A friendly hello, from an ex-Mormon

Guest esozeph

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Guest esozeph

Hello, this is a pretty nice site ... a lot better than mymormonspace ... that place is a bit of a joke ...

I'm an ex-mormon, but not particularly hostile to Mormonism or anything, so don't assume that I'm a typical anti-mormon or something ... I have a deep respect for the tradition within which I was raised, ... it's just that I decided to resign ... but I still have a continuing fascination with LDS culture, history and doctrine ...

I started a group for discussing early Mormon history ... it's the only one in the category right now ... for those who enjoy discussing LDS history. I'm actually not very well versed in Mormon history, but as time goes on I'm learning more and more ... so if you're interested in, or are very knowledgeable regarding early Mormon history, I'd appreciate the input. I have various projects going on right now, and may not be able to be here a whole lot ... but I'll be around occasionally.

have fun,

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Hi there, and welcome!

LDS history is fascinating. I can understand wanting to learn about it even if you're no longer a believing member.

For example: Did you know that Utah and Idaho led the nation in the women's sufferage movement? Utah was the first to grant it, Idaho came second, but was the first to actually have an election where women voted.

I can't be sure, I've seen people make a pretty good case that polygamy was a big driving force. Pro- and Anti-polygamy forces both had problems getting the public to vote their way. Both thought "hey, let's give women the right to vote - they'll agree with us!"

So they did, and from what I can tell, the Pro- forces in Utah were right.

Welcome again,


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Hi and welcome.

I know something about the history, but not so much. I dont buy any history, as every history is written by someone who writes it from his or her point of wiev, I do not believe in objectivity when history is told. To see is to believe...The ONLY thing I trust and believe in is the quiet vhispers of the spirit!

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Guest esozeph

yeah this is a pretty nice site from what I can tell ... thanks for all your replies ...

I was reading the terms and conditions the other day though, ... and it seems that there are a lot of limits on discussion ... It seems because this is a nonprofit organization and their being very strict about stuff -- which is nice in some sense.

Not that I'm very fond of trolling and such ... or in depth political discussions ... but I find the limits on political discussion rather ... well annoying ... I mean, it's just that I've been on myspace for a while, and I guess I'm just used to the relative lack of restrictions ...

have fun,


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