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Everything posted by Fiannan

  1. Glass ceiling? Give me a break. The reason there are more men at top managerial positions is due to the fact that women have wombs. Yes, women are the ones who have babies. So unless a woman wants to give up the opportunity to have children (many do unfortunantely) they are at a disadvantage at getting into positions that often require a religious-style dedication in hours and effort to climb to those kinds of positions. Also, don't be too sure about "antiquated views" dying out. Again, following a Darwinian principle it goes to reason that people with more traditional views on gender and ideal family goals will wind up reproducing at a far greater rate than those of the more "modern", "Sex in the City" way of thinking. I know you have one daughter -- I have four. And study after study indicates that the values you were raised with will determine (usually) how you will live. And and just a note, I expect my daughters to do all the fun stuff they want as well as excell in academics -- I would hope, however, they would have the values that are more akin to what the LDS Church teaches.
  2. Interesting. Nobody has addressed the article's real "thesis statement" at all, namely that gender roles are hardwired into us through evolution -- and what worked in the past is the trait that got passed on through the genetic imprints we all share. That's Darwinism in a nutshell and if you aren't into God then you have to accept that differences between the sexes cannot be changed by legislation any more than you can change the behavior of a group of chimps by telling them they should act differently. Of course, I happen not to accept the Darwinian foundation but the Bible seems to also indicate that gender roles are part of our makeup.
  3. I know this article follows a societal analysis based on an evolutionary model but maybe that makes it even more interesting as we all know what the Bible says about family norms and goals in life.
  4. Yeah, but bombing the heck out of a sovereign nation to distract people from his sex does that compare? It could not be because the Serbs were ethnically cleansing Kosovo because that really got under way AFTER NATO started the war. Also, the Clinton administration supported Croatia's efforts to kick out Serbs, Muslim Serbs and other non-Croats. The Clinton government also sold military hardware Turkey (technically violating US laws) to kill and harass millions of Kurds in south eastern Turkey and (and I am not saying there is a direct connection to campaign funds and this) stood in the way of UN actions to protect East Timorese from the oppressive military and death squads of the Indonesian government. Democrats don't want to talk about this too much. If you want an excellent book on the hypocracy and lies of the Clinton administration pick up Noam Chomsky's "The New Military Humanism".
  5. Could you take a few minutes and re-write the paragraph that starts "At the same time . . . " so that it is grammatically correct? I want to make sure I understand what you're implying. Thanks, Elphaba Who is implying anything?
  6. Actually, the people who are greatest at risk are people who work for businesses that pay very little but intentionally work the hours for employees so they don't qualify for the company's group health insurance plan. These people may work 30 hours a week but the money they make isn't enough to pay for much more than rent and food expenses. They are worse off if they are single, or married with no kids. If they had a family they might qualify for food stamps and state Medicaid -- which covers you for a lot of medical expenses. So if youo are poor you get state coverage but if you make just over the poverty level you have to pay it all yourself. At the same time this segment of the population is only cared for by the Republicans because that is where much of the military recruites come from and by the Democrats only for votes they can get if they can manipulate people into believing they really care for the working lower middle class. Want proof? Well, who do you think gets hurt the most by illegal immigration?
  7. Good article on health care and the US compared to other nations.
  8. Care to share reasons you believe this? I will: Did he intentionally do this? Strange, even Democrats in the 1990s were worried about WMDs in Iraq. Clinton did what to Serbia? Opps, quoted British intelligence and again, was it a lie or a mistake by the former? Care to ellaborate? How many Al Quaida leaders have died in the last several years? Care to supply a source? Can't deny that. Also created climate that allowed average Iraqi people the right to vote. How many contractors do we haved in Iraq right now? How many international agencies are helping the Iraqi people? Don't have time right now to look that up. Or was that the other way around? The only thing I will give you is that Clinton and Bush both have alienated the Russians -- but the Euroweenies? Again, lied? What's your source...Michael Moore? Isn't it ironic that the prisoners at Abu Ghraib begged the US not to leave and were scared to death when the Iraqi police took over the institution? The boogie man of the left. Perhaps. Strange, the US senate rejected the Kyoto Treaty by 98 to zero in 1998. Should have gotten his research data from GreenPeace, right? Just wait for the babyboomers to retire. Opps, gotta go. However, you have listed your gripes but failed to show why your disagreements with Bush means he is against the Constitution or fundamental American values.
  9. Ironic, many school districts around the country (motivated by political correctness) have banned books from Mr. Twain.
  10. Excommunicated? I know an LDS woman who lived with her boyfriend, had a couple of kids and then got married. Nobody suggested she be even disfellowshipped.
