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Yeah, that is the way you're supposed to dance, but the youth would make the slow dances an opportunity to hug and sway until it wasn't dancing anymore, but upright making-out. :lol: I remember thinking how I would love to be a chaperone when I grew up when this lady had to tell this girl to get off her boyfriend's lap. I think a lot of the girls were really clueless about how certain things made boys feel. I remember dancing with this one guy who kept pulling me closer and closer to him. I kept trying to back-up and then he pulled me all the way against him and uhhhhh ... He was enjoying the dancing a little too much. I didn't dance with him again.

chaperones at my dances walk around making sure they can fit a set of scriputres between ppl and there dance partners .... havent been "to close" to any of my dance partners ... at least not yet ... lol

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chaperones at my dances walk around making sure they can fit a set of scriputres between ppl and there dance partners .... havent been "to close" to any of my dance partners ... at least not yet ... lol

:lol: I've heard of chaperones doing that. Oh yeah, another thing they did at our dances was add material to our skirts if they were too short.

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I went to church dances in Northern California in the late 1990s for about two years straight before I gave up on them. Got a lot of phone numbers though :D

Most of the Latter-Day Saints at the dances were great.

I am appalled at what the world has done with dancing. When I was single and went to a few dance clubs I was disgusted at how sexual many people danced. It is sad that something so much good can come from is so distorted in todays society.

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they dont even let us in the dances if our skirts are to short they make us go home and change or if our shirts are to low ... which im not going to complain about cause i know how tempting stuff like that can be for guys

Guys should be responsible to keep their own emotions or desires in check no matter what the girls are wearing, I think.

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I always wanted to play the flute... couldn't manage it for some reason... but it is a favorite. I like the slow, deep, ethereal melodies.

Garden Girl

Me too!! In fact, my Hubby bought me a flute for Christmas, and in January, I am going to take Flute lessons!! A young lady from the local High School is going to teach me!! My goal is to be able to play a Christmas Carol at Chruch next year!!

Hoping to be the female James Gallway (though I doubt there is ANY chance of that!!)

Silver Girl

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