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My wife just told me about a new offensive television ad that is running. I am not going to be silent about it.

The ads feature a teacher who dances on her desk and touches her backside while rappers in the classroom talk about her "flat buns." The new Carl's Jr. spot (airing as a Hardee’s ad in some markets) is for the chain’s patty melt, which is served on flat buns. Carl’s Jr.’s evp of marketing, Brad Haley, defends the spot, saying “it’s meant to be funny, silly, interesting and not as a social statement.”

Visit the below website for a phone number and e-mail address if you wish to voice your opinion about it.


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My wife just told me about a new offensive television ad that is running. I am not going to be silent about it.

The ads feature a teacher who dances on her desk and touches her backside while rappers in the classroom talk about her "flat buns." The new Carl's Jr. spot (airing as a Hardee’s ad in some markets) is for the chain’s patty melt, which is served on flat buns. Carl’s Jr.’s evp of marketing, Brad Haley, defends the spot, saying “it’s meant to be funny, silly, interesting and not as a social statement.”

Visit the below website for a phone number and e-mail address if you wish to voice your opinion about it.


Good for you! Doesn't that company also have a tacky Paris Hilton ad?

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It would probably be more effective to contact my local television station rather than Carl's Jr. Any advice?

Do both. go here Carl Jr's, at the bottom of the page is Contact Us at the left hand side, click on that and it pops up a new window. You then have 4 options to select from, click on the Advertising Comments and go for it.

I would suggest cutting and pasting and saving your comments in Word- as this email does NOT go into your own email program.

Check out the web site for your local tv station. They should also have a Contact Us link. Use it. Often.

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Just thought you all might like to hear this. My mom is part of an action group called american family association. She sent me this email she just received.

Another victory! Hardees / Carl's Jr. pulls offensive ads

Your efforts made the difference!

Dear Nan ,

Last week, we asked you to take action encouraging your local television stations to reject two sexually-charged ads by Hardees and Carl's Jr. (CKE Restaurants, Inc.).

We're glad to report that your efforts made a difference! Late last week, CKE cancelled both commercials as dozens of TV stations promised to reject the tasteless ads.

That's not all! In a highly unusual move for the company, it also removed the ads from its websites. Remember, this is the same company who hired Hugh Hefner and Paris Hilton as their company spokespersons in the past. Your message is being heard!

Take Action

Thank you for taking action on the Hardee's / Carl's Jr. issue.

· Please take a moment to contact CKE Restaurants and thank them for pulling the offensive ads. Call and leave a voice message at: 1-877-799-STAR (7827)

The fight goes on and you are not unnoticed. Yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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  • 2 weeks later...

I have been growing increasingly annoyed about the things people find suitable to show my children at grocery stores. On Sunday, I gave a lesson about the Law of Chastity and there was a quote from President Kimball that said this:

I really took this message to heart and felt like I can't talk about what I could do anymore - I have to actually do it! I picked up comment cards from Fred Meyer and handed them out to the women, asking them to fill them out and ask that they remove magazines like Cosmopolitan from the sight of our children. Frey Meyer has one Family Friendly line, which is nice, but you still have to walk past the other lines with the crap magazines that are at eye level with our kids. We are going to plan a day where we all get in line at the same time and when they offer to help us in another line, we will all say, "No, I only shop in the Family Friendly line." I wonder how long it would take for them to make more Family Friendly lines if we did that on a regular basis?

This morning I woke up to The Today Show and was delighted to hear an interview with a woman named Laura Ingraham who wrote a book called "Power to the People", which is about how we can fight against smut in the media. I have never heard of her before and learned she has a radio show. I got up immediately to write her an e-mail and thank her for standing up to this and told her I'm buying her book and shared with her what my plans are. She says our country has been pornified - She used to be able to watch The Today Show with her parents and there was actual news, nothing that made them have to change the channel, but now they show disgusting tabloid-like footage like Brittney Spears wiggling and jiggling on stage. She rejects the notion of just "turning it off". She said that's what "smutmeisters" teach, but you can't get away from it. You drive down the road and there's some Abercrombie billboard with people with no clothes on. How do you advertise clothing with naked people? I have no idea. It's like a restaurant advertising food with an empty plate.

