Our Stake's Relief Society Day: Instruction on the Family


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I attended the classes and luncheon and more this morning at the stake center the Stake Relief Society Presidency put on for the stake's sisters. As always, flaws and all (if any), it was a pleasant way to spend the morning.

Our Stake Relief Society President gave some basic encouragement and instruction on how to love and order our families. I thought I'd pass it along.

No surprise -- the encouragement to hold family dinners/ suppers 5 to 7 times a week. The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University (New York City) says that having family supper has a direct and substantial effect on whether our children will partake of illegal addictive substances.

Also they gave a handout with some material it looks like they got from the Family Home Evening Resource Book and a couple of other helps. "Long term changes [of a family member's behavior], however, comes only from living correct priniciples . . . persuasion, long-suffering, gentleness, meekness, and love unfeigned . . . in contrast, using sarcasm, intimidation, force, impatience, irritability or anger, harshness, and pride will neither teach children proper values nor help them change their behavior. In fact, we know that it is Satan, not Heavenly Father, who wants us to use force and hostility."

There was then on the handout a chart contrasting Satan's Way and The Lord's Way (and that can be applied to parenting).

S -- Physical force; being hostile and unfairly using physical strength

the Lord -- Love unfeigned; charity, caring for other's welfare despite any wrongdoing

S-- Blame; condemning others' faults without compassion

the Lord -- Acceptance; seeing others in eternal perspective, judging with compassion

S-- Accusation; provoking guilt, reminding people of their mistakes to punish them and justify oneself.

the Lord -- Integrity; being honest, a personal commitment to righteousness

S-- Intimidation; ruling by fear because others are afraid of one's power

the Lord -- Persuasion; teaching with compassion, kindly point out advantages and disadvantages of situations

S-- Threat; expressing an intent to physically or emotionally harm someone

the Lord -- Gentleness; soft, not treating others harshly

S-- Pride; self-righteously preaching moral truths and condemning others

the Lord -- Trust; lovingly allowing others to exercise their agency to choose right or wrong and to accept the consequences

S-- Self-centeredness; refusing to accept responsibility for your actions

the Lord -- Responsibility; acknowledging and assuming your role in any situation including repenting for past wrongdoings

S-- Haughtiness; being unteachable, proud, and pessimistic

the Lord -- Meekness; humility, uncomplaining, and teachable


I can affirm personally that as I have slowly but surely forsaken the Adversary's way and have chosen to act in the way the Lord represents, my parenting has completely changed, and therefore the Spirit in our home and the behavior of the children has naturally changed over the long-term. It wasn't easy, but it is effective. I still have more work to do to get MYSELF to behave as a mother, ha ha.

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Well, when I wrote the post, I had no idea what it's official name was -- not sure I cared, ha ha.

BUT, I am now looking at my little invite and it says "Stake Relief Society Enrichment".

I also can't answer what is "supposed" to happen in Relief Society's as I am not a leader, and as a member I've seen a few different things happen ward and stake level, but I"m not sure what the basic instructions are for such things. All I know is -- I get the flyer -- I show up at church. Ha ha.

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