Update and Thanks for my fizz


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Have odd couple of weeks at church I have been walking and getting the bus which is lovely I get there a bit sore (its 4 miles to the bus), but relaxed and happy, the first week I really struggled my Nemesis was teaching the lesson in RS and doing the conducting (she only told me off for forgetting my book lol and dismissed my decision to contribute the comment about repenting because Heavenly Father asked us too)

This week she also had a go at me with her daughter about my lousy parenting, but I had taken your wonderful advice sung hymns to the bus, prayed for her and read scriptures, I stood up for myself and I feel great lol I was tempted to be nasty and I wasn't I just informed her Gabriel was my son. Our wonderful branch president is back which makes things great... I also got a blessing off my husband after the incident and he said it was one of those Heavenly Father made him say word for word and it said that I was to hand it over to Him (Heavenly Father), He was mindful of her behavior and that she would entertain His wrath if she continues - talk about Wow it was wonderful though she did it front of other people and for the first time with that blessing combined I finally feel free like I am not going mad she is just mean, sometimes I felt maybe I was overreacting - I should have known it when a blessing I got on a Temple Trip told me that the reason for my bad time in the Temple was someone there bore me ill will, but I was too stupid to believe people could be that bad..

I came home singing and looking forward to next week for first time in ages lol I feel so happy I just need to stop my new nickname of Satan's Mistress and calling her and her daughter the infernal sisterhood I think that will go with my prayers tonight and will only resurface when I need it because it makes me giggle even though I know its not nice I think it calls it exactly like it is really and I realised that I had placed her above my Heavenly Father - and in doing so had placed Satan in too much of an important position in my life. As soon as I realised that it feels like I got my Heavenly Father back He is no longer so distant

Thank you all so much for your help and if you got this far for reading


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Thanks every I actually know I am a good Mum Siouxz and I knew she was being completely daft the baby that can get himself in the loft safely if I turn my back is more likely to get stuck in a tree or his head in a railing than fall down a step (the incident concerned lol), I was accused of not keeping an eye on him when he went out the door I had seen him go and I knew the Sister behind him was not going to let him come to any trouble, because of the railings if I stand by the door I can let him run and just go grab him when he heads towards the carpark we have a huge garden to our branch. Ugh Trouble is I trusted her she had been my YWs leader and I thought friend then as soon as Ellie was born she started criticising every move I just thought it was because she had, had trials in her life and was a little jelous, and then she started flirting with Richard which was kind of sad but hysterically funny she is 50 with bad eyeshadow, then telling other sisters I was mad then bliss she made a point of ignoring me for over a year I nearly recovered. The Temple incident was 3 years ago but it told me a lot and just how deliberate it was, it was first time I have ever been to the Temple and I struggled so hard to feel the spirit I struggle with the ceremony its very tiring for me but I usually love meditating in the Celestial Room I just couldn't

I think my nicknames will keep me going until I am strong enough to just let go and forgive properly. I think its why she got so bad I gave a talk and for first time I managed to look at her in the eyes and glared at her and her daughter when they wittered all the way through my talk (she sits in the front and we just have a podium so she is right next to it)

- I do feel good today though lol



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