How Are Spirits Made?


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Hi Still_Small_Voice -- That's certainly true;

However, I was thinking and referring more to women who have been sexually harassed or abused, and therefore develop problems related to intimacy....

The statistics say that one out of every THREE females will sometime in their life, experience some form of sexual harassment or abuse -- THINK about that -- ONE IN THREE! Count six women you know, and TWO of them will likely experience some kind of abuse....

And However inflated that number might be, it is nevertheless an outrageous thing that so many of our girls and women -- our mothers and sisters and daughers -- will have to experience such a violation of what should be such a great joy and blessing -- through NO fault of their own!

And of course, one of the unfortunate responses to such violation, is often the tendency to become very confused about sex, and even (compulsively) mis-use it in various ways.....

So sad, so sad.....

Perhaps we (and our culture!) are ALL in need of healing, eh? .....

Years ago we had a Laurel's slumber party. We were watching an Oprah special about abuse and we started talking about it. All but one of us were sexually abused and the other girl had been beaten. :(

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Well if you don't mind me answering this, as this has always been my understanding also...

Brigham Young tells us, as shown in Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Brigham Young:

Also to quote the scripture used above:

I don't mind, especially now cobra's banned.

I just wanted to see cobra back up his/her statement. I agree with both of you on this point.


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I don't think official LDS doctrine is all true. Joseph Smith Jr. never taught the spirit birth idea. D.&C. 132:19 may be a reference to having physical children after the resurrection. I believe Jesus created spirit's. (Collossians 1:16; D.&C. 29:30,31) Mormon Miscellaneous has an article by Van Hale that explain's the origin of the spirit idea.

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Nobody made our spirits. Well not quite. We started off as intelligence. Heavenly Father organized us into proper spiritual entities. I don't think physical sex was how it happened. However I bet the feeling that occured when each of us were made into being was just about as wonderful as it could be.

However there hasn't really been any explanation about the creation of spirits in terms of how it actually happens. One day a few of us will know, and will have the chance to organize our own spirit children.

What is the differince between an Intellignce and a Spirit? I keep hearing that there was no start, that we have, and will, live forever, but then I hear that God is our Father of our Spirits and that he somehow formed us out of Intelligence. So again, what is the differince
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What is the differince between an Intellignce and a Spirit? I keep hearing that there was no start, that we have, and will, live forever, but then I hear that God is our Father of our Spirits and that he somehow formed us out of Intelligence. So again, what is the differince

Well, that's a deep subject. <pun intended - sorry) Anything touching on eternity is not well understood on Earth. That doesn't mean, though, that God doesn't sometimes reveal things that concern the eternities; but it does mean that when He does do so, the recipient can have a very difficult time sharing it with other people. Or even understanding it, themselves. Joseph spoke about things of this nature only a few times (maybe even only once or twice). The major case in point is his King Follett sermon. Here's part of the sermon.

Here's the basic premise: intelligence (co-eternal w/ God) >> spirit creation into spirit body >> physical creation into mortal body >> resurrection into immortal body .

So we start as immortal, and end as immortal, and in between we are still immortal inside; we are progressing from one into the next, following a Godly plan we call the Plan of Salvation.


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I see two possible ideas about what intelligence was. Intelligence couple be uncreated personalities that later were infused with created spirit bodies. Or intelligence was a huge pool of unintelligent, or uneducated spirit that got put together with created spirit bodies. So the spirit bodies were created not the intelligence that was placed within it.

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I had always assumed that because we are made in Gods Image, that Heavenly Father and Heavenly Mother procreated spirits by having sex. I guess it just made sense to me that if our mortal bodies works that way to make another body, they would work that way to make spirits also.

My sister-in-law does not agree, she believes spirits are made a different way (like how the earth was created, from unorganised matter) So what i want to know is, after this life, when we are resurrected, will we have sex? If we do, will it be for procreation, or just recreation? (My husband is interested to know this also!)

Hmmmmmm? Hey bunnzy did you ever make it to G.C with your parents like you thought you might? {just wondering}


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Maybe you should put that question in the mysteries you want answered thread :)

But is this no blood thing a mystery or a misstatement? If we are to assume that human physiology continues in a perfected state, then leaving out a critical ingredient seems more a misstatement. Did someone just make this up?

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But is this no blood thing a mystery or a misstatement? If we are to assume that human physiology continues in a perfected state, then leaving out a critical ingredient seems more a misstatement. Did someone just make this up?

Earl C. Tingey, “The Great Plan of Happiness,” Ensign, May 2006, 72–74 link for full article

First: A knowledge of the plan confirms that there is a God and He has a Son, Jesus Christ. The Father and the Son are perfect. They live in heaven, and They possess glorified bodies of spirit, flesh, and bones. (bold added by me)

These truths were revealed to us in this dispensation when the boy Joseph Smith knelt in humble prayer and later declared: “I saw two Personages, whose brightness and glory defy all description, standing above me in the air. One of them spake unto me, calling me by name and said, pointing to the other—This is My Beloved Son. Hear Him!” 5

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But is this no blood thing a mystery or a misstatement? If we are to assume that human physiology continues in a perfected state, then leaving out a critical ingredient seems more a misstatement. Did someone just make this up?

