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hi just found this site, and just hoped it would be a place where i could find out more about your church and doctrines. i am a baptist and have been attending a baptist church with my husband and children for 14 years. however i have been feeling unhappy there for several reasons and just last week had some people from the mormon church visit me.

they made me question by beliefs and interested somthing within me. they came back again on friday where we chatted some more , and they have invited me to their church on sunday. not sure if im ready for that yet as i still have commitments to my other chucrh but i am very interested to take things further, so i just thought iwould talk to as many of you guys as i could.

so hellooooooo to all of you.

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Welcome to the board! I'm glad you came here and I hope I will be able to answer some of the questions you have. If not, I could at least give you good recipes, jokes, links to good music, and support. :) I was born and raised in the church and I love it.

As you have questions, you'll be encouraged to start separate topics on each one. I know people often have many questions, but it's easier to address one at a time.

What are some of your hobbies?



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hi thanks for the welcome . i have lots of questions as im only just learning, and bare in in i have been baptist for 14 years so some of it hard to get my head around but i am willing and open to listen.

hobbies i guess are reading,watching movies and playing with my kids. my eldest is 10, then 8 and my youngest is 2.

i got interested when they spoke to me about baptizing for the dead as i have lost both my parents and cant believe the baptist teaching of if you dont say a prayer then God sends you to hell for all enternity.

my new friends invited me to their church on sunday however i still had obligations to my church and if im honest i just wasnt ready. :rolleyes:

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hi thanks for the welcome . i have lots of questions as im only just learning, and bare in in i have been baptist for 14 years so some of it hard to get my head around but i am willing and open to listen.

hobbies i guess are reading,watching movies and playing with my kids. my eldest is 10, then 8 and my youngest is 2.

i got interested when they spoke to me about baptizing for the dead as i have lost both my parents and cant believe the baptist teaching of if you dont say a prayer then God sends you to hell for all enternity.

my new friends invited me to their church on sunday however i still had obligations to my church and if im honest i just wasnt ready. :rolleyes:

That's perfectly understandable. :) It's a different experience going to a church you've never been to. I dated an Evangelical guy many years ago and I was pretty nervous about trying his church out. It was OK, but I felt a little awkward not knowing when to stand up and all that, not knowing the songs, and just the different style of worship.

I'm the mom of three boys who are 7, 5, and 3. Do you have boys and girls? I think we will have a girl eventually.

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Hi Deb! Welcome to the boards! Like everyone before me has said... please ask as many questions as you like and we'll ALL give our two cents! :) It's how we roll around here!

Man...I'm so jealous..MorningStar never asked me about my hobbies... :sparklygrin:


ps. i have three kids, too... but they're a bit older.. 16, 14 and 11

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Hello deb and welcome!!

This is a good site for your questions... you can start threads on various topics... another thing you might keep in mind is that there are LDS sites where you can read papers and articles on various topics... such as, which has a Topical Guide. You can browse there, and then ask questions here...

I think you'll enjoy it here...

from the beautiful central Oregon coast... The Garden Girl (what area are you from?)

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hi just found this site, and just hoped it would be a place where i could find out more about your church and doctrines. i am a baptist and have been attending a baptist church with my husband and children for 14 years. however i have been feeling unhappy there for several reasons and just last week had some people from the mormon church visit me.

they made me question by beliefs and interested somthing within me. they came back again on friday where we chatted some more , and they have invited me to their church on sunday. not sure if im ready for that yet as i still have commitments to my other chucrh but i am very interested to take things further, so i just thought iwould talk to as many of you guys as i could.

so hellooooooo to all of you.

Welcome...your story was my story. (Different gender) Listen to the Spirit, you will know what to do. Let me know if I can help. Keep listening to the LDS least until they have taught you all they know.

Pa Pa

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Guest moreholinessgiveme

hi just found this site, and just hoped it would be a place where i could find out more about your church and doctrines. i am a baptist and have been attending a baptist church with my husband and children for 14 years. however i have been feeling unhappy there for several reasons and just last week had some people from the mormon church visit me.

they made me question by beliefs and interested somthing within me. they came back again on friday where we chatted some more , and they have invited me to their church on sunday. not sure if im ready for that yet as i still have commitments to my other chucrh but i am very interested to take things further, so i just thought iwould talk to as many of you guys as i could.

so hellooooooo to all of you.


I'm new here, myself.

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