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I'm new to this site so figured I had write an official introduction, though I already posted a thread under "Advice" a few days ago (my husband is currently inactive and needed some emergency advice in that area). I joined mainly to feel some support church-wise as I'm in a new ward and new area and don't know a lot of people in my neighborhood.

I am currently a stay-at-home mom. I got married at age 22, in my 3rd (junior) year at ASU. I had been studying Secondary Education- history. British/medievel history is my favorite, it's how I met my husband. I kind of feel like my life in some ways has stood still since then and changed in so many other ways. I still feel like a young college kid even though I'm a 32 year old mother of 3 children, the oldest of whom is almost 8 and ready to be baptized. I feel like she was just born. Time flies.

Anyway, there is a lot more about me but nothing fascinating and as my children are my focus and I already covered them I will leave it here. :-) I love talking to anyone about the church (if they have questions) and am very open-minded. I hope to be a part of this online community for a long time.

Thanks everyone!

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Guest Malcolm

Hello Ssiter M:

Welcome. I know what you mean. It was just the other day I was young, strong, handsome and the life of the party!! But I like who I am today a lot more than then. I have learned many things in this last 8 years that I have been a member as well. One of them is to define my domain and build on it without concern for my neighbor's domain. The Gospel has been instrumental on that.

Look forward to hearing from you

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Welcome to the site Sister M,

There are alot of good and supportive peolple on this site so im sure you'll like it here.Well i commend you for being a stay at home mom,i know it's hard.There a good book called 'The 7 Habits of highly effective people' by stephen r covey.I think that's what it's called but it's a great book if you ever want something to read.

32 isn't old,your as old as you feel :)

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Welcome here I hope you find frends.. and I hope you and everybody else here finds me as beeing one of theirs too... :D

Hey I am a grandmother og 4 and I am 21! Yes 21 .. so you all know! :P

I been in MANY kinds of situations during my life in LDS church... missing only; beeing a child, a youth, a wife to an inactivemember... yeah I think that is all that I have not gone through as a siter in Church...:eek:

So I dont really know what to say about inactivity... except...patience, patience and love him back! I am afraid my advice was very poor and almosta clise... :mellow:

Keeping you in my prayers!

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