Anyway, I took my son with me to Fred Meyer today and when I saw the cover of Cosmopolitan, I said, "THAT'S IT!!!!! WE ARE GOING TO TALK TO THE MANAGER!!!!!!" This is exactly what it said on the cover. Sorry to offend, but this is the garbage they put in front of our faces in the grocery store, a place where they do everything they can to make it kid friendly and they don't even do anything to protect our kids from this! They have a Playland, shopping carts with steering wheels, a bakery that gives free cookies out to kids, sugar cereal at eye level because they know the kids will beg for it, etc., and then they have the nerve to put this stuff up when they have created a kid friendly environment!

I grabbed that stupid magazine, marched over to customer service, and asked them to speak to the manager. While waiting, I asked the lady what made them think that this was appropriate material for children to see. She said, "Oh. This is supposed to be covered up." I said, "I have been coming here for years and it has never been covered up. My son is 7 and he can read all of it."

The manager showed up and I showed it to him. I asked, "Why do you think this is the kind of material that belongs at eye level with children?" He said, "Oh. Was it in the Family Friendly line?" Before I could answer, the customer service lady told him, "It doesn't matter! It's supposed to be covered up." I added, "You have to walk by the other lines to get to that line, and although I appreciate the Family Friendly line, I don't appreciate the fact that my kids can stop and stare at magazines like this while we're making our way to that line. My son is 7, he's on the 4th Harry Potter book, and he can read every single word on this page! I want my son asking, 'Why is the sky blue?' Not, 'Mom? What's an - '" I then pointed to the word "orgasm" written in large letters. He said, "Oh. I understand. We'll get it covered up. Was there anything else there like that?" I said, "I don't know. I didn't want to look, but I would like anything objectionable to be covered or removed." By the time I was leaving, some of the Cosmos had already been covered. YEE HAAAAAA!!!!! I should've complained a long time ago.


I challenge everyone to do something this week to take a stand against this.



Way to go MorningStar. It is good to see how much one person can make a difference.

Where I live, right in the heart of "Zion", we had a young mother who has taken up this exact same fight. It has made the news here. What really upsets me is the number of letters ot the editor our local paper has carried denouncing her and her efforts. I mean there are folks who really feel their "rights" are being violated by some waco lady who wants Cosmopolitan covered up. I don't know what "rights" they feel have been violated, but it has really been sad to see how much this has angered some. So keep the good fight you guys. I refuse to spend my money at a lot of these places you have mentioned because of their advertising methods. But just not buying their products isn't enough. They need to know why. You have inspired me to let them know. Thank you.

And Laura Ingrham rocks. I have listened to her for years.

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I'll add my vote to ban this mentally viral cesspool that is being displayed at every register in most grocery stores. I cannot believe how sex driven that magazine is and it disgusts me every time I see it. My wife hates it when I ramble on about them because she already knows they are bad, but I just can't stand it. I find that every time I see one in a grocery store there are no less than 3 separate articles about sex ranging from what to do to yourself when you're alone to the supposed secrets guys keep. It's nothing but garbage and is taking a minority and making it seem like a normal. I hate it, and I'd sign a boycott to make it go away.

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Way to go MorningStar. It is good to see how much one person can make a difference.

Where I live, right in the heart of "Zion", we had a young mother who has taken up this exact same fight. It has made the news here. What really upsets me is the number of letters ot the editor our local paper has carried denouncing her and her efforts. I mean there are folks who really feel their "rights" are being violated by some waco lady who wants Cosmopolitan covered up. I don't know what "rights" they feel have been violated, but it has really been sad to see how much this has angered some. So keep the good fight you guys. I refuse to spend my money at a lot of these places you have mentioned because of their advertising methods. But just not buying their products isn't enough. They need to know why. You have inspired me to let them know. Thank you.

