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Everything posted by bytor2112

  1. You again are accusing them of being abusive, renegade and murderer all in one statement. Perhaps, you shoud state that the police officers in question have been charged in connection with the man's death. If they are guilty of murder and it can be proven then they should receive the harshest sentence available. The news media uses convicting and inflamatory language that is unnecessary and creates much of the high tensions that occur. "Cop shoots and kills unarmed teenager" When it should have been accurately described " Man assault police officer and officer shoots the assailant in the line of duty." (Furgeson)
  2. Well, yeah, if he wasn't a known criminal, then he would likely still be alive. I am all for the officers being investigated, but, I am not for railroading the officers to appease an out of control mob.
  3. Unix....your statement implies that all cops use excessive force at the BPD and seriously, Mr. Gray was a habitual offender....arrested something like 18 times for drugs. Now, if these particular cops have records of excessive force then maybe...Mr. Gray, while not deserving to die, was certainly a sketchy guy. Maybe if Mr Gray hadn't chose a life of crime he would be alive as well.
  4. I think you mean that they allegedly caused the death of a man....I mean in America we are innocent until proven guilty....right? LP has already decided that they were renegade cops and it sounds like you have as well. Not following procedure doesn't = murder/manslaughter......does it? If the police are found not guilty....wait till you see the riots that occur because the mob didn't get their wish.
  5. Sad that you have already decided thst the cops are renegade. Oh well, maybe the Doritos won't be walking out of the stores for awhile....
  6. Atlanta should be burning soon.... unless of course his black life doesn't matter.
  7. Why is romantically bound a requirement? Or only two individuals? Why must the state do it the way u suggest here?
  8. Fair enough...I deleted the post. I think Drudge, which is just links to a lot of media links to Huff....
  9. Fool me once shame on you....fool me twice shame on me. Pretending to care is how we got to where we are....
  10. LP....your post is hyperbole. Another day in America...really? Your posts sound like the brown shirts are dragging jews into the streets and executing them. Media sensationalism.... And no...never been to Washington. But, I can assure you I have a much geater understanding of the black issues than u do with your in depth conversations on facebook. Most people from the West have no clue.... Funny how black folks and white folks etc seem to avoid "another day in America" by simply not breaking the law. Perhaps, certain groups of people should begin to understand that simple tactic. Stop making excuses for them or anyone else that behaves this way. That attitude of poor me is destructive and leads to the baloney we see on TV and is just bigotry. You say the justice system isn't working for them, I say it is working overtime because of them.
  11. Exactly my point. The problem is the breakdown of the family, and lack of personal responsibility. No one wants to talk about that........
  12. Unix...of course stealing and destroying property is overreaction. If we can't agree that lawless behavior is wrong and an over reaction, where have we come to as a society? People relocate all the time and while it may not be the easiest it may lead to a better quality of life. LP...seriously...on Facebook? I actually live in a region of the country where blacks live in very large numbers. I see you are from Arizona and live in Washington, not exactly Mecca's for black folks. Moving is an excellent solution and while difficult, certainly not impossible. My heavens, our country was founded and grew because of people willing to risk it all by relocating. Hands up dont shoot didn't happen and no one knows what happened here yet. But, go ahead and call it murder as that fits the narrative by the media. Too bad they aren't more concerned about the rampant black on black crime and drug peddaling that wrecks most inner cities. I have no sympathy for people that refuse to help themselves. As for peaceful protest...what a crock. Stay in doors and let the justice system work. Taking to the streets in "peaceful" protest seems to always end with destruction and violence. I feel for the cops, they have to deal with stuff most can't imagine. If it were me, I would go home and let them burn it down. The problem is not the cops, it's the behavior or lack thereof. Believing that black people have the right to act out in this manner or should be treated differently is the ultimate in racism. Talk about the soft bigotry of low expectations.... And maybe....there is more to the story.
  13. If homosexual relationships are not in keeping with the Gospel of Jesus Christ (and they are not) it IS destructive to society. It is the natural man, which is an enemy to God that causes some to justify or treat gross transgression as though it does no harm. I am of the belief that we will be held accountable for that which we deemed good, just or as doing no harm when it is obviously in opposition to Gods plan of Salvation. It is mind boggling how so many claim to be faithful Latter Day Saints and yet clearly have little understanding of the Gospel. ' The things of God are only understood by the power of the Holy Spirit....
  14. Personal responsibility is the missing factor in Baltimore and other cities where overreation and lack of self control prevail. The State is a democratic stronghold as is Baltimore itself. I believe the majority of the police as well as the governing class in Baltimore is black and democrat as well. Maybe....just maybe...they should exercise a little bit of forethought before they vote if they really wanted change. The vast majority of those people are not protesting anything. They are just engaging in mob mentality and if they find life where they live to be distaseful or they are not prospering, here is a suggestion....move. Correct what is holding you back from fulfilling your potential....however limited or limitless that may be.
  15. Evidence regarding black people being.....less racist than white people? I guess, I missed that. I believe David said blacks in the USA and not around the world, so, your example above doesn't work. That said, experience creates opinion and that opinion is wide spread. Not sure why we are arguing whether it is a provable fact, it isn't. I simply noted that he is not alone in his opinion as evidenced by the Rasmussen poll. Your are free to believe otherwise as am I.
  16. It would seem that you are in the minority opinion. While opinion is not fact and in this case I don't know that there is a way to prove or disprove by way of fact, it does appear to many that there is enough evidence to suggest it is reality. But that is just my opinion...
  17. I agree. One might even be so bold as to suggest that those opinions exist because of the vast evidence that it could be fact.
  18. David is not alone in that belief. . I have a great deal of disdain towards labeling people racist as the word is so overused and most normal people have racism fatigue since it has been used as a battering ram for so many years. I tend to view all races as inherently prejudice toward the unknown and particularly toward those of different races. I live in and grew up in a small southern town and to this day there are areas of the city that white people should not walk through or near and that is on main streets and not even in the neighborhoods. The local football stadium has had and still has a section that if you are white you best not be found in during a football game if you don't want to get attacked. That problem is more pronounced in larger cities and is not isloated to the southern United States. Perception becomes reality when it is your day to day experience.
  19. " Wherefore, stand ye in holy places, and be not moved, until the day of the Lord come; for behold, it comethquickly, saith the Lord. Amen."
  20. I am betting Lucifer felt the same way right up until Jehovah and Michael were showing him the door....
  21. It is frightening how rapidly lawlessness and rioting begins within certain demographics of the population. Sad really that in 2015 America, this type of behavior is tolerated. The media should be held accountable for the inflamatory and irresponsible "reporting" of news so called. As a side note...can u imagine what the leftist media in our country would be saying if Bush were yucking it up at media swarays while Baltimore was in chaos.
  22. Oh, "transgenderism" is without any doubt a mental illness and Bruce Jenner is mentally ill. Wants2know, maybe a trained professional, but the training is in error. Show compassion for certain, but, let's not help the sick become sicker.
  23. Um...except the secret isn't so secret (hello Hillary and Barrack et al) just the people are dumber and more gullable