Good To See All The Same People


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Well I see most of us have migrated over here.

I am checkerboy, many have wondered why checkers and that is because of the ultimate contrast that the checkerboard pattern creates. The ultimate conflict of light and dark, good and evil. I also think it looks pretty cool.

So I am an almost divorced dad of two boys, Josh is 6 and Peter is 4. My life is a mess right now but they help me stay sane. I only get to see them a few times a week but I make the most of it. We like to play Xbox and Josh is getting better at Halo, see I am teaching him early to be a survivalist.

I grew up in Sunny San Diego and don't know why I am not back there, oh yeah smog, pollution, and too many people. Not to mention outrageous housing costs. So I am now in Idaho and I actually like it here but not winter. I freeze.

So I graduated from Boise State in graphic design and have been applying myself by designing signs here in Idaho Falls. I ultimately one day would like to teach art cause I think I am a good teacher.

As far as what consumes my time that would be playing and listening to music. I have a kindred spirit here as far as musical tastes go, which is bizarre cause I like some weird stuff. But really it comes down to if the music makes me want to kill myself then it is alright with me. I am really not crazy, really. But just so you can experience the joys of self loathing here are a few good bands: Joy Division, Bauhaus, The Cure, The Smiths. I love to play my bass and write my own stuff from time to time. I always wanted to be a rock star and came the closest when I was at Ricks College. I got to play for like 400 people. Yea!!!

I am also an artist and would like to sell my work so someone go buy something. The site is I try to be different in everything I do. And yes that is my son Josh in a couple pics. He makes an excellent model.

I am currently taking applications for a new wife so if you are interested then let me know although I won't be conducting interviews until I am finally released from my current position.

Other then that I am open to meeting new people and having stimulating conversations. They didn't sound as cheesy in my head.

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Checker!! Yay! Welcome to our new home away from home!

You know what game you should play with Josh?! Worst Case Scenario! That will really teach him how to survive!

Getting to play in front of so many people must have been totally awesome and I'm so proud of you for that accomplishment! why did you never tell me?! ;)

Also, we better warn people that I will be screening all applications for the soon vacant position of "wife of a truly great artist" before they even come close to your desk. I do take bribes..I like chocolate and flowers. Daisies are my favorite! Just have them delivered to 3060 Keller Hicks Rd.... :lol:

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Well I see most of us have migrated over here.

I am checkerboy, many have wondered why checkers and that is because of the ultimate contrast that the checkerboard pattern creates. The ultimate conflict of light and dark, good and evil. I also think it looks pretty cool.

So I am an almost divorced dad of two boys, Josh is 6 and Peter is 4. My life is a mess right now but they help me stay sane. I only get to see them a few times a week but I make the most of it. We like to play Xbox and Josh is getting better at Halo, see I am teaching him early to be a survivalist.

I grew up in Sunny San Diego and don't know why I am not back there, oh yeah smog, pollution, and too many people. Not to mention outrageous housing costs. So I am now in Idaho and I actually like it here but not winter. I freeze.

So I graduated from Boise State in graphic design and have been applying myself by designing signs here in Idaho Falls. I ultimately one day would like to teach art cause I think I am a good teacher.

As far as what consumes my time that would be playing and listening to music. I have a kindred spirit here as far as musical tastes go, which is bizarre cause I like some weird stuff. But really it comes down to if the music makes me want to kill myself then it is alright with me. I am really not crazy, really. But just so you can experience the joys of self loathing here are a few good bands: Joy Division, Bauhaus, The Cure, The Smiths. I love to play my bass and write my own stuff from time to time. I always wanted to be a rock star and came the closest when I was at Ricks College. I got to play for like 400 people. Yea!!!

I am also an artist and would like to sell my work so someone go buy something. The site is I try to be different in everything I do. And yes that is my son Josh in a couple pics. He makes an excellent model.

I am currently taking applications for a new wife so if you are interested then let me know although I won't be conducting interviews until I am finally released from my current position.

Other then that I am open to meeting new people and having stimulating conversations. They didn't sound as cheesy in my head.

Wow. You and my husband would get along great (can't help you with the wife thing). He loves all those bands. He is constantly naming bands that I've never heard of or just don't remember. He plays the drums and guitar a little. Welcome to the board!

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Well I see most of us have migrated over here.

I am checkerboy, many have wondered why checkers and that is because of the ultimate contrast that the checkerboard pattern creates. The ultimate conflict of light and dark, good and evil. I also think it looks pretty cool.