  11. Care to share reasons you believe this?
  12. Why is is always only the liberals on the SCOTUS, that get attacked for judicial activism? The conservatives on the SCOTUS are also guilty of their own version of judicial jujitsu. Lest we not forget that that two of the most liberal judges where put on the bench by Republicans. Oh come on now, give me some examples! Let's look how liberals twist things. In the 1920s Americans made laws to curtail birth control (mostly a Protestant effort). These laws were called the Comstock Laws. In the 1960s many states still enforced laws against the distribution of birth control. I believe Massachusettes was taken to court by those hoping that these laws could be struck down on judicial grounds. According to the 10th. Amendment rights and laws not covered by the US Constitution are left to the sates to create or interpret. This meant that since the constitution did not deal with birth control laws the Comstock laws should have been dealt with by the people of Massachusettes if they wanted a change. Not so. Liberals on the Warren Court CREATED a right known as the "right to privacy" and then applied it to reproductive concerns. Later the liberals on the court (plus a couple of Nixon appointments) extended the RtoP concept to allow abortion on demand. Recently the same law was used against Texas (and presumably applies to all other states) to prevent states from having laws against sodomy (homosexuality). Please, give me an example of conservatives using the court like this to promote laws NOT supported by the original intent of the US Constitution.
  13. In Sweden the Islamic cleric would be in trouble for saying that Turks in Europe are drug dealers and outcastes. Sensitivity thing and all.
  14. I prefer this test that was going around the net a few years ago: If you answer yes to most of these characteristics you might just be a liberal Democrat if you … Feel that the bombing of Serbia was justified because Serbia was oppressing Muslim citizens but ousting Saddam was wrong even though he ignored UN resolutions as well as being guilty of torture and murder of hundreds of thousands of Muslims. Believe that being in favour of executing a mass murderer while opposing abortion on demand is hypocritical, but opposing the death penalty but favoring no limits on abortion is not. You are okay with having a prayer at the beginning of each session of congress and the supreme court, and that isn’t a violation of the constitution but having a prayer before the opening of a high school football game is. Read a headline “Woman shoots intruder in her home” and you wonder what sentence in jail she deserves. Believe that a white kid from a single parent, low-income home is less deserving of college admittance than a non-white kid from an affluent background with lower test results. Would get really uncomfortable if you were at a high school graduation and the female valedictorian gave a speech praising young women who choose to get an education but who also plan on getting married and becoming stay-at-home mothers. Believe that placing health care in the hands of the same type of bureaucrats that run the welfare department would improve the quality of care in this country. Believe that actors and journalists are better judges on what’s good for the nation than economists and businesspeople. That those who question global warming being a factor of human activity are insane no matter what scientific credentials they have, but the hippies who chain themselves to trees are courageous prophets trying to save the world. You believe that slavery was a western institution and all other civilizations that engaged in it had to be much more humanitarian. That if a Republican uses a bad word or gesture that indicates severe lack of control and judgement, but if a Democrat does the same thing it shows that they are as human as the rest of us. That the constitution is a “living” document that must be interpreted to reflect changes in society, decisions from the UN and the EU and needs to be liberally applied in decisions from activist, liberal judges, but if a conservative tries to stick to the boundaries set by the founding fathers then they are dangerous to the rights of the people. If a public school teacher has a Bible on her desk that is brainwashing her students, but if a teacher reads from the Koran it’s to enlighten students to other cultures. Dole had no right to talk about his military service in WW2 when running against Clinton in 1996, but Kerry had every right to talk about his military service and make it the foundation of his campaign. Believe that the “Fairness Doctrine” should be applied against radio stations to force them to carry an equal number of conservative and liberal talk show hosts even if the station is privately owned by a Republican or even if nobody listens to the liberal hosts. Believe that even though journalists are highly liberal that this doesn’t affect the news they report. Think donating money to Democrats who pledge to give more taxmoney to welfare is doing a charitable service. Feel that the believability of a religious leader is directly related to how much of their religion they publicly denounce. It’s not a violation of tax codes if a church assists a Democratic cause during an election, but it is if a church assists a conservative cause. Actually believe that rich liberals send their kids to public schools.
  15. Do you mean consistent as in changing positions to appeal to a new voter segment? Well, for bombing Serbia for alleged "crimes against humanity" while actively supporting those same crimes when committed by Turkey and Columbia and ignoring even worse crimes when carried out against the Christian East Timorese by the Muslim government of Indonesia. Now if the Serbians had given him canpaign money in 1996 maybe Operation Stained Dress would never had been carried out, who knows?
