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Anyone that has seen my work area knows that I am not a neat freak - my  motto is a place for everything and everything all over the place - that is while I am working.  Never-the-less, I like certain  things organized.  My garage, my workshop, bedroom, bathroom and kitchen have to be organized.   Since childhood I have dutifully made my bed.  Even when I travel and stay in a hotel - I make the bed.

Now that you have this background about me - I have a question.  Perhaps this is mostly pointed at the ladies of the world.  Where did the necessity for so many pillows decorating a bed come from????  It is not really a new thing but it seems that our bed is growing pillows.  So when I make the bed there are all these pillows that have a certain order and place.  I thought I was the OCD person of the house but this is all coming from the wife.  We only need two pillows for sleeping.  All the others are for decoration and not for sleeping.  We are currently up to a total of 15 pillows on our bed!!!

Anyway it seems that all the important topics have been talked about excessively.  So I thought I would bring up a completely unnecessary topic that makes no sense and see how the forum reacts.  


The Traveler 

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