New Temple Garment Rule


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Guest curvette

Originally posted by Unorthodox@Jun 10 2004, 02:12 PM

But it was a good opportunity to use the word "tighty whities" on the message board, right?

Huh...I always pictured Owen as a "thong" kinda guy!
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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by ExMormon-Jason@Jun 10 2004, 08:49 PM

"I wonder what that is going to do to fundamentalists who are not members of this church but buy their garments from the church."

"I wonder what that is going to do to fundamentalists who are not members of this church but buy their garments from the church."

"They'll probably just start making their own using ours as a blueprint."

I can answer this (as a former fundamentalist myself).

They don't wear the "official" LDS Church garment. They still wear the "old fashioned" style that went down to your wrists and ankles. Oh, and one of the "marks" was reversed. Oh, and they are ONE piece, and they use Tape-Tie strings in the middle instead of buttons.

SOO, no they don't use "yours" as a "blueprint". They consider the LDS Church garment as "apostate".

So...they make their own?
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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by ExMormon-Jason@Jun 11 2004, 09:08 AM

That's what the Pioneer's used to do, sweetheart.

Well yes...but... :blink: ...well....

Okay then. :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Peace@Jun 10 2004, 08:41 AM

I am so glad they have finally done this. I have felt it necessary for years.

I wonder what that is going to do to fundamentalists who are not members of this church but buy their garments from the church.

Gee....I guess they we have to make their own! BoooHoo. :(

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Originally posted by Unorthodox@Jun 10 2004, 11:30 AM

So if I didn't keep my Temple Recommend current, and my garments were worn out, I would have to go back to wearing tighty whities?  I guess that's fine with me.

Do you think this might hurt garment sales?

Maybe you will have to find a mother in law like mine, she buys me garments for my birthday---can't have her daugher seen with a guy with "hole..y" garments.

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Two questions (decided to pop in for a spell- the search has been looking up lately, thanks for the encouragement).

Does anyone have the number "666" or can one theoretically receive some odd number like that?

I've really wondered this a lot- like, if I became a member and started wearing the garments- how and when would I wash them? Are there multiple pairs or something or how does that work? I mean no disrespect but ask these with all sincerity.

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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by Nicodemus@Jun 13 2004, 02:19 PM

Two questions (decided to pop in for a spell- the search has been looking up lately, thanks for the encouragement).

Does anyone have the number "666" or can one theoretically receive some odd number like that?

I've really wondered this a lot- like, if I became a member and started wearing the garments- how and when would I wash them? Are there multiple pairs or something or how does that work? I mean no disrespect but ask these with all sincerity.

Rev 13:

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

I doubt you can get the number 666....for obvious reasons.... ;)

And as far as your other question....when you need to know...they will tell you. :ph34r:

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Originally posted by Starsky+Jun 13 2004, 03:26 PM--></span><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (Starsky @ Jun 13 2004, 03:26 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin--Nicodemus@Jun 13 2004, 02:19 PM

Two questions (decided to pop in for a spell- the search has been looking up lately, thanks for the encouragement).

Does anyone have the number "666" or can one theoretically receive some odd number like that?

I've really wondered this a lot- like, if I became a member and started wearing the garments- how and when would I wash them?  Are there multiple pairs or something or how does that work?  I mean no disrespect but ask these with all sincerity.

Rev 13:

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

I doubt you can get the number 666....for obvious reasons.... ;)

And as far as your other question....when you need to know...they will tell you. :ph34r:

Ah, I should have figured.

Sorry about that. I personally feel really dirty if I don't put it through the wash cycle before I put it on. I also have other questions regarding the garments, but I trust those will be answered as well.

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Guest Starsky

Tao asked:Do you think this might hurt garment sales?

I think it will. There are a lot of inactives who still keep their garments on...they just can't get to church to get a TR or they don't think they can afford tithing...or some such thing...

My little friend who is near 70 years old doesn't have one because she just can't stand some of the ignorant people at church....

And not everyone who goes to church has a TR either.

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Originally posted by Nicodemus@Jun 13 2004, 03:19 PM

I've really wondered this a lot- like, if I became a member and started wearing the garments- how and when would I wash them? Are there multiple pairs or something or how does that work? I mean no disrespect but ask these with all sincerity.

Let me put it this way Nick...can I call you Nick?...Nick,

The garments are meant to be a symbol of purity (among other things). How well would they serve that purpose if you couldn't wash them?

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Originally posted by Nicodemus@Jun 13 2004, 06:20 PM

That takes a load off. Not trying to sound dumb or anything, but if you can't ever take them off, it sounds like a person must shower with them on.

It would also make the honeymoon a little awkward too, don't you think? :D
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Originally posted by Nicodemus@Jun 13 2004, 08:20 PM

I'm glad that you can wash them.

That takes a load off. Not trying to sound dumb or anything, but if you can't ever take them off, it sounds like a person must shower with them on.

Nickodemus there are certain times when it's appropriate to NOT wear the garments..showering and "marital" reasons are two of them...

And you may buy as many pairs as you want. I personally have to order a whole new "wardrobe" now due to my ever expanding belly...:)

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Ok, thank you very much!

Those were my two questions. I was too afraid to ask about how that would fit into the "marital" scheme and it had been bothering me. Thanks for mind-reading there.

And I now know that you can buy multiple pairs. Good- my mind is at rest now. Thank you for your help. Sorry if that was too personal.

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Originally posted by Ruthie-chan@Jun 10 2004, 01:00 AM

About freakin' time.

Heck, I think they need to take it a step further and require ID as well as a Temple Recommend, though that may not work so well in third world countries.

It ticks me off how rude these people are.

No one would ever be this disrespectful to Jew or Muslim sacred possessions. :angry:

Psst, Snow, they did stop using real wine in sacrament. :P

yes...I agree exactly....
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Guest Starsky

Originally posted by Nicodemus@Jun 13 2004, 08:31 PM

Ok, thank you very much!

Those were my two questions. I was too afraid to ask about how that would fit into the "marital" scheme and it had been bothering me. Thanks for mind-reading there.

And I now know that you can buy multiple pairs. Good- my mind is at rest now. Thank you for your help. Sorry if that was too personal.

About the marital thing....

As missionaries we were invited up to the solom assembly room in the temple and allowed to ask President Romney any questions we wanted...

One elder decided to ask this question about garments and marital relations....and was told that garments were meant as a spiritual protection....and it just depended upon how much protection you wanted or felt that you needed at any given time.

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Originally posted by Nicodemus@Jun 13 2004, 06:20 PM

I'm glad that you can wash them.

That takes a load off. Not trying to sound dumb or anything, but if you can't ever take them off, it sounds like a person must shower with them on.

You use them as underwear. Do you ever go without underwear?

Only, you treat this underwear very carefully because of the symbolism involved.

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Originally posted by ExMormon-Jason@Jun 13 2004, 09:38 PM

"I doubt you can get the number 666....for obvious reasons.... "

Actually, that WAS my number.  ;)

And look where it got you Jason..... :)

You really should see a doctor for that jaundice color in your eye. ;)

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