  16. Look, even Bill Clinton was probably a great dad -- bet we can tell who was the emotional one of Chelsey's parents and the one who actually paid attention to her as she was growing up. Bill seems to be a nice person... But as a president he was hardly an upstanding or honest or consistent leader.
  17. Silly Europeans. However maybe they could get booked at the 2008 Democratic Natl. Convention!
  18. Really? Then why didn't Dykes on Bikes, NAMBLA or guys wearing nothing but glitter and tiny thongs take part in massive parades back in the 1950s? No reason to be against someone because they cannot speak English. However, don't make laws that mandate bi-lingual education or require firefighters, police and teachers in the USA to have to be able to speak Spanish or they cannot get hired. If the US Constitution is open to interpretation by activist liberal judges then we have no duty as a people to believe it is any more valuable than any other piece of paper written on hemp. I know an Egyptian lady who has two sisters with pale skin and blond hair. If they moved to America would they be African Americans? What about Omar Sharif? How about Siddig El Tahir El Fadil El Siddig El Abderahman El Mohammed Ahmed El Abdel Karim El Mahdi (the guy who played the doctor on Deep Space 9) and is Sudanese? These people trace their ancestory back to Africa. Oh, and since the Tribe of Joseph was half Egyptian then many people with American Indian ancestory must also be African Americans.
  19. Maybe we should have elected Madeline Albright to the presidency. That woman said the death of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children due to the sanctions imposed on Iraq in the Clinton years was something she could live with.
  20. Same here. As a protest I did not vote for Bush in the primaries but strongly supported him over Gore or Kerry. I know a lot of people dislike Gore because he talks of conservation yet has a jet and a big SUV but I think his support of selling advanced military equipment to Turkey so they could kill and ethnically cleanse Kurds in SE Turkey, yet support bombing Serbia in the excuse the Serbs were persecuting Albanians in Kosovo, really took hypocracy to the outermost limit. Kerry? Really now, what positive traits did that guy offer?
  21. Well, according to one avenue of research you might check a child's ring finger as it relates to the index finger. The ring finger is very sensitive in pre-natal growth to the influences of testosterone. A boy or girl with a ring finger that is the same size or shorter than the index finger received less male hormone and according to some researchers that person will be more girlish. If you have a long ring finger in relation to the index finger you are more masculine (girls tend especially to be tomboyish, have deeper voices, etc.). Just thought this was interesting.
  22. The thing that scares me about Hillary is that Bill seems friendly, loyal and a good father while his wife is just scary and (in my opinion) quite vicious. Now I know Bill has messed around a lot in his romantic life but seriously, the majority of Americans seem forgiving for some reason (I mean, well...I think you know what I mean).
  23. Yeah, Sasha Cohen is a pretty funny guy, but even if he is a Jew does it make it okay for him to sing the throwing jews down the well song? I wonder about the limits of anti-semitism. About the Andy Rooney thing . . . I realy hate it when people make up junk and post it on the web under another person's name. He is certainly an acerbic person, but a bigot? Not on National TV anyway. They would have fired him quicker than Imus. Aaron the Ogre I know Rooney did not author the stuff in the beginning of his thread but is any of it actually bigoted? Which portion (s)?
  24. I reather enjoyed a lecture I was invited to by a friend (the one giving the lecture) where he told his students that if you compare European and American politicians you find that in Europe the political leaders are far more open and honest when discussing their stands on issues while American politicians are far more apt to lie or use half truths. We can see this in the American theater right now. In the primaries even Mitt Romney is playing a dancing Napoleon Dynamite on issues relating to foreign affairs, abortion, gay rights, etc. When he was governor of Massachusettes he was pretty liberal, not that he needs to conservative vote he is a born-again conservative. When the general election comes around (if nominated) he'll try to be in the middle. That's the nature of our system -- and Hillary is doing the same thing (although since Hillary has always displayed psychopathic tendencies she can do it with a really straight face). In Europe you have (generally) a multi-party system. After an election parties have to form coalitions. However, before the election takes place a person can speak his mind as leader and be okay with getting 15% of the vote. At least those 15% of the people will feel like someone speaks for them -- unlike the US system where those on the right or left are usually pretty disatisfied with all outcomes. Maybe the US would do better with a multi-party system. Why shouldn't the Ralph Naders or Patrik Buchanans of this nation have more a voice in government? Overall the people outside the murky middle seem to have ideas and insights that aren't bought and paid for by corporate America, unions and educational establishments. Oh well, until we change things (maybe that will be never) we will continue electing people who we ultimately will feel are lacking in initiate or new ideas and also get where they get by intentionally making their stands obscure and hard to pinpoint.
  25. Doesn't surprise me -- there are always those who will take advantage of situations and that is why I would not support Obama's suggestion.