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I need step by step instructions to do something that complicated! :) just let me know how to clear my cache and I will. I feel like such a doofus!

and jason.. be nice! ;)

If you would like, post what internet browser are you are using and what pop up blocker software you may have and I can see if I can write out step by step instructions. Or you can pm me with a day and time and I'll see what I can do to be on and we'll set up some messenger thing to walk you through it
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If you would like, post what internet browser are you are using and what pop up blocker software you may have and I can see if I can write out step by step instructions. Or you can pm me with a day and time and I'll see what I can do to be on and we'll set up some messenger thing to walk you through it

thanks captain jack! i'm on the 'net all day at work. so any time m-f from 7:30a - 4:30p cst will work. :)

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I just tried Chat and it says my browser does not enable Java Script. Well I checked and yes I have Java enabled. I won't be able to address this until after I get home tonight.

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Java and Java script are two different things. If you have a pop up blocker or some other tool to stop ads then it could have possibly turned off the setting. For IE users you must have active scripting turned on.

Follow the directions here to open internet options you can do it from your control panel.

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Java and Java script are two different things. If you have a pop up blocker or some other tool to stop ads then it could have possibly turned off the setting. For IE users you must have active scripting turned on.

Follow the directions here to open internet options you can do it from your control panel.

Did all of that, still doesn't work.
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Do you have java installed?

I also found this tool from parachat

The tool above said it will help fix that problem with step to step instructions. See if this helps. Keep me updated.

Boy oh boy do I have Java installed. When I go into Add/Remove Programs this is what I have:

J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 update 10

J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 update 11

J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 update 6

J2SE Runtime Environment 5.0 update 9

Java2 Runtime Environment SE V1.4.2_03

Jave 6 Update 2

Jave 6 Update 3

Jave SE Runtime Environment 6 Update 1

Now when I right click in Start and go into Explore, My Comp, Programs, Java - this is what is there -









With all that, and I still can not get into Chat. Is Java like adobe in that before you do an update you really need to uninstall ALL of it using Add/Remove, then going into Explore and removing it from my computer program files and also from document settings, default user, application settings?

What is odd- is at work I don't have Java. At least it is not in my Add/Remove, or Explore- yet I can get into Chat. So, what do you Computer Wizards say? Will I do a lot of damage if I delete all of the Java stuff? Right click and then click on delete? Or should I just leave it all alone?

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No you can delete all the java stuff and put in the new one. You are using IE correct? If so you must have a program blocking access to java.

Okay, I deleted all the old, restarted my maching. Went to Java and downloaded the newest Java. Then I restarted my machine. Came here and Chat does not work for me. Went to Java and tested my machine. Jave on my machine works.

Phooey on Chat :blink:

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I went through the entire thing - downloaded the updates, checked to see if I had the proper Java installed, checked to see if I had any viruses, even tested to see if I could go to another chat room - I could. Come back here and NO Chat. Do I have to close out of my browser and reboot my computer?? I will try it just the same.

Edited to add: Nope - chat doesn't work for me here. (big sigh) Oh Well.

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This demo tells you how to enable java in ie 7 I have a feeling you have something blocking java or popups from running.

I have done that - four times to be exact. I can go to any other chat room and get on. So I have nothing on my computer that is stopping that. Para Chat tested me, and then I went to about 6 chat rooms via Para Chat and I got on and chatted. I am not going to sweat it. Thanks for the links and the help, anyway.

I hope that the others who were having problems were able to solve them through all of the links.

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Ok when you come and try to chat is it while you are logged into the site. Also when you click on it a pop up should open asking for a password or a prompt of some sort. Does any of this happen?

Yes I am signed onto the site when I click on Chat.

This is what I get:

Sorry, your browser is not Java enabled, please visit our java support pages

If you are running a version of a Microsoft Windowsâ„¢ and see only a broken link icon, you will need to download a copy of the Javaâ„¢ Virtual Machine in order to run our application. You may download Javaâ„¢ Support for your browser from one of the following links below:

* Microsoft Virtual Machine (for MSIE)

* Sun Javaâ„¢ Plugin (for Netscape, Opera, MSIE, etc..)

Older versions of Netscape (on certain platforms) such as v4.08, and v4.7x may not run the software. We strongly recommend upgrading to a newer version of Netscape (v6.xx or better) if this is the case. Certain browsers running on Macintosh platforms are not capable of running our software due to problems outside of our control. As WebTV does not support Javaâ„¢, WebTV users will not be able to access the live chat rooms.

Users behind firewalls may need to inform their local IT/network administrator to allow TCP connections on ports 9000-9009 at

AOL Members: Some users have reported that the built-in AOL browser has difficulty connecting to our service, or does not load colors/emoticons properly. To resolve this, minimize your AOL connection, and use the Internet Explorer browser that came with your computer to access our chat rooms.

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Ok that helps can you try again. I changed a setting.

Also I am sure that you have cleared your cache and shut down your browser after those setting changes. Make sure if you clear your cache you are not on at all.

Did all that - deleted temp internet settings, everything. Reset my computer and No Go on the chat. Got the same message.
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