of the higher Realms of Heaven. If we do not practice Love, we can only go so far and we will be made to incarnate somewhere out there in God’s super Universe again and again (unlimited times) until we learn." (Christian Andreason, near-death  .com)



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Deliberately turning deserts green through mega-scale desalination of ocean water is an alternative theory on stabilization of the climate that is catching on more and more. Isaiah chapter thirty five can unite us somewhat but any variation of a Carbon Tax is terribly divisive.
Christians and Jews can come together in agreement about what was shown to near death experiencer Howard Storm about the year 2185. This sure does remind me of Isaiah chapter thirty five. This idea can help to unite The United States with the nation of Israel.


Howard Storm ..... " The future that they showed me was almost no technology at all. What everybody, absolutely everybody, in this euphoric future spent most of their time doing was raising children. The chief concern of people was children, and everybody considered children to be the most precious commodity in the world.
And when a person became an adult, there was no sense of anxiety, nor hatred, nor competition.
There was this enormous sense of trust and mutual respect. If a person, in this view of the future, became disturbed, then the community of people all cared about the disturbed person falling away from the harmony of the group. Spiritually, through prayer and love, the others would elevate the afflicted person.
What people did with the rest of their time was that they gardened, with almost no physical effort. They showed me that plants, with prayer, would produce huge fruits and vegetables.
People, in unison, could control the climate of the planet through prayer. Everybody would work with mutual trust and the people would call the rain, when needed, and the sun to shine.
Animals lived with people, in harmony.
People, in this best of all worlds, weren’t interested in knowledge; they were interested in wisdom. This was because they were in a position where anything they needed to know, in the knowledge category, they could receive simply through prayer. Everything, to them, was solvable. They could do anything they wanted to do. " (Howard Storm, section four, The Future of the USA and the world)



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The L.D.S. wards in Toronto, Ontario, Canada may be in a special place to play a huge role in

setting in motion a huge increase in cooperation between Latter day Saints and Pentecostals.


."If like magic we gave every Canadian twice as much money as they have now, prices would double and no one would be better off." (LangleyMan)


Good point......
unless we did this in such a way that we would end up with an INCREASE IN PRODUCTIVITY.... by all Canadians?!
Economist Milton Friedman laid the foundation for this by suggesting an
unconditional but taxable income supplement to all citizens and legal residents........
all.......... His idea was that bureaucracy grows and grows and grows and ends up
costing more than the income supplements that the USA and Canada are giving out anyway ..... so.......
..... why not make them UNCONDITIONAL but taxable........
give that income supplement to everybody..........
Encourage people to pay off their high interest debts such as credit card debt........
To whatever degree this works this should lead to a boom in real estate prices
within a hundred miles of every city in the USA and Canada.....
which is an idea that fans of Pastor Steve Long are prepared very well to understand
and empathize with.


"There will be a sudden rush to buy farms, ranches, and homes in the country.
Thousands will attempt to flee from cities, hoping that a return to the land and
nature will provide security. There will be a growing urge to "get away from it
all"---and much money will be invested in land and acreage in rural areas by
people who have secret dreams of raising their own food and cattle and of
becoming self-supporting. The price of open rural land will continue to soar.
Acreage within 100 miles of most major cities will skyrocket out of reach to
all but syndicates." (David Wilkerson, The Vision, page 18,19).



I believe that doing this from the top......
using the Canadian dollar in Canada and the USA dollar in the USA has many
advantages over the replica of the Worgl Austria Great Depression Economic Experiment in
local currencies.


"City in Austria Printed Local Currency
Worgl, like many other European towns and cities, was hit hard by the Great Depression. There was mass unemployment; four of the five local factories had closed, and the people were starving in the streets. Nobody had any money to buy anything. One of the features of an economic depression is that there is not enough money in circulation to ensure that people can meet their basic needs, and in the 1930s, the shortage of currency in many countries of the world became catastrophic.
The mayor of Worgl, together with local businessmen, decided to try to break this economic impasse by creating their own local currency. They printed and issued 60,000 Austrian shillings worth of local currency. These shillings could only be spent in Worgl, so they remained in the local community and were exchanged over and over again.
The positive impact was immediate and surprising to everyone. In only six weeks, unemployment disappeared, all the factories had reopened and everyone had food. For the inhabitants of Worgl, the economic depression was gone. This dramatic transformation became known as the “miracle of Worgl.” Surrounding towns, inspired by the success of Worgl, immediately started printing their own local currencies.
Sadly, the miracle did not last long. When the Austrian Central Bank heard about Worgl’s local currency, they initiated legal proceedings against the mayor and local businessmen. According to Austrian banking law, it was illegal for anyone except the Austrian Central Bank to issue money. The bank won the court case, and the mayor was ordered to shut down the local currency, which he did, under threat of imprisonment. The town then returned to the devastating economic depression of the 1930s, with all the human pain and suffering associated with this catastrophe. Factories closed, and once again, the people starved.
Alternative Currency in the U.S.
Irving Fisher, an American professor of economics at Yale University, visited Worgl before the local currency was suppressed and witnessed the ‘miracle’ firsthand. When he returned to the United States, Fisher spread the word by traveling and lecturing across the country, advocating the use of the Worgl ‘scrip’ everywhere. Inspired by his vision, hundreds of communities began issuing their own currency, and by 1934 there were over 1,000 local communities using ‘scrip’ throughout the U.S.
Every one of these communities experienced a tremendous rejuvenation of their local economies. They thrived while others suffered. Fisher then met with President Franklin D. Roosevelt, proposing the implementation of government-sanctioned local ‘scrip’ in every community in America. When FDR consulted with his top financial advisors and bankers, however, he was advised to shut all the ‘scrip’ systems down, which he did. Instead, he borrowed large amounts of money from bankers, at interest, and used it to pay for the Reconstruction Finance Corporation and the other work-creation projects, which collectively came to be known as the ‘New Deal.’ So ended the last widespread use of a local currency within the U.S.
This pattern of economic collapse and re-emergence of local currencies has occurred thousands of times in many parts of the world. When these currencies have failed or have been suppressed, banks have not always been to blame. Sometimes, local currencies fail because they have been badly designed or implemented. Sometimes, people lose interest in them when the mainstream economy recovers. But they have always returned in one form or another during times of economic failure.
Our present world situation is uniquely different. Despite a relatively prosperous and stable world economy, a quiet monetary revolution has been occurring around the globe over the last 20 years. Awareness is growing about the flaws in our current monetary system, and people are re-creating viable alternatives. We are witnessing for the first time the worldwide creation of money systems designed by the people who use them, instead of by central banks." ( by Francis and Lia Ayley
The Truth About Money: The Money SystemIsnt There a Better Way?)



