Wonderfull Sacrament Meeting!


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Myself Wife. an two of our inactive daughters traveled many miles to a ward we have never been to before. to attend one of my wifes nephews baby son blessing, our daughters do not live at home, all 5 kids are grown and on there own now. anyway, first surprise.......30 seconds before the meeting started my wifes nephew came from the back of meeting room {we were in very front row} knelt down and asked me if i would like to stand in.! needless to say i was very happy! and when he blessed his son, whom by the way was named "Malachi" he gave the most powerfull blessing i have ever heard from any father. it was perfect. very,very, spiritual. then there were two women speakers who were speaking "Directly" to my daughters {if you know what i mean}. My family has not been touched by the spirit so profoundly as this for a very long time, this had to be the best day in a long while for our family. Without telling all the details. it was a very beautifull and rare occasion.

I can only wish times as this for all of you and your families. :) {soon!}

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That is wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Honestly, I do know what you mean when you just know the spirit is giving special messages to particular people very close to you in a specific situation that is very personal. You know beyond anything physical that this is no coincidence. So don't let that feeling slip away and just know that those girls of yours heard it. Do not doubt that for a minute.

At times we feel our children are there and really not there. I have later found in speaking with my older children, that at the times I was sure that they had left the room, mentally, they were there and things got through. It was often much later that things actually took effect.

I don't know "where" your daughters are right now, but the prayers of a righteous father can do much. Remember, Heavenly Father has mercy on parents who plead for their children, as He too is pulling for them as well.... a joint effort with Him.

And for us as parents, who often feel alone, it is good to know He hears our prayers and is always watchful of our children and mindful of us and our concerns, but isn't it comforting that he allows us the view, even for just a moment that He is there....

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