Did you see the reply in post #50? See what 1 Corinthians 15:50 says.
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But is this no blood thing a mystery or a misstatement? If we are to assume that human physiology continues in a perfected state, then leaving out a critical ingredient seems more a misstatement. Did someone just make this up?

Sheelah answered this a few posts before, so have a look.

But I ask you: does resurrection have to bring back every organ? And do we have to eat and breathe in order to live? I think not. When one dwells in the glory of God, one's food is surely not meat and potatoes. Blood circulates now in our body in order to provide needed oxygen to our cells in order to sustain life, as well as to provide nutrients. But in the resurrection? Seems unlikely.

Surely in the resurrection one can eat, as Christ did with his apostles, but does a resurrected being get hungry or out of breath? It seems most likely not, and so the bodily structures that support mortal functioning would not be necessary at all. We are told that in the resurrection we will receive our form in its perfection -- but whatever would we need a pituitary gland for?

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So the body functions by magic? Sounds more like something out of Night of the Living Dead than a fully functioning restored and perfected body.

Watch it Moksha- let's keep this respectful.

We are discussing sacred beliefs and interpretations of Scripture. Let's keep this amicable, kay?


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So the body functions by magic? Sounds more like something out of Night of the Living Dead than a fully functioning restored and perfected body.

So, it sounds like unless your resurrected body has blood, breathes, exudes sweat (and other things), gets hungry, thirsty or just dead tired and out of breath, it's not good enough. Does being immortal require a functional digestive system that is used to chemically extract nourishment from food? Does it require muscles that must be exercised without which they will grow flabby and weak?

I think someone is extrapolating from what he or she sees on earth and projecting it into the eternities. If that be the case, then I submit to you that you will need Eternal-strenth OFF! for those hundreds of quadrillions of resurrected, immortal, and unslappable mosquitoes that will be infesting Heaven.

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You know Moksha, God has always been described as flesh and bone while we as flesh and blood.. what would the point of been to make such a difference, if there wasn't a difference?

We too have flesh and bones, but need a circulatory system to keep every thing going. If we are willing to sacrifice the need for workable physiology and hence a workable body, are we just not abandoning the notion of a physical body for the sake of fulfilling some scripture? Why not just envision a transcendent spirit with a vague human outline then?

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Just something to reiterate, that was previously stated,

"The Father and the Son are perfect. They live in heaven, and They possess glorified bodies of spirit, flesh, and bones."

No where does it indicate blood. No where, not a single reference to my knowledge anywhere could infer that resurrected beings possess blood.

Can we logically or scientifically explain it away, though? Not very well, in my opinion, but with the knowledge that they do not have blood...can lead us to a line of thinking which will hurt our heads, if we let it. :P

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Just something to reiterate, that was previously stated,

"The Father and the Son are perfect. They live in heaven, and They possess glorified bodies of spirit, flesh, and bones."

No where does it indicate blood. No where, not a single reference to my knowledge anywhere could infer that resurrected beings possess blood.

Can we logically or scientifically explain it away, though? Not very well, in my opinion, but with the knowledge that they do not have blood...can lead us to a line of thinking which will hurt our heads, if we let it. :P

Perhaps this is not "official" doctrine, but it's from the Teachings of the Presidents of the Church, Brigham Young manual used in priesthood / relief society, chapter 37 -

"The blood he spilled upon Mount Calvary he did not receive again into his veins. That was poured out, and when he was resurrected, another element took the place of the blood. It will be so with every person who receives a resurrection; the blood will not be resurrected with the body, being designed only to sustain the life of the present organization. When that is dissolved, and we again obtain our bodies by the power of the resurrection, that which we now call the life of the body, and which is formed from the food we eat and the water we drink will be supplanted by another element; for flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God [see 1 Corinthians 15:50] (DBY, 374)."

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Hi Moksha... hope this finds you well..

I didn't notice this thread when I posted on one started by MorningStar on Flesh and Blood/Flesh and Bones... and I quoted the same scriptures there as I now see quoted here... both by Joseph Smith and Brigham Young...

and both which state quite clearly that our resurrected, perfected bodies will not be flesh and blood, but will be flesh and bones...

I believe that... our bodies will be as Adam and Eve prior to the fall... that is what I've always been taught... according to the quotes..

When Jesus was resurrected, he invited people to touch the wounds in his hands and to touch the wound in his side (I forget which apostle was invited to insert his hand into the wound). There was no blood...

from the beach... The Garden Girl

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I have to say that I sure as heck hope we do. I know that it is an incredible bonding experience here and can only imaging that it will be the same in heaven. Now whether the mechanics of sex are the same there I don't know but I know there will be ways that we will express love to our spouses. Whatever the case I can't wait to find out.

I would tend to think that there has to be some sharing of each other in the creation process because we know that spirit is matter and that we haven't always had spirit bodies, but existed as intelligences before gaining a spirit body.

If the bible is used in conjunction with with book of mormon for clarification, why does the bible state in Matthew 22:30 and in Mark 12:25 that

25Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:

26Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.

27And last of all the woman died also.

28Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.

29Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

30For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

31But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying,

32I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

33And when the multitude heard this, they were astonished at his doctrine.

The bible states we will not remain married in heaven, therefore there will be no physical sex in heaven. Sex would be a distraction from praising God, and that is what we are to do in heaven.

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