So I am an almost divorced dad of two boys, Josh is 6 and Peter is 4. My life is a mess right now but they help me stay sane. I only get to see them a few times a week but I make the most of it. We like to play Xbox and Josh is getting better at Halo, see I am teaching him early to be a survivalist.

I grew up in Sunny San Diego and don't know why I am not back there, oh yeah smog, pollution, and too many people. Not to mention outrageous housing costs. So I am now in Idaho and I actually like it here but not winter. I freeze.

So I graduated from Boise State in graphic design and have been applying myself by designing signs here in Idaho Falls. I ultimately one day would like to teach art cause I think I am a good teacher.

As far as what consumes my time that would be playing and listening to music. I have a kindred spirit here as far as musical tastes go, which is bizarre cause I like some weird stuff. But really it comes down to if the music makes me want to kill myself then it is alright with me. I am really not crazy, really. But just so you can experience the joys of self loathing here are a few good bands: Joy Division, Bauhaus, The Cure, The Smiths. I love to play my bass and write my own stuff from time to time. I always wanted to be a rock star and came the closest when I was at Ricks College. I got to play for like 400 people. Yea!!!

I am also an artist and would like to sell my work so someone go buy something. The site is I try to be different in everything I do. And yes that is my son Josh in a couple pics. He makes an excellent model.

I am currently taking applications for a new wife so if you are interested then let me know although I won't be conducting interviews until I am finally released from my current position.

Other then that I am open to meeting new people and having stimulating conversations. They didn't sound as cheesy in my head.

Checkerboy, I was touched by your post!! Do you know what touched me the most? When you spoke so lovingly about your sons!! What lucky boys they are!! I have been separated from my husband for 8 years now and I can count on my ONE hand how many times my kids have seen their dad!! He doesn't bother to call or check on them...birthdays and Christmas come and go with nary a word!! I just did back to school all by myself...again!! He never calls to see if they need anything!!! I am truly alone in raising them and they are hurt by this worse than me!!! I am so sad for them and so touched by your display of your love for your boys!! G-d bless you!! ...and take your time on the new wife, thing...let your heart heal for awhile, then you will be more ready to love someone new....

...BTW, how do YOU feel about knee bangs? :P

...(j/k...but not really!)

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Checker!! Yay! Welcome to our new home away from home!

You know what game you should play with Josh?! Worst Case Scenario! That will really teach him how to survive!

Getting to play in front of so many people must have been totally awesome and I'm so proud of you for that accomplishment! why did you never tell me?! ;)

Also, we better warn people that I will be screening all applications for the soon vacant position of "wife of a truly great artist" before they even come close to your desk. I do take bribes..I like chocolate and flowers. Daisies are my favorite! Just have them delivered to 3060 Keller Hicks Rd.... :lol:

Hey, I'm available! I am an artist, too!! But I am no spring chicken! :( I am 43. not sure how old you are, CB... you like Whitman's samplers? :rolleyes:

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Hey, I'm available! I am an artist, too!! But I am no spring chicken! :( I am 43. not sure how old you are, CB... you like Whitman's samplers? :rolleyes:

Yediyd...Do you have any See's Candy?! They only have it here in Texas during the Chrismas Holiday and I do miss it so!!

Checker's 33...don't let him tell you he's any younger than that! I know he'll try to play if off like he's all young and studly and whatnot! :P

Where can we go to see your art work Yediyd?


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Yediyd...Do you have any See's Candy?! They only have it here in Texas during the Chrismas Holiday and I do miss it so!!

Checker's 33...don't let him tell you he's any younger than that! I know he'll try to play if off like he's all young and studly and whatnot! :P

Where can we go to see your art work Yediyd?


I am not very good with computers, I don't know how to post it...but I have a painting hanging in a museum up here in Syracuse, NY!!! It is of a leopard jumping on a zebra from a miskeet type of tree, with mt. Kilimanjaro in the background...the painting is so life like...the zebra still has the grass that he was eating hanging from his startled mouth!! I have not painted in years!! That painting won first prize in the NY State festival of the arts when I was in 7th grade!!!!
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Thanks everybody.

And just a reminder since this is my own personal introduction page let's keep the conversation about me, k.

Just kidding I am not that high and mighty, but it is nice to have people talk about you in a good way of course.

Yediyd if you can photograph your painting you can upload it to about anywhere on the web. I can help you of course if you would like.

And hey, just cause I'm 33 doesn't mean that I can't still be studly and whatnot. I think I have the studly part down, still trying to work on the whatnot, though.

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Thanks everybody.

And just a reminder since this is my own personal introduction page let's keep the conversation about me, k.

