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Everything posted by Fiannan

  1. I remember you saying something earlier about being an ethnic Iranian, is that correct? Every Iranian I know makes a big deal about being Aryan (of course, for most of the population that means a lot of Turkish, Mongolian and even some Arab mixed in). However, it seems that your family may have major issues with that if this relationship continues. That has to be considered. Personally, I believe it's kinda strange how Obama who is half white is always referred to as black -- in a way it's as though the children of white-black marriages are just assumed to lose the white ethnic identity they had (as if the heritage of the whites in their background get erased). That would bother me. I also read an article recently where a white woman who married an eastern Indian thought it would not be a problem but when her son was born she was bothered by him not looking anything like her. These are issues to consider as well.
  2. just take out the spaces in the brackets here: [i m g ] the link of the picture [ / i m g ] Here is a link (you get it when you right click and go to "properties" the link was over the picture. Add the brackets without spaces that I have listed above and you this case a silly leftists.:)
  3. Kinda depends on the context it is taken. There are people who are critical of Christianity in general and point to the sacrament as a form of ritual cannibalism´-- something we generally associate with decadent civilizations or primitive tribes.
  4. Points 2, 3 and 4 are a bit simplistic I believe. I do believe that many women are attracted to power and if polygamy existed in a socially acceptable context then you would have many rich males with several wives. However, one portion of the equation overlooked is that many women are attracted to males with charisma, spirituality and deep intellect. In a polygamist-friendly society I think you'd find more ministers with multiple wives than guys at the country clubs. Look at some of history's more notorious examples. Charles Manson led what was essentially a polygamist lifestyle as did David Koresh. Now while former was a criminal psychopath, and the later merely an essentric victim of the Clinton administration neither commanded vast fortunes but still had an aura that attracted females in droves. Gregory Rasputin was also incredibly popular with females -- even before becoming popular with the tsar's family and he never had much money since he gave it all away to the poor. Many polygamists today (and I am speaking of the freelance ones that just start taking more wives, not ones who live in communities with arranged marriages) are just regular guys but seem to have a high degree of intellect and spirituality as well. They also are willing to stand for something -- quite the opposite of a modern-day metrosexual male. So from these researcher's evolutionary psychology perspective polygamy would increase the amount of genes produced by wealthy and succcessful males as well as intellectually superior males (although quite introspective and even essoteric). It would breed out the genes of the weaker and the dumber males and lead to more intellect overall in the society -- just as screening practices of sperm banks in the USA tend to insure superior stock gets magnified into the next generation). And overall, women would indeed benefit from polygamy while males in the lower end of the gene pool would not. The muslim thing I did not buy into so much because only a fraction of males in Palestine practice polygamy and, as for Iraq, due to several wars the female population outnumbers the male there. Suicide bombers may look forward to Heaven's countless virgins for them but I doubt their ranks are primarily made up of lonely guys.
  5. While the authors seem to find their foundations in evolutionary psychology I have to admit that, while I believe our basic nature derives from God, that much of what they point out seems accurate. What do you think?
  6. [ i m g ] the link to the photograph [ / i m g ] Take out the spaces in the brackets and it should post. If you need to find a place to host your pictures just go to and create an account. Then use the simple upload there. Then you can right click your photo, copy the last part which is your link (properties) and then put it here. 17 year old. 4 month old. oldest at The Kremlin (Moscow) Above...youngest son. My 4 year old at grandma's.
  7. Thanks Shanstress and Yediyd! Your's truly. Caught 18 of the vicious man-eaters.
  8. Above -- one of my daughters. Below, pirhana fishing in southern Venezeula. Yes she is! She's 7 years old. Here's her younger sister: older brother: I can post more later. By the way, people can post by typing
  9. Just wondering if there is a specific place people can post photographs of family or just photos in general.
  10. See Ogre? Maybe the majority of those Provo gals aren't into your style of being loud and independent thinking but who cares about them? Let them find a quiet Peter Priesthood type that easily blends into a crowd. I can tell you there are plenty of females who appreciate someone who is different! Have you also thought of taking a class at BYU in an area that you'd meet some pretty, independent college coed? Heck, that would give you a chance to be open about your views and I'd bet the bait would be set.
  11. One might expect something like this in North Korea where the state owns the property of the people but in Utah? Talk about trying to impose control over people in the name of everything looking nice. It's her property and that is just the way it is!
