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First, congratulations on this step. I firmly believe that God has far less interest in where we currently are in our spiritual journeys than he does in which direction we are walking.

Perhaps a good first step is to ask questions. You will find that as you come to believe that the Church is true, the Lord will provide a way for you to overcome obstacles in your path. Your concerns are valid, of course, but with God all things are possible. If he can make stars and mountains, he can certainly tell you what is true and help you to live your belief.

So ask - Ask God for answers. Ask members of the Church for clarification. Ask God for strength to live by whatever you discover to be right. He will help you.

If I can personally answer anything for you, let me know.

All the best for your journey.

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You will find some on this forum who have been in your shoes.

You can read some stories of conversion on - A blog by Mormons about Mormonism and the Mormon Church in the missionary section: How to Be a Member Missionary - Category: Conversion Stories - A blog by Mormons about Mormonism and the Mormon Church

An excellent site with testimonies of Church members is: Main Page - MormonTestimonies - Why We as Latter-day Saints Believe in Mormonism - (LDS Beliefs)

Some stories of other kinds are available in archives of the Church magazines, available for free online through The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - click on Gospel Library and select Church Publications.

The difficult and exciting thing about testimonials as you describe is that everybody's story is unique. Search around these resources and post more forum questions, and you will find many who have been in similar situations.

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I think every convert to the church has to face making changes in their life. Some may have more to deal with than others. I was lucky in that I have never smoked, hate even the smell of tea, never found a coffee that I could enjoy without finding a bitter after taste and only ever drank alcohol at Christmas or other celebrations. I'd already read in the scriptures about tithing and so was giving a tenth of my income to church collections. About the only thing I had to change was to lengthen a few skirts!

I realise that it isn't as easy by any means for everyone.

One thing which was really difficult for me to come to terms with was losing the friendship of people who suddenly seemed to be afraid that I might either kidnap them or brainwash them.

However, all I can say is that it was worth it. I know the church is true and that I couldn't possibly be anywhere else.

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I haven't really come across anyone dramatically negative about the church. I have had people who try to convince me that I am wrong, but none who fear that I may have a bad influence on their children. The school where I'm a governor I have a good relationship with the rest of the governing body and the teaching staff. They know I have certain moral principles and that none of it contradicts any of the standards they wish to encourage in the children - so in my experience it's a positive asset. We have a lot of muslim children in the school and there has never been a problem with them having teachers of other (or no) faiths.
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Thanks Willow for sharing your experiences. Mormons are pretty much hated and ridiculed here. I guess because people don't know a actually surprised me to learn that LDS read the New Testament and believe in Jesus Christ...I've had a lot of misconceptions myself.

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That always surprises me when people don't realise we believe in Jesus Christ when you consider the actual name of the church but yes I've come across plenty of misconceptions too but I try to clarify the truth for people in a non confrontational way and they usually end up happy with that - or just think I'm a harmless religious nutcase. :D
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Thanks Willow for sharing your experiences. Mormons are pretty much hated and ridiculed here. I guess because people don't know a actually surprised me to learn that LDS read the New Testament and believe in Jesus Christ...I've had a lot of misconceptions myself.

I have quite a bit of experience with mainly Evangelical objection's to LDS belief. FAIR has done a masterful job at it's main website and it's FAIR Wiki in answering many such objection's. I kind of like it's reply to 50 common Anti-Mormon question's. LDS FAIR Apologetics Homepage

One Evangelical concern is that LDS don't believe in the Bible alone. And that LDS believe in a different Jesus one of the false one's that Paul warned of.(2 Cor. 11:4) I don't think either objection has merit that i would embrace the closed canon idea, or their Jesus as a better theological Jesus than the LDS Jesus.

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Dale I don't really know all that much about what the arguments against Mormonism are because I come from a splinter evangelical group (A group unacceptable to many who belong to AOG) where even discussing such things would be considered wrong as in' the shut your ears and hearts against it kind of approach to things', just accept that it's wrong. No one bothered to explain it, because you didn't question it and you just picked up things more in the way of 'gossip' than teaching. I also assumed that Mormons only read the book of Mormon because that is what the Elders ask if you want to read and I just didn't think to ask if they read other books. Of course googling my way along to this site I've kind of come across the anti sites.

I do know what an Apologist is because my sister took that unit in University and I became interested in Christian philosophers. Can you link me to the 50 most common anti-Mormon questions as I can't find the link and it's probably a quick way to sort out any other things I don't know that I should.

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Wanderer-Unless you were in an Evangelical church and took a class on witnessing to Mormon's you would not know the arguments. Most churche's i know of have no interest in exposing Mormonism's so called error's. They might disagree with the LDS, but they are no vocal enough to get into that.

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Yes, I think people are pretty do you cope with that kind of response?

I know where you are coming from, half my family is baptist,which that is the way I was raised.And the other half is church of christ.All my friends say are you crazy,stay out of the mormon church.So i feel confused,I have prayed about it,and I feel happy with my choice,but my family really is hard agaist the mormon church,so I tell them this is the way I look at it,if I live by what god commands,and belive jesus as my savor,and being saved,And I pray alot,I worry god to no end.

That I will be fine,I feel im doing right,and when its my time to go I'll be with my heavenly father.

But I get the mormons are devil worshipers,they are a cult,I even get you will go to hell if you go do a mormon church.I still wonder if Im going in the right direction? So the only thing I can say is pray for god to lead you down the right path.

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I know where you are coming from, half my family is baptist,which that is the way I was raised.And the other half is church of christ.All my friends say are you crazy,stay out of the mormon church.So i feel confused,I have prayed about it,and I feel happy with my choice,but my family really is hard agaist the mormon church,so I tell them this is the way I look at it,if I live by what god commands,and belive jesus as my savor,and being saved,And I pray alot,I worry god to no end.

That I will be fine,I feel im doing right,and when its my time to go I'll be with my heavenly father.

But I get the mormons are devil worshipers,they are a cult,I even get you will go to hell if you go do a mormon church.I still wonder if Im going in the right direction? So the only thing I can say is pray for god to lead you down the right path.

Christ taught that we obtain the witness as we do our will. Assuming we're humble and open to the Spirit, of course. So if you think, after prayer and pondering, that you should do something, then go for it, and look for the quiet promptings of the spirit to guide you. For or against.

In particular, if you are a covenantal believer, you will obtain additional assistance. IMO.


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Regg...I know I'm going to say this is not's all good. Might be a bit of a rocky path. I guess I'm at the fragile stage. Not ready for people to hack away at something that is uplifting.

HiJolly, I really hope so cause additional help would be great. The whole 'milk before meat' thing. I have no problems with seeing the revelation and inspiration of God in this, that is the easiest thing. I have this really strong wish to get a study guide for the Book of Mormon and work my way through it. No, not in a critical way. Er, help!

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