Just kidding I am not that high and mighty, but it is nice to have people talk about you in a good way of course.

Yediyd if you can photograph your painting you can upload it to about anywhere on the web. I can help you of course if you would like.

And hey, just cause I'm 33 doesn't mean that I can't still be studly and whatnot. I think I have the studly part down, still trying to work on the whatnot, though.

First I have to figure out how to use my scanner!! every time I turn it on, it starts spitting out copies of "Hedwig's theme" My daughter printed them off the Internet and my annoying printer keeps REPRINTING!! I can't figure out how to stop it!! The only thing that works it to shut it off and I just don't use it anymore...I really am pathetic when it comes to computers!! :( Ask me a question about the Bible or Hebrew or something like that...and I can fool you into thinking that I am fairly intelligent...but the truth comes out when I try to do simple things like upload a picture!!

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Thanks everybody.

And just a reminder since this is my own personal introduction page let's keep the conversation about me, k.

Just kidding I am not that high and mighty, but it is nice to have people talk about you in a good way of course.

Yediyd if you can photograph your painting you can upload it to about anywhere on the web. I can help you of course if you would like.

And hey, just cause I'm 33 doesn't mean that I can't still be studly and whatnot. I think I have the studly part down, still trying to work on the whatnot, though.

rofl!!!!!! you keep working on that whatnot! i'll be the judge of studly! :lol:

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Hi Checkerboy...Welcome to this site!

I tried checking out your artwork, but my IE couldn't find your website? Please could you try posting it again, in case it's typed wrong.

33 is a good age for a gal like me, I'm the same age as Yediyd and in need of lots of art lessons, so take me on!! :)

Yediyd, that painting you did sounds great..did you copy it from a photograph or something? If you use a digital camera to take the photo of your painting, you can use a USB cable to upload the picture to the PC, save it in photobucket or a similar site, then copy paste the IMG line in order to include it in one of your posts over here. I'd love to see it! :)

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Hi Checkerboy...Welcome to this site!

I tried checking out your artwork, but my IE couldn't find your website? Please could you try posting it again, in case it's typed wrong.

33 is a good age for a gal like me, I'm the same age as Yediyd and in need of lots of art lessons, so take me on!! :)

Yediyd, that painting you did sounds great..did you copy it from a photograph or something? If you use a digital camera to take the photo of your painting, you can use a USB cable to upload the picture to the PC, save it in photobucket or a similar site, then copy paste the IMG line in order to include it in one of your posts over here. I'd love to see it! :)

Well it is but some browser can't see it for some reason. I designed it in flash so you need to have a flash player installed. It is a free download from I think. If that doesn't work you can search for rj_hancock at myspace. The pics are there too.

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Siouxz just got herself fired as my application screener so any takers???

Hey wait!!! I take it back!!

He's not a dork! Here's all his "cool" qualities!

1) He listens to awesome we already know he's cool!

2) He's a super cool dad! How many dad's would trust their six year old with their guitar? And he wants to make sure his kids are brought up in the church. Awesomeness times four, right there!

3) I'm his best friend (here, at least)... need I say more?!

4) He's an artist. Ooh la la!

5) He's a college grad.. that's gotta be good for something.

6) His favorite movie of all time is Star Wars. very cool.

7) He's a big fan of the tv show Lost. that means he like mysteries...and mysterious people. sweet!

8) umm...umm.... little help here! i back in?! please?! don't replace me! i need to work. you pay me in chocolate chip cookies! how many other bosses would do that?!

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Hi Checkerboy...Welcome to this site!

I tried checking out your artwork, but my IE couldn't find your website? Please could you try posting it again, in case it's typed wrong.

33 is a good age for a gal like me, I'm the same age as Yediyd and in need of lots of art lessons, so take me on!! :)

Yediyd, that painting you did sounds great..did you copy it from a photograph or something? If you use a digital camera to take the photo of your painting, you can use a USB cable to upload the picture to the PC, save it in photobucket or a similar site, then copy paste the IMG line in order to include it in one of your posts over here. I'd love to see it! :)

It would be easier for me to just draw something for you and send it...I don't have a digital camera or a car...I have not been into the city in months...I live in the suburbs... Name it, I can draw it...I do nature scenes best, and animals, of course!! But I am flexible and I can draw pretty much anything...I painted that picture in my 7th grade art class and I used a photo from a national Geographic magazine. It is in the Everson Museum because I was the youngest person to ever win first prize in the New York State Festival of the Arts..."course, that was many moons ago"

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