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Everything posted by bytor2112

  1. Whatever one we leave them......choose wisely and take a stand.
  2. I was a Scout Master for 31/2 water gun fights......but plenty of airsoft wars! What is and has been happening to the BSA is the view that traditional values are antiquated, bigotted, hateful, harmful and a challenge to the new morallity of intolerant tolerance.
  3. Too bad that 2.3% of the population will likely destroy the BSA as we know it. Hey, they are destroying mariange, why not the BSA. More here. "We have noted the comments by Boy Scouts of America President Robert Gates in relation to possible policy changes in the Boy Scouts of America. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will, of course, examine any such changes very carefully to assess how they might impact our own century-long association with the BSA"
  4. The world is so weird it is dizzying. I often wonder how many kids think they are (insert appropriate inner confusion) because of the hyper intense influence of the agenda driven crowd that perpetuate this type of (be sensitive Bytor)......................stuff.
  5. Skale...your link has cost me untold hours ;-) Fascinating stuff...thank you!!
  6. Recruiting hot bed.....tons of future college and NFL talent produced at St Thomas Aquinas
  7. I never bring a phone into church and I use "real"scriptures and manuals....I know dark ages. At the beginning of every sacrament meetings we are reminded to silence all electronic devices...and almost every sacrament meeting one will be sure to ring.
  8. Finally some justice in Baltimore!!!!!
  9. Well. yes...over 16 million actually. ...."Butterfly Effect....... A butterfly can flap its wings in Peking and in Central Park you get rain instead of sunshine." -Dr. Ian Malcolm
  10. I concur: If I were a Baltimore police officer, I’d be looking for another job immediately. And as a Baltimore citizen, I may start looking for someplace else to live. When the police cannot depend upon the state’s attorney to be as thorough, competent, non-political and fair with them as she is supposed to be with all citizens, none of us will be safe.
  11. Some good commentary in this interview....
  12. In Baltimore they are.....and I am guessing the Feds will investigate as was the case in Furgeson. As for the military gear, I am not for a para miltary style PD.
  13. Answerable...not railroaded. Investigated...yes.
  14. Odd day when Alan Dershowitz and I are on similar pages.... Alan Dershowitz really went after Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby today forcharging the six cops involved in the death ofFreddie Gray, saying it was entirely based on politics and “crowd control.
  15. Incidentally.....the folks crying racism should probably know that of the 6 officers, three of them are black.
  16. Just to keep things in perspective: According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund 682 law enforcement officers were killed in the line of duty in the past five years in the United States. That averages out to over 136 dead law enforcement officers each year. Conversely, on average, there were 96 black males who are killed by white police officers each year–and another 300 white males who are killed by police officers according to FBI statistics. Then there’s this… There were 431 black killers of “whites” in 2014, compared to 193 “white” killers of blacks while blacks make up only 13% of the national population. There were approximately 6,000 black on black murders last year.
  17. I also believe that Darren Wilson should be highly compensated by the media that perpetuated a viscious lie that ruined his life. I would hate the same thing happen to these officers if they are proven not guilty....
  18. Yep, I saw the video....looked like he was resisting arrest. Eric Garner wasn't murdered ( the officer was not indicted) he was resisting arrest and the yeah the cop that shot Scott should be in prison. Two sides exist to these stories and I am sure more willing to give law enforcement the benefit of the doubt in most cases when dealing with habitual criminals.
  19. Um, the mob in Baltimore has been pressing and the DA has rushed. The difference between the people on the streets of Baltimore and the PD is that actual video evidence exists of their countless and indefensible crimes.
  20. You are calling the BPD officers that....just like the mob. Hey, they may be....but my point is simply that you have already indicted them and neither you nor myself really know the facts because the media distorts and minipulates and doens't care nor get held accountable for the damage it causes.
  21. Except, like the mob in Baltimore, you have pronounced judgement on the officers in question, accusing them of being renegade, abusive and murderers.