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So I have been called to the Young Womens as a mia maid adviser, i love it and i get a long really well with all the girls, cause i am 19 and i was actually in Young Womens with most the girls that i teach, and it is such a nice and sweet mia maid class, we just had a new girl move in to the ward, and i as well as the leaders and the mia maids have tried to include her and make her feel welcome, but every time anyone talks to her she puts up a wall and doesn't want to talk to you! i love my group and i don't want anyone to feel left out, i just feel like i have tried everything! any advice on this? i Know relief society is great at extending a warm welcome to new comers.
  • 1 month later...

Have you talked to her parents? There might be something going on you don't know about, or she might just be extremely shy and needs to join the group at her own pace.

  • 3 weeks later...

Just include her...give her some responsibilities. If she isn't interacting or contributing this will give her a chance to do that in a non-threatening way. Some people take a while to adjust to change. Opportunities to feel included in a conversation without saying much work too...tackle it in tandem with another friend: two to one : ) .


Try inviting her to a movie, or something just the two of you can bond...start small and work bigger... :) sometimes friendship makes the difference..:P

great idea i was thinking of taking her to lunch or something, but is that somehow against church guidelines??? i am just unsure if it was looked down on hanging with the girls outside of young womens???


No way!anfd anyway us YW (forgive me for posting here) love it!I think this girl is probably very shy.Take it a bit by bit.I've found it's amazing what you get when you never give up trying to talk to someone.


I'm the mia maid president ... and it's not been easy to include all the girls in the mia maids all of us are very different .. havent been in this position very long .. but i've found that building that one on one relationship really helps not only me but all the other mia maids

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