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Everything posted by TEANCUM89

  1. This was the ideal I was trying to get across:) If I confuse you guys, just imagine how my children must feel:DT
  2. Vector, I just read you're other post, I think I was not very clear. I in know way think men are un-worthy and that is way we need the priesthood. Sorry if it came across that way. T
  3. Vort, Not sure how I got a burr under you're saddle. I'm the head of the house and the Priesthood holder. We share all things, she makes me a better priesthood holder by her supporting nature. No new doctrine. For every wicked women in the scriptures, I can show you ten men. Dosen't really matter, in my world women tend to be more Christ like. We have had this same discussion in HP quorum, they all agreed that there wives were more Christ like then they are. Maybe it's a perception because of the maternal instincts that "most " women have that people think they are more Christ like. Are all women that way, no, are all men that way no. I for one am glad am a "Dirty male". As for what you teach you're sons, good luck I'm sure you will teach them to be Christ like. Hope you have a great day
  4. Vort, Thanks for the Christ like response! My testimony stands, Women do not need to bare the priesthood. if you are married it is shared between husband and wife, kind of like a team. 19 year old Boys are called to preach the gospel and learn to be more Christ like (better husbands,brothers, sons). If you're as rightous as you're wife I'm proud of you! Most men are not, as SHAMEFUL as that maybe. Ether taught us to learn about our own weakness so they can become strengths. Not sure what world your living in. Look around you, women by nature are more Christlike. For most men in takes more work. Hopefully thats were baring the priesthood can really help us as men.Hope you have a great day! You may want to try a little honey life!
  5. Lindsay, I hope you still are not trying to hide or push the doctrine out of your daily life. It's what makes my daily life worthwhile! For me it's in the details of my common life that I see his hand. I so second your thoughts that G_d knows exactly where his "lost" children are. Let you're self be found again, even if you come out of hiding slowly.:)
  6. Something about the eye of a needle springs to mind. Unfortunatley there are very few people who are not corrupted by $$. There are some both LDS and non-LDS who are not and do much good with the things they are blessed with.. I for one have been blessed with almost everything in life I could ask for. But I know that if I suddenly had much much more I would struggle. The correct goals in life are awesome. But if the pursuit of money is your goal you are on a slippery slope. The pursuit of being a follower of Christ should be your first goal. Once you get that, then he will bless you with all things. Money could be one of them, if so you must use it for good not for extravagent man made toys to show to all your friends. Isaiah speaks directly to us about what happens when we worship of the things of man. Not many people wanted to hear it during his days as the prophet. Unfortunatly we all seem to continue to have closed ears. May we use what we have been blessed with to help bless the lives of others.
  7. I don't think he is judging them. I think he is trying to say that it is very easy for all of us to become worldly;) Trying to stay clean in a filthy world is a life long task. "Costly apparrel" was one of the signs of the downfall of the Nephite nation. When we are more worried with our appearance, size of our home or the style of our car. Then with how we treat our brothers & sisters, then have a huge problem. Living in Northern Utah county can be a real eye opener. Huge homes, swiming pools, Hummers in the driveway. We are way off course, the bretheren have asked us to have a modest home, to live within our means etc. I'm not saying that we should not have nice things. We need not be so flamboyant with our prosperity. I'm as guilty as anyone. Even as LDS people we all seem to fall into the trap of worshipping things made by men. We need to change, and follow more closely the council of our prophets. By the way everyday we have to make judgements. That is why it is so important to have the spirit with you so you can make the correct choice "AKA" judgement.
  8. debi56, I'm glad to hear that you are returning to activity. The feelings you have are obviously from the Holy Ghost. My son went into the MTC tight before Chrismas of last year. Since that time I have had the spirit really pushing me to finish our food storage. Both my wife & I have prayed about it and were answered to use some of our savings to get this done. Now is the time to prepare both spiritually and temporally. May you stay close to the spirit as we enter this refiners fire that is coming!
  9. Jason, First of all thank you for your service and for protecting our freedoms. In my opinion you are truly a warrior both physically and spiritually. I second what Rameumpton has already told you, it does sound like you are experiencing PTSS. You are not the first or the last who has experienced this, you are not alone. This is my first time posting on this site, your message touched me, With the proper medical help and time your spirit will heal. Please continue to pray and to read the scriptures. I understand how it can feel when your prayers don't seem to get beyond the ceiling. I will remember you in my prayers and thoughts! A brother in Christ, Teancum89