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Everything posted by bmy-

  1. It's not a history book nor a science textbook. It's a collection of spiritual truths, tall-tales, and folklore. When I say 'talk' I mean in a language commonly practiced by humans. Donkeys and most animals can communicate but they cannot and have never been able to speak in a literal language like English, Spanish, etc.
  2. I caught mine young.. teaching him early. Sorry to hear about your finger.. what happened to the squirrel after the incident? Did it run off? I won't tolerate anti-squirrel propaganda I hope your finger healed fully
  3. Yeah Ah well, he's worth it.
  4. I'd turn tail and run. If she chases you.. perhaps she deserves another chance. If not..
  5. My life would not change in any meaningful way. I might be a little more careful while driving, though. I don't need a "meaning". I didn't before I was LDS nor do I need one now.
  6. That's one of "those" stories, I think Nice lesson to the story.. but you hear stories like this so often and the details are always changed to suit the crowd. I bolded the important part of the lesson, though.
  7. Let's not act like there haven't been shady dealings, mistakes made, etc. Those are recognized and should simply be admitted. Nobody is perfect and no religion is free from that "anti" stuff. I'm absolutely fine with someone pointing out legitimate criticisms.. as long as they hold their own religion or belief system to the same standard.
  8. That's just luck of the draw I think. The plan is.. if his leg heals properly and we're able to release him.. to build him a box that he can stay in until he makes his own nest, etc. It sounds awful.. but part of me doesn't want him to heal..
  9. Eternal increase is available to all those who want it. Now the speed of that increase.. *shrug* I do not believe that is constant at all. I intend to take my time.. it seems as if I'll have a ton of it.
  10. They're allowed to attend. It's completely up to them if they choose to partake in the ordinances -- no one can tell them not to as far as I'm aware. That is between them and God. The Bishop can advise them not to.. but that is not binding. They should be encouraged to take the sacrament if they are celibate. I'm afraid this is true. Perhaps she/he will shrink back into the shadows once again.. talk about a blessing. It's no fun poking sticks at out-dated arguments
  11. He's so much fun, haha. I mean he poops on me and stuff sometimes.. but it's not even that bad. When he hears my voice he starts whining for attention. I think the most fun is feeding him. We put pet formula in a dropper and he makes the funniest little noises.
  12. My girlfriend and I rescued a poor little squirrel who had fallen out of his nest a few days ago. He was extremely lethargic and appeared nearly catatonic.. but it was just severe dehydration and he's looking healthy again. He has a gimp back foot (we think it's broken) and walks with a bit of a limp.. hence the name Igor. (He's tiny -- fits in the palm of my hand) I really am amazed at how pet-like he is and how quickly he 'bonded' with us. He loves being held.. and he loves to get under pillows. I'm a little jealous as he favors 'mommy' over me though.. we basically have joint-custody. He sleeps at her house but spends his days over at mine If you ever get a chance to nurse a little squirrel (or other critter) back to health.. give it a shot -- it's easy and rewarding.
  13. I have to admit.. I only wanted it done to annoy her. I think you're 100% correct.
  14. Edited for mods. Mods -- can you delete her intentionally misleading posts, then?
  15. Respect is given where respect is earned. I call a spade a spade -- and I back it up with evidence. You can't make extraordinary claims without providing a source and expect to be taken seriously. This is a debate, is it not? All arguments are debates. The statement that "AIDs is easily spread via coughing/sneezing" is not an opinion. It is an incorrect statement and one that you use with intent to deceive. I'm absolutely fine with you making that claim.. provided you can put your money where your mouth is. Ignorance has no place in an intelligent discussion.. so please validate your claims.
  16. I asked for you to share your sources.. you declined. How honest and reputable Put up or shut-up, basically. Validate your claims with evidence or admit them to be false. These are the rules of logic.
  17. Your statement revealed your ignorance -- I made no assumption. Your information is false based off peer reviews and AIDs being a major topic in my recent course on pathology/immunology. Here's a novel idea -- back up your statements with your 'sources' for the world to see. Do not forget that 'Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence'.. so hop to it. You seem to think that homosexuals are walking hypodermic needles.. and that's comical.
  18. If the Saints go to the superbowl this year..
  19. Then why not reveal it to the entire world at once in one mega-revelation? Why not remove all doubt and let those who would come unto God do so unhindered by evidences that seem to point in the opposite direction?
  20. That's idiocy. You distrust the FDA and the government -- that's fine -- they're not always accurate. How about studying the matter instead of spouting nonsense. It's one thing to be educated on a subject and make the types of claims you do.. it's quite another to make uneducated and false claims to push your agenda especially with no supporting evidence