To Friends Of Elphaba From Ldstalk


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Hello dear friends from TALK!

Once again Elphaba's taking fire! :D

Would those of you who feel so inclined take a minute to visit the site under General Discussions, read the letter I posted called "Elphaba needs your Sincere Feedback," and take a moment to respond.

I warn you it's going to take a few minutes to read the letter. But I am trying to get the mods to actually read it as well, as you all know they have never given me any feedback on what it is I've ever down wrong to warrant any actions taken against me.

Also, I am looking for sincere feedback . . . so if you have negative things to say, they are welcome as well.

Thank you in advance.

I really miss you guys. The place has been taken over my people I don't like. :( :(: :(


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I am really sorry that they are still doing the complaining and the personal insults to you. Its really quite remarkable that these people are meant to be LDS and adults as well. Your posts and input are appreciated by many and are thoroughly enjoyed. It makes it more sad that they are doing the things that they are doing.

Maybe they woke up on the wrong-side of the bed? :lol:


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Here Here, Acez! My sentiments exactly! I truly appreciate your insights, Elphaba. I love the fact that you're so well rounded in your input to the discussions and that you always back up what you say. These forums are meant to be a place of discussion. You state your view, I state mine and there should be debate. It's healthy. I'm sorry that anyone would personally attack you or sensor you. Okay...I'll step off my box now and actually go read the letter.

Long Live Elphie!! :sparklygrin:


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I am sorry Elphaba but I have felt personally attacked BY you. But I hold no grudges. I am willing to let bygones be bygones. You definitely have a unique way of looking at life. While I mostly don't agree with some of your philosophies I find no reason why you shouldn't be allowed to share them.

Just try not to be so hard on poor lowley me every now and again. I will try not to be so hard headed in the future.

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I am sorry Elphaba but I have felt personally attacked BY you. But I hold no grudges. I am willing to let bygones be bygones. You definitely have a unique way of looking at life. While I mostly don't agree with some of your philosophies I find no reason why you shouldn't be allowed to share them.

Just try not to be so hard on poor lowley me every now and again. I will try not to be so hard headed in the future.

I can't find the thread in question, can somebody provide me with a link so that I can weigh in?


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I am sorry Elphaba but I have felt personally attacked BY you. But I hold no grudges. I am willing to let bygones be bygones. You definitely have a unique way of looking at life. While I mostly don't agree with some of your philosophies I find no reason why you shouldn't be allowed to share them.

Just try not to be so hard on poor lowley me every now and again. I will try not to be so hard headed in the future.


I'm sorry I did not see this before the thread was shut down. However, I will take what you wrote here and add it to the feedback I received in the thread, so feel assured that your post was not in vain.



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I put on my expensive consulting hat and gave some arguably good feedback. Glad to be of service. :D

As you always do, Moksha!

What a study in the human animal, heh?

I wish I could have expressed what was really my reason for writing the letter, as it was really more complex than I was able to say. But, alas, too late now.

To you and Souixz, and Acez, thank you so much for your kind words both here and on the thread. It was deeply appreciated. I'm going to lick my wounds for a day or two and then get back into the ring.

(You know I say that, and I'll probably be shouting 'Wait a minute!" tomorrow. hehehehe)

You guys are great!



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