And Laura Ingrham rocks. I have listened to her for years.

Thank you! :D I think people don't want it to be covered because they don't want to feel like they're doing something wrong when they buy those magazines. If they're out in the open, then they're the majority. If they're covered, they might feel like they're sneaking around like guys who buy porn. I'll have to tell my brother-in-law about that lady in Utah. He's all over this and I know he would support her.

I'll add my vote to ban this mentally viral cesspool that is being displayed at every register in most grocery stores. I cannot believe how sex driven that magazine is and it disgusts me every time I see it. My wife hates it when I ramble on about them because she already knows they are bad, but I just can't stand it. I find that every time I see one in a grocery store there are no less than 3 separate articles about sex ranging from what to do to yourself when you're alone to the supposed secrets guys keep. It's nothing but garbage and is taking a minority and making it seem like a normal. I hate it, and I'd sign a boycott to make it go away.

For years, I have talked loudly at the check-out about how I can't believe they put that crap out in front of kids and now I wish I woud've talked to managers a long time ago. I've been cracking up because every time I go to Fred Meyer now, someone has turned Cosmo around and I'm sure it was one of my friends. Last night a bunch of us went together and stood in the family friendly line, the checker got annoyed about it, and then we talked to the manager about getting another family friendly line, specifically an express line. No matter how many items I have, I'm stuck in the slowest line just to keep my kids away from that garbage. I'm going to write to Cosmo about their marketing practices, but I doubt if that will affect them. They pay grocery stores extra to put them out front like that. It's not that the grocery stores think they're suitable to be there - they just decided the money was more important. I'm glad you feel the same! :)

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Thank you! :D I think people don't want it to be covered because they don't want to feel like they're doing something wrong when they buy those magazines. If they're out in the open, then they're the majority. If they're covered, they might feel like they're sneaking around like guys who buy porn. I'll have to tell my brother-in-law about that lady in Utah. He's all over this and I know he would support her.

For years, I have talked loudly at the check-out about how I can't believe they put that crap out in front of kids and now I wish I woud've talked to managers a long time ago. I've been cracking up because every time I go to Fred Meyer now, someone has turned Cosmo around and I'm sure it was one of my friends. Last night a bunch of us went together and stood in the family friendly line, the checker got annoyed about it, and then we talked to the manager about getting another family friendly line, specifically an express line. No matter how many items I have, I'm stuck in the slowest line just to keep my kids away from that garbage. I'm going to write to Cosmo about their marketing practices, but I doubt if that will affect them. They pay grocery stores extra to put them out front like that. It's not that the grocery stores think they're suitable to be there - they just decided the money was more important. I'm glad you feel the same! :)

I'm finding more in common with you every day, is there any way to join the UMW/UMM? Have to go through the Rite of Ascension while chanting "I am a Mormon!"?
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I hope the initiation for the UMM Federation isn't as scary as the UMW one.

The 10th anniversary of my Age of Ascention ritual?

What is the UMM UMW? Please fill me in. I'm ignorant. :unsure:

It all started in the LDS Fellowship forums.

LDS Fellowship, an old frontier. I voyaged those pages until they were imported here. A continuing mission, to explore strange new acronyms. To seek out new letters, and new combinations. To boldly go where no one wanted me to go.

I still don't know what it means, and am still deciphering it's ancient and perplexing glyphs. I believe some recent PMs from one of it's members may be clues, or possible deceit intended for my destruction.

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The 10th anniversary of my Age of Ascention ritual?

It all started in the LDS Fellowship forums.

LDS Fellowship, an old frontier. I voyaged those pages until they were imported here. A continuing mission, to explore strange new acronyms. To seek out new letters, and new combinations. To boldly go where no one wanted me to go.

