Is This Weird?

Guest HEthePrimate

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Guest HEthePrimate

So, is it weird that I had a long, involved dream last night about aliens invading Earth? Maybe I've been watching too much sci-fi. :blink: I couldn't really see the aliens themselves--they were usually in one kind of vehicle or another, or suited up in protective gear--but lots and lots of spaceships, the occasion explosion, and lots of hide-and-chase scenes. I was also held prisoner for a while with some other humans.


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So, is it weird that I had a long, involved dream last night about aliens invading Earth? Maybe I've been watching too much sci-fi. :blink: I couldn't really see the aliens themselves--they were usually in one kind of vehicle or another, or suited up in protective gear--but lots and lots of spaceships, the occasion explosion, and lots of hide-and-chase scenes. I was also held prisoner for a while with some other humans.


Yup. That's wierd all right.

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Thats Ok at least your dreams are cool and you didn't have a nightmare about being released from your current calling then called to be on the high council. I woke up sweating like crazy. Our stake is redoing its boundaries and wards are going to be totally different so I'm wondering if I will be released or kept on as QuorumPrez for the new ward.

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The weirdest dream I have ever had was walking along a path. It was one of those misty early september mornings where it is overcasted, daylight broaching upon the scene and I kept walking down this dirt path. As I walked along this dirt path, people started calling out after me, and I found myself hurrying along the path. I felt something warm in my hands and when I looked it was raw meat, blood dripping profusely and as I hurried my pace into a steady run, Lions and tigers would come out from the woods, attack any person chasing after me, but these carnivorse wouldn't chase after me but run up ahead and then disappear into the woods, only to emerge attacking people coming from all directions.

That was the weirdest dream I ever had.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest AutumnBreez

So, is it weird that I had a long, involved dream last night about aliens invading Earth? Maybe I've been watching too much sci-fi. :blink: I couldn't really see the aliens themselves--they were usually in one kind of vehicle or another, or suited up in protective gear--but lots and lots of spaceships, the occasion explosion, and lots of hide-and-chase scenes. I was also held prisoner for a while with some other humans.


Weird?? dude your whack! White suited men with straight jacket on their way to your door......

No, your not whack....please no complex!

This is not as bad as my best friends mother in Cyprus who claims she was picked up by aliens. She had a needle put in her elbows as to probe. She said she was walking in a field and found herself miles away when she was returned back.

When she walked back home she came to her daughter and she was not looking well. My friend said that she had holes on her elbows. Hmmmmmmm now that is weird and whack.

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