Due in 2008


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Congratulations rena and any other first time moms!!! Any questions feel free to ask. :) Hope your first pregnancy experience is a good one. It is such a miracle!!!

I've decided to definately go with hypnobirthing and I am so excited. I also find out the sex of the baby on the 25th so that'll be fun although having one of each either would be fantastic!!!!

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I dont know if anyone checks on this thread anymore but I just found it and thought I'd post. Im about 13 wks along with my first child so everything is new. My due date is Jan. 5th.

Congratulations! :D

I am almost 30 weeks now, I have gestational diabetes, but it is being managed well and now I get extra ultrasounds so I can see my baby more often. Tee hee! My dietician's scale is a lot different then my doctor's apparently, because she says I lost 7 pounds this month. I've been eating more, so that's weird.

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I just had an OB oppointment yesterday and they said I've lost a couple pounds. I was like ok...Ive benn eating the same. They thought I was going to have gestational diabetes because of my wait but theytested and everything was fine. In fact they are always suprised when they check my blood pressure and its really good. I guess Im just lucky.

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When I was pregnant with my 1st, I was overweight and they made me test early. I was fine and my blood pressure as great until my week long labor. It wasn't very surprising that it went higher after not sleeping and puking for days. I passed the 1 hour glucose early on, then failed it in my 3rd trimester when they made me take it again, but I passed the 3 hour. I also passed the 1 hour with my next two, but now I have gestational diabetes. My blood pressure is great though! :D Hopefully it will stay that way. It was just fine with my other pregnancies too.

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I was breastfeeding but I don't make near enough milk to satisfy her so she does get mostly formula. I pump still and only get collectively about 3-4 oz per day. When I first lay her down to sleep at night, she will sleep about 5-7 hrs. but after that she is up about every hour and a half to two hours. She has recently been awake more during the day, usually I can get her to take only one good nap and the others are about 45 mins to an hour and the shorter ones are not consistant.

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5-7 hours is actually pretty good for a 3 month old. Does she go to bed early? How much sleep are you getting? She is young enough that 2 good naps a day would be "typical". What time does she get up in the morning?

I usually start her bedtime routine between 8:30 and 9:00pm depending on when we have dinner and all that. I follow her to bed usually around 10:00 when I have to work the next day and closer to 11:00 when I don't. I am out like a light until she wakes up the first time but don't sleep well after that. Sometimes she plays like she's a new born again and likes to wake up every 2 hours. We usually wake up any time between 7:30 and 9:00am but we usually hang out and cuddle for an hour after.

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At three months, you can start working on some techniques to "train" your baby to sleep better. I am a firm opponent to the cry it out method. When your baby is breastfeeding to go to sleep, watch her closely and when she is drowsy, take the breast out of her mouth before she is completely asleep (use your pinky between the corner of the baby's mouth and the nipple to break suction or OUCH! ); for bottle feeding do the same when you see the baby getting drowsy . Now place her in her crib and rub her back, sssh her, and help her go the rest of the way to sleep. (place babies on thier backs to sleep to reduce the risk of SIDS). This way she will know that she went to sleep in her crib and she will begin to associate the crib with where she goes to sleep, not the breast or bottle or mom's arms. When she wakes up and you are certain she is not hungry, check her for being wet and change her if needed, then gently help guide her back to sleep again. Do not turn on lights, do not spend time playing or snuggling, this is to teach her to sleep. Another tip is that white noise or a sound machine (rain, wind, ocean type sounds) can help to improve sleep length and quality in infants. If she fusses when she awakens because you are not picking her up, set up a chair next to the crib and make your presence known and rub her back until she falls asleep. You may only get a few minutes in the first time because she gets very frustrated...that's OK...if she's really upset pick her up. The goal is a gradual increase in time between awakening and being picked up because we want her to self-soothe not self-destruct. The goal is an ability to sleep well, not to destroy her trust that you will meet her needs. And putting a pacifiier in her mouth when you remove the breast or bottle is perfect for her to meet her sucking needs in her crib.

So on day 1, you put her in the crib and get her to sleep. She wakes up at hour 3, go in with lights off and rub her back to sleep. You go in, rub her back, and in 2 minutes she's frazzled, pick her up, rock her back to sleep and put her in the crib when she is just about out--again making the association that the crib is where she needs to sleep. Put on the white noise or sounds on low and walk away.

By day 7, you should be seeing improvement in her sleep length and quality. In addition, if she awakens in the middle of a cycle it should be easier to help her back to sleep.

Always be alert to potential medical issues and any special instructions provided by your doctor. Babies should sleep on thier backs to reduce the risks of SIDS.

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Hi all,

Guess what - I had my baby! :)

On Sunday 6th July at 9.35am our baby girl Rebekah was born, weighing 6 pounds and 14 ounces. She is just beautiful! Labour was straight forward and 7 hours long. She is doing really well and her big brother just loves her. Am so happy to have my little girl. Have attached a photo for you.

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