I still don't know what it means, and am still deciphering it's ancient and perplexing glyphs. I believe some recent PMs from one of it's members may be clues, or possible deceit intended for my destruction.

Hmmm, so in other words you could tell me but then you'd have to kill me? :o:D
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The 10th anniversary of my Age of Ascention ritual?

It all started in the LDS Fellowship forums.

LDS Fellowship, an old frontier. I voyaged those pages until they were imported here. A continuing mission, to explore strange new acronyms. To seek out new letters, and new combinations. To boldly go where no one wanted me to go.

I still don't know what it means, and am still deciphering it's ancient and perplexing glyphs. I believe some recent PMs from one of it's members may be clues, or possible deceit intended for my destruction.

You are very wise. Surely the Age of Ascention ritual is not as bad as the Battle of Epiladies. *shudder*

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I was just visiting overstock.com and wasn't pleased with some of their advertising. I contacted a customer service representative and here was our chat conversation:

you: Hello

Cady: Thanks for visiting Overstock.com, this is Cady, how can I help you?

you: I just wanted to voice an opinion about overstock.com

you: I have visited this website several times before

you: Why is overstock.com advertising Penthouse magazine on the front page?

Cady: I'll be glad to check that for you.

Cady: Overstock.com cannot include many advertisements in one webpage.

Cady: That is the reason we have advertised Penthouse magazine.

Cady: Is there anything else that I could help you with?

you: I just wanted to voice my opinion that I do not like it. If overstock.com continues to advertise pornography on its front page I may never purchase from here again. Could you please pass my opinion to higher management?

Cady: Thank you for contacting Overstock.com to express your concern regarding our recent marketing campaign.

Cady: We appreciate your feedback and I have forwarded your email to our Marketing Department. We certainly understand that it is difficult to appeal to all audiences.

Cady: Please be assured that it was not our intention to offend anyone.

Cady: Sure, I will make a note regarding this.

you: Thank you

Cady: Is there anything else that I could help you with?

you: No, thank you for listening to my input

Cady: Thanks for visiting Overstock.com.

Cady: Have a great day.

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I was just visiting overstock.com and wasn't pleased with some of their advertising. I contacted a customer service representative and here was our chat conversation:

you: Hello

Cady: Thanks for visiting Overstock.com, this is Cady, how can I help you?

you: I just wanted to voice an opinion about overstock.com

you: I have visited this website several times before

you: Why is overstock.com advertising Penthouse magazine on the front page?

Cady: I'll be glad to check that for you.

Cady: Overstock.com cannot include many advertisements in one webpage.

Cady: That is the reason we have advertised Penthouse magazine.

Cady: Is there anything else that I could help you with?

you: I just wanted to voice my opinion that I do not like it. If overstock.com continues to advertise pornography on its front page I may never purchase from here again. Could you please pass my opinion to higher management?

Cady: Thank you for contacting Overstock.com to express your concern regarding our recent marketing campaign.

Cady: We appreciate your feedback and I have forwarded your email to our Marketing Department. We certainly understand that it is difficult to appeal to all audiences.

Cady: Please be assured that it was not our intention to offend anyone.

Cady: Sure, I will make a note regarding this.

you: Thank you

Cady: Is there anything else that I could help you with?

you: No, thank you for listening to my input

Cady: Thanks for visiting Overstock.com.

Cady: Have a great day.

Good for you! I'm proud of you. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went to Fred Meyer two days ago and the new issue of Crapmopolitan was out - all of them were uncovered. The "blinders" are built onto the Cosmo racks. They just haven't been using them! All you have to do is flip the blinder forward, insert the magazines, and flip the blinder back. I went down every row and put the blinders in place when I saw one of the lovely headlines, "Why You Should Be a Jealous _____". They suck. I'll be writing more letters tomorrow, visiting the manager at Fred Meyer, and stopping by Whole Foods and some other organic market in town who I'm told do not display disgusting magazines. If that's true, they'll be getting a big thank you from me and more of my business. :D

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