I did begin a discussion over in another forum on this option......
"Steve Long comments on Canadian election........"
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  • 5 weeks later...
On 1/26/2021 at 11:00 PM, e v e said:

all that matters is to meet Him..

and not so much to meet the pentecostals or evangelicals etc.... ❤️

That is true......

but what does the Holy Spirit / Ruach ha Kodesh tell you about this idea?


Back in 1988 Dr. Jesse Duplantis began to pray differently after he had an unusual heavenly experience from which he wrote the book "Close Encounters of the God Kind." His friend Kevin Zadai was shown during his near death experience that our prayers can send out a SHOCK WAVE that will destroy the kingdom of Satan......... by 1990 the shock wave from Dr. Jesse's new way of praying.................. reached Nova Scotia, Canada!


Jesse Duplantis - RARE Interview About His Trip to Heaven

•Aug 11, 2020

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If Atheism was not being enforced in America this COVID 19 virus could not have been used by corrupt BigMedia to shut down the USA and world economy! If Dr. Tony Fauci was not so convinced that there is no Creator he would not be able to lie so much! I have a theory on how to deal with all this!
In my opinion Latter day Saints are already applying this principle because when I was being discipled by about ten elders since 2018 they always made me feel like I was their brother in Messiah Yeshua - Jesus...... that is the key to getting this started!
"By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. " (John 13:35)
I have a theory on how to END ATHEISM as a religion........... (because many of them sure seem to think of it as their religion). The key to pulling this off was given to near death experiencer Mrs. Betty J. Eadie. IF Christians will stop bickering, fighting and accusing each other the Holy Spirit will be poured out with such power that all Atheists will be in awe to see religious people NOT squabbling with each other so much!!!!!
Oh... .when Atheism is no longer enforced in America and Canada through the exaggeration on the idea of separation of church and state this will also be really good news for all Americans because our political leaders will become much less corrupt. In the comments I will explain how Christians and Jews can also come together... .it is amazingly simple too.



. "I wanted to know why there were so many churches in the world. Why didn’t God give us only one church, one pure religion? The answer came to me with the purest of understanding. Each of us, I was told, is at a different level of spiritual development and understanding. Each person is therefore prepared for a different level of spiritual knowledge. All religions upon the Earth are necessary because there are people who need what they teach. People in one religion may not have a complete understanding of the Lord’s gospel and never will have while in that religion. But that religion is used as a stepping stone to further knowledge. Each church fulfills spiritual needs that perhaps others cannot fill. No one church can fulfill everybody’s needs at every level. As an individual raises his level of understanding about God and his own eternal progress, he might feel discontented with the teachings of his present church and seek a different philosophy or religion to fill that void. When this occurs he has reached another level of understanding and will long for further truth and knowledge, and for another opportunity to grow. And at every step of the way, these new opportunities to learn will be given.
Having received this knowledge, I knew that we have no right to criticize any church or religion in any way. They are all precious in his sight. Very special people with important missions have been placed in all countries, in all religions, in every station of life, that they might touch others. There is a fullness of the gospel, but most people will not attain it here. In order to grasp this truth, we need to listen to the Spirit and let go of our egos." (Mrs. Betty J. Eadie)



I could be wrong.....

but if I remember correctly near death experiencer Mrs. Betty J. Eadie is a Latter day Saint.  The very fact that the LDS church backs up church members who have a NDE and allows them to write books and give their testimony would be a logical reason for her being a Mormon. 

Update :


Eadie, who is part Native American, was born in Valentine, Nebraska and raised on the Rosebud Indian Reservation in South Dakota. When she was four, Betty's parents separated and she was placed in St. Francis Indian School, one of the American Indian boarding schools at the time, along with six of her siblings. While in high school, she dropped out to care for a younger sister. She later returned to receive her diploma, eventually pursuing a college degree. She spent time variously in Catholicism, Methodism, and for a time the LDS Church in Seattle,[1] though in numerous public talks she subsequently declared herself non-denominational.


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Messiah Yeshua - Jesus wants Christians to begin to take over more and more and more in media and even in Hollywood.  

Latter day Saint missionaries who have completed their two years of missionary work are uniquely prepared to become reporters......

who objectively report on some of the amazing phenomena that are predicted to occur in some Pentecostal and Charismatic Catholic meetings soon.



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If Dr. Tony Fauci was not so totally convinced of his Atheism he would not be able to lie so much. Actually... his professors at university were IGNORANT of the seemingly obvious implications of The Law of Probability, String Theory and The Anthropic Principle.
(Are there any of the faculty or student body of Brigham Young University at the Jerusalem Campus.... or any campus for that matter... willing to discuss the possible implications of this further)?
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