  12. The problem is that a lot of people who form these policies are here in lucky old Utah, where they think people over thirty who are single are perverts or predators. My brother (the lawyer) thinks I need to move out of Utah to anywhere else inorder to find a spouse considering the blindness of the culture that has formed as stupid a policy as this. I've never been to the over thirties ward in Provo, but I know some people who have and they have mostly returned to their family/local wards after odd/weird experiences. I don't even go to the large singles activities (mostly because I want to wait till my youngest goes on his mission), but some of the stories I've heard scare the crud out of me. I think the age division is a product of culture instead of doctrine that needs to be reviewed and possibly revocked. I support my leadership and in fact investigating this site six weeks ago (I lurked for quite a while first) was in response to a challenge from my bishop to at least put a profile on a web-site like this. I don't think my posts were what they had in mind, but they haven't investigated it yet. Who knows, when they ask, I'll tell them of the naughty things I've been up to on this site instead of putting out the feelers for women who might think a fat, loud-mouthed, independent, opinionated, middle-aged freak like me might be even semi-interesting. Aaron the Ogre I think you have something there to a degree. Most of the men who make the policies were married when they got back from their missions at the age of 21 or 22 and they have never really been single in the real sense. And as age goes perhaps they see people over 30 with an image of a 55 year old widow seeking someone to spend the remaining couple of decades with (hopefully doing a temple mission or the like). When I was in a college ward (later these wards seemed to change into singles wards for under 30s) I was married and attending grad school. I saw plenty of mid-20s women who were too old for the 21 year old return missionaries (who were aiming at the 18 year olds anyway) but who did not want to go to an over 30 quilting activity. Generally, men who were converts over 30 or divorced would check out the grandma activities but would quickly leave -- never to come back. So the results were over 30 men meeting non-member young women and 20-something devout LDS women meeting same-age or older non-members. I guess the advantage to such policies is that you get tons of part-member families! Ogre, not sure about what you term middle age. Lately the term seems to mean something like 55 years old but if you are still in your 40s then what's the problem? If you are young at heart and would be willing to start a family then I'd say you should leave age open. Heck, Brigham Young took wives in their late teens and early 20s when he was around 50. There's a popular radio DJ in my area who is 61 and his 22 year old wife is expecting their first child. The guy who played Scottie on Star Trek was in his mid-50s when he met his wife who was then 18. Point is, if the church has idiotic age barriers in its singles program then go out and try engaging in activities that attract young single women -- or go on an LDS dating site.
  13. You know, I think there is a huge problem in that church leaders are completely blind in regards to the singles program. In my state it is divided along age lines -- 18 - 30 and 30 and above. This merely maintains a lot of single people who, in many cases, meet non-members and marry them. Case in point, I know a guy whose wife left him (no reson but the old "fell out of love thing") and he was in his mid-30s. He went to the 30 and above group and everyone was too old for him, yet he was not allowed to go to the 18 - 30 group. He did a lot of dating outside the church but eventually went on one of those LDS dating lines. When he put his profile on-line he got lots of hits from women as young as 18 in the church and eventually married some lady who was active and only a few years younger than him. See, in the real world, guys in their 30s and 40s often marry women in their 20s. Yet the women in the church who might be 24, 25 or a bit older are segregated with the young group while the guys they should be interested in are turned off by the singles scene in the church and off meeting non-members. Idiotic situation if you ask me.
  14. I really wonder what the reaction to these things would be like over at democraticunderground -- bet there would be supporters.
  15. And like I said in an earlier post...if women would stop spending so much time in the shower removing all the hair from the neck down then global warming would be decreased. Uh...right. Now one thing we should emphasize in the summer is how mowing the lawn destroys vegitation that could be converting CO2 to O2. If any of you have a wife who is somewhat of a believer in all the hype then just tell her that the reason the lawn is not being mowed is to help fight global warming.
  16. No, it's not Michael Moore and Ted Kennedy on a hunting trip, or Al Gore running them over with his SUV, but...
  17. Hey, I would not want to rip into you in the least:) On another note, elated to divorce in the LDS Church, do you think it is easier for people to get re-married who are in the church or is it easier for non-members who are divorced to get together with people?
  18. That is totally sad. I do believe that if a person fixates on porn and ignores his/her marriage partner then you have a definent problem -- and that does, in my opinion, mean you could have addiction. However, I have to believe that most LDS men and women who visit porn sites do not replace their mates with online movies. It may be wrong but it is probably due to escapism, fantasy, curiosity, desire for novelty or even trying to boost one's sex drive (i.e. maybe a woman totally not in the mood but deciding to do surfing to get the hormones going).
  19. My poblem with the porn issue in on several fronts though. These are: A) Too many people in the church go all hysterical over porn and start labeling any viewing of it as "addiction" (a term used in religious circles but rarely in psychological arena in regards to porn) and I believe this can threaten marriages -- no, not the viewing of the porn in most instances but the reactions like "If he loved me he would not look at another woman, much less one without clothes or on the internet". Give me a break -- I knew this Catholic couple married for like 40 years. Sometimes he would go with his younger co-workers to the strip club and I once got into a conversation with her about that. When I asked her if she was jealose over it she responded that if some cute striper wanted his old wrinked backside she was welcome to him. I will note that one of her nephews went through a divorce and it w the first in her extended family -- which the family was really down on him for it. B If viewing porn is an addiction then what's the criteria? C) Unless one's husband is gay (and even then...) he will look at other women. The positive thing is that he notices other women and still is devoted to his marriage -- even when getting nagged about looking. D) Porn is not a male thing anymore. On the whole less women view porn than men but if one looks at ages then things equal out. Numbers tend to be the same if you are looking at women and men under the age of 25. If you are looking at men and women over 60 then males will be the overwhelming majority of users. Also, I have yet to see men hosting parties where a bunch of people get together and look over items (if you know what I mean) -- and I am not talking about Tupperware. I feel porn is indeed a morals issue and that viewing it is not good. However, if I were counseling someone whose husband had a tremendous habit of porn viewing and she asked if she should divorce him, and in all other areas of his life he ws wonderful, I would point her to the scriptures that condemn divorce, as well as the harmful impact of divorce on family members, and try to find a way to deal with it.
  20. Interesting info: One might note that these might just be women who feel their habit is a problem and think of it as an addiction. I have seen other articles that say young women are MORE likely than young men to become frequent users of internet porn and are way more likely than males to play around with pornographic SMS messages.
  21. And women need to control themselves too: I'll post some stats on women and porn surfing soon.