Ending My Winning Streak


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I'm 17 weeks pregnant now and last night I finally threw-up for the first time. I was so determined to make this the pregnancy that was vomit-free.

My mom offered to take my kids overnight. I was so excited and looking forward to a romantic evening with my husband. During the day, I took advantage of the peace and quiet and finally decided to work on my taxes more. I got so frustrated, I had no appetite. Then my husband got home later than planned and we didn't make it to dinner until 8pm.

I was really hungry, but my food tasted good and bad at the same time. My husband could tell I was grossed out and I was trying not to ruin the evening. Then when our bill came, I had to wait outside because the smells were getting to me.

Then we went to the video store to return some movies and I decided to pick up another very quickly. I almost gave up when this guy in the store smelled very strongly of cigarettes. I flashed back to my 2nd pregnancy when I threw-up constantly because of my smoking neighbors. I almost left, but I was determined and grabbed "Dan in Real Life".

We headed home and I was still gagging from the cigarette smell and when we walked through the door, the onion taste in my mouth was starting to gross me out. I decided to brush my teeth. Really bad idea. Brushing my teeth always sends me really close to the edge, but I have managed to recover these last 4 months. Not this time. It got really bad and I was in denial. My husband asked me if I was OK. Couldn't answer. Rather than admit I was really, truly going to puke, I threw-up in the bathroom sink! IN FRONT OF MY HUSBAND!!!!!

Well that certainly set the mood.

I will not make this mistake twice. The bathroom sink does not accomodate vomit.

Then we cuddled in bed and I insisted on watching the movie. Then I noticed my husband's shirt smelled like the onion from his fajitas and I had to ask him to change it. He had taken a shower and put that shirt back on to wear to bed. I think I will be on onion strike the rest of this pregnancy.

We did get to lay in bed this morning and listen to conference without our kids here, so that was nice. Then my husband had to pick them up to drop our oldest off at a birthday party. And I'm trying to work up the courage to brush my teeth. I need to. I so don't want to.

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ugh sorry to hear it Star - you said you had no appetite all day does that mean you didn't eat? I found with mine if I let my blood sugar go low I was very sick. I needed to eat at 2 hour intervals right through the night if I wanted to be vmit free lol


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I think that was my problem yesterday. I didn't eat.

Every day I have to force myself to eat. Nothing sounds good. Even with the stuff I normally love, I can't stand to eat. I only know what I can tolerate if I smell it first, so I have been tempted a lot more to eat out. I hate that. Last Sunday I was surprised to come home and find that the sausage my husband cooked smelled good, so I ate some of that and felt really sick later. Even when I feel good for a little bit, I feel worse again after eating.

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Morningstar, I'm sorry to hear you're suffering from the dreaded pregnancy sickness. I used to turn green at work, apparently, according to my workmates, but was never sick, fortunately. I can recommend ginger to settle your tummy, if you haven't already tried it...I found with my 2nd pregnancy that I could only eat quite bland food, mashed potato and salads...turned me into a cheap night out and helped with the weight, lol.

I hope you feel better soon... :)

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Thank you, Pushka.

Just straight ginger? I actually have some fresh ginger I was going to use to make teriyaki sauce. Which sounds really, really awful.

Potatoes actually don't sound too bad. Maybe I'll call my husband after the priesthood session and ask him to get some.

Salad was good for a while. Don't know what happened there. :( I tried some 7-Up this morning. Blech. Now I ate a plain Eggo. Made me gag. There must be something on this planet I like right now.

My friends were laughing because on my blog, I wrote about this as if it was a bizarre act of seduction for our night of romance. :D

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I'm 17 weeks pregnant now and last night I finally threw-up for the first time. I was so determined to make this the pregnancy that was vomit-free.

My mom offered to take my kids overnight. I was so excited and looking forward to a romantic evening with my husband. During the day, I took advantage of the peace and quiet and finally decided to work on my taxes more. I got so frustrated, I had no appetite. Then my husband got home later than planned and we didn't make it to dinner until 8pm.

I was really hungry, but my food tasted good and bad at the same time. My husband could tell I was grossed out and I was trying not to ruin the evening. Then when our bill came, I had to wait outside because the smells were getting to me.

Then we went to the video store to return some movies and I decided to pick up another very quickly. I almost gave up when this guy in the store smelled very strongly of cigarettes. I flashed back to my 2nd pregnancy when I threw-up constantly because of my smoking neighbors. I almost left, but I was determined and grabbed "Dan in Real Life".

We headed home and I was still gagging from the cigarette smell and when we walked through the door, the onion taste in my mouth was starting to gross me out. I decided to brush my teeth. Really bad idea. Brushing my teeth always sends me really close to the edge, but I have managed to recover these last 4 months. Not this time. It got really bad and I was in denial. My husband asked me if I was OK. Couldn't answer. Rather than admit I was really, truly going to puke, I threw-up in the bathroom sink! IN FRONT OF MY HUSBAND!!!!!

Well that certainly set the mood.

I will not make this mistake twice. The bathroom sink does not accomodate vomit.

Then we cuddled in bed and I insisted on watching the movie. Then I noticed my husband's shirt smelled like the onion from his fajitas and I had to ask him to change it. He had taken a shower and put that shirt back on to wear to bed. I think I will be on onion strike the rest of this pregnancy.

We did get to lay in bed this morning and listen to conference without our kids here, so that was nice. Then my husband had to pick them up to drop our oldest off at a birthday party. And I'm trying to work up the courage to brush my teeth. I need to. I so don't want to.

Poor thing.

And it doesn't sound like you are doing so good either, Morning ;)

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Poor thing.

And it doesn't sound like you are doing so good either, Morning ;)

:lol: I don't think my husband could even get out of the bathroom because I was blocking his exit as I bent over the sink. Oh well. He's seen it before. Especially when I'm in labor. I'm a puker. I even threw-up while I was pushing last time. My doctor said, "Awwww! That's not fair, is it?" But she says pukers progress faster. :D Not that I needed to progress anymore while I was pushing, dangit. As soon as my kids were born though, I was starving. Before my first, I feared I would have post-partum sickness. Never heard of anyone having that, but the way my stomach is, I wondered if I would invent a new illness.

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I posted it so you could laugh at my expense. And in case anyone had any helpful tips. :D

We could also make a 1/2 hour long episode about the time my husband threw-up potato salad all over the inside of our Buick. I was so not happy. I don't even like potato salad in non-vomited form. He had refused to bring a bag with him for our drive home. Then he thought he cleaned it well later and I had to be at church early to play the piano for sacrament. I had to drive there with my shirt over my nose and the window rolled down in the freezing cold. Then we tried everything to get the smell out and my husband removed the front seat to clean under it. We got some funny looks driving around with him in the front and me in the back.

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MorningStar it sounds horrific. You can buy ginger capsules from health food shops and take those I think its upto 4 times a day depending on the dosage. Or have you tried bio-bands or sea-bands? They work on your pressure points on your wrist and block the nausea signals.

This post has quite frankly scared me. I have a serious vomiting phobia. emetophobia. It is one of the main reaons I am scared to death of pregnancy in case Im sick. I dont think I could handle it. And now you say you were vomiting during labour??? I never knew that! :( How come? Has anyone got through pregnancy and labour without vomiting??? My Dad has the same phobia and has not vomited for 20+ years his phobia is so great. I had food poisining once and I actaully wished I could die (and that was only over 2 days!) Someone tell me a vomit free pregnancy is possible!!

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if it helps Aphrodite - yes with my daughter I never vomited and with my son about 3 times, but I never get sick it takes a massive bug - for me to feel queasy is a big deal which I did with both of them if I didn't keep my blood sugar up - Nesquick milkshakes and those complan build up things helped me out.


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Aphrodite, I absolutely detest vomiting too!! I don't think it's as bad as your phobia but I'll do anything I can to not puke when I feel sick. I only puked a handful of times through my pregnancies. I puked a few times during labour... :( But I do think that was due to the gas & air I was inhaling.

But to console you a bit, I do know of people who never puke through their pregnancies and labour and didn't even feel nauseous either. So it is possible for women to have a vomit-free pregnancy - hopefully you will too when/if the time comes. :)

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lol Thanks SmilingRedHead! Funnily enough, I have researched my phobia-and something like 90% of women with emetophobia who get pregnant DONT vomit or have morning sickness when they're pregnant. I found that interesting. I think its because apparantly, you can actually train your mind to turn off the 'sick' receptor, so although you may feel sick, you wont vomit. I think that's absolutely true-I can fight off sickness through breathing exercises and sheer determination!!! Ive had two stomach bugs in 2 years and neither of those times was I sick. I could have been, but I fought it off!

Its funny, as I have already planned what to do for my labour if/when it happens to avoid being sick!!! Definitely no gas and air, no pethidine-nothing with vomiting as a side effect! It sounds pathetic, but it's a horrible phobia to have. It almost controlled my life as a teenager, I never ate out as I didnt know where the food had come from, I never ate chicken or eggs 'in case'! I stuck to 'safe' foods like bread and pastas :) Im not as bad now, but I still live in fear of being sick :( I hope I can overcome it but if my Dad's anything to go by Im stuck woth it for life! I'm heartened to hear some women can get through a pregnancy with no sickness tho!!

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:lol: I don't think my husband could even get out of the bathroom because I was blocking his exit as I bent over the sink. Oh well. He's seen it before. Especially when I'm in labor. I'm a puker. I even threw-up while I was pushing last time. My doctor said, "Awwww! That's not fair, is it?" But she says pukers progress faster. :D Not that I needed to progress anymore while I was pushing, dangit. As soon as my kids were born though, I was starving. Before my first, I feared I would have post-partum sickness. Never heard of anyone having that, but the way my stomach is, I wondered if I would invent a new illness.

You totally missed my humor!

We've had three, and my wife was sick with each one.

I sincerely hope you are feeling better soon.

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MorningStar it sounds horrific. You can buy ginger capsules from health food shops and take those I think its upto 4 times a day depending on the dosage. Or have you tried bio-bands or sea-bands? They work on your pressure points on your wrist and block the nausea signals.

This post has quite frankly scared me. I have a serious vomiting phobia. emetophobia. It is one of the main reaons I am scared to death of pregnancy in case Im sick. I dont think I could handle it. And now you say you were vomiting during labour??? I never knew that! :( How come? Has anyone got through pregnancy and labour without vomiting??? My Dad has the same phobia and has not vomited for 20+ years his phobia is so great. I had food poisining once and I actaully wished I could die (and that was only over 2 days!) Someone tell me a vomit free pregnancy is possible!!

I've known plenty of women who didn't get sick. Don't know what their secret is! I have had stomach issues my whole life. When I was in college, I threw-up for 3 months like I had the flu. I lost 14 pounds in two weeks, woke up with the chills every morning, and I was lucky to get one meal down during the day and keep it down. I kept going to school when I realized it wasn't the flu. I had to leave class a lot though.

Thanks for the ginger and seaband tips. Haven't tried those! Not all women throw-up during labor, but if they do, it's usually during transition, when labor is really intense. Funny though, it's so overwhelming at the moment, the vomit doesn't even bother me that bad. "Ooh, something to do except feel the pain." I don't even bother with pain medication. I haven't met a good pain medication that didn't make me sick.

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