Questions about LDS it 4 Me???


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I am new here and I will make this as short as possible...

I have been really having a hard time the last few years and ( including I am now getting divorced) ... I credit my Mother & God with keeping me together!

Because of the Betrayal in my marriage I know I have a lot of anger I need to get ove and get on with my life.

It's So hard but I am trying , but 4p everyday seems to be crying time ! ):

I had been going to Catholic Church sporadically mostly by myself...( My Ex was NOT a Church goer and had blatently at times said he didn't believe in God!)!!

I had a friend that was Mormon and it got me curious because of the Strength and sense of purpose not to mention the closeness of the family.

Unfortunately w/my Father whom passed away many years ago my only child grown up and an very elderly Mother ..I feel as though my family in more ways than one is slipping away.

I have had this book of Mormon I picked up 2 years ago at home and I can't shake this feeling for the past few years that this might be something I need to find out more of , I am not sure if it is God's way of nudging me towards what I feel has been that empty space in my soul for many year's, to quote my Mom she said "pray"..and I just feel like that might be what is missing....

Byr the way my father was a converted Christian Scientist who read the Bible every night and my mother made me go to church every Sunday , so I was raised w/religion and I must say I was probably the only child who enjoyed going to Church LOL!!!

Now I am thinking of relocating to Salt Lake area and going possibly to University of Utah...I need to brush up on my computer skills and hopefuly a degree.

My Big Question is , if i visit the school and I am in Salt lake are there people from the Church with whom I can talk to and explore LDS and answer my questions about the principles ect.. I know certain things from the Web site ...but i have lots of Questions LOL!!

I guess I am like that Hoosier guy that posts , since I am now single again I feel kinda weird because LDS is so family oriented but I guess that is what I like about it too!

I also feel like if I ever joined the Church I may get ridicule from my friends i mean they are great friends but I have to admit I am probably the only one that ever goes to church just because, and they seen to think it is funny, if I were to become LDS know I would face ridicule, but non the less that wouldn't deter me....

I appreciate any and all replies....Thank You.. The Seeker

I guess this wasn't short !!!!!

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Your mother gave you great advise. Pray.

At the U (my alma matter) you will meet many wonderful members of the Church. (also many not so wonderful ones)

Find those that are living their religion. Have them teach you the basic doctrines. Read The Book of Mormon: Another Testament of Jesus Christ. It can change your life for the better.

Today in fast and testimony meeting a wonderful sister, a convert of 4 years stood to bear witness. She said she wished she had found the Church as a child. She has three boys. The two youngest joined the Church with her 4 years ago. She said that even though she doesn't have an "eternal mate", she knows that everything will work out in the end with Heavenly Father if she remains true and faithful to her covenants. She says that The Church has become her "family", that because of it, she has been able to be surrounded by 'good' and that her children have been surrounded by goodness.

God bless you in your journey towards the Light.


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Well come home! :bighug:

I been a single with kids in Church.. it feels a bit out of place... I Found me a great LDS hubby at the age of 41! We stil got 2 wonderfull boys! However no marriage is without problems....

Main thing is I know I am in the right place as I am in LDS church. It talks to my sole such peace that I feel safe even times can be difficult.

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Thank you ..I am starting to read the Book of Mormon ...anything else you could recommend that would also give me insight and to search my sould if LDS is right for me???

Keep reading the B of M every day. Also read the Gospel Principles manual- it's a great intro to the gospel. I also very much recommend meeting with the missionaries.

If you want more suggestions, I love reading articles in the Ensign- the church's monthly magazine.

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Guest Malcolm

Hello Seeker:

Welcome to our little gathering place. I am glad you have decided to read the Book of Mormon and to seek more information about the principles of the church.

You should know that one of the pillars of the church is perfecting the saints. Through our own misguided efforts, ignorance or (at times) arrogance we sort of wander away from God. The church and the gospel are designed to open our spiritual eyes, helps us change our behavior (whatever interferes with a closer relationship with our Father in Heaven) and receive a change of heart. And after we have done those things help us stay in the straight and narrow way that leads to salvation and eternal life. In summary; we are ALL a work in progress.

Do not fear your friends ridicule. If they do then perhaps they were not as good friends as you thought they were. If you are able to ascertain the truth and the word of God fills your heart; what is so bad about that? At the end, the Savior said that who ever left (lost) friends, mother and father to follow Him shall have (gain) eternal life. I am sad for the breakage of your marriage. Perhaps the Lord has something in store for you much greater that will make your life complete.

In the mean time enjoy the forum, learn and do not stop praying. you will find the answers you are looking for.

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Seekeroflight I echo the welcome and wish you many blessings in your search. I know that in addition to reading, listening to the missionaries, and going to church, there is one real key to understanding if these things are true.

After all the talk, discussion, and search, you must sincerely pray to know what is right. We have a promise given by Moroni on page 529 in the Book of Mormon.

"And when ye shall receive these things, I would exhort you that ye would ask God, the Eternal Father, In the name of Christ, if these things are not true; and if ye shall ask with a sincere heart, with real intent, having faith in Christ, he will manifest the truth of it unto you, by the power of the Holy Ghost.

And by the power of the Holy Ghost ye may know the truth of all things."

(Moroni 10: 4-5)

I know this works and will help you with your search.


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I was 16 years old when I started searching for the right church for me... I remember when my homie got out of prison an I said "how you doing man hows it feel to be out" an he told me " it was the best thing ever happing to me because I found Jesus..." I stood there for a bit an was like "hahhaahhahahah" an that following Sunday he took me to a church called praise chapel. Which started the whole religious crusade for me I went from everything to checking out Hindu with my friend geon that i used to smoke weed with to mus slim to Christianity, until i was about 17 an I gave up.... i prayed to god to show me where to go an i ended up on Oahu to live with my family after my family kicking me out of California after getting shot at for the 9th time, stabbed an clubbed in the head, to a town called laie. an where I took missionaries lessons for 8 months.... 8 months it took me to get an answer. An answer is what I got, I promise you that you take on the what missionaries tell ya to take on you will be filled with a joy that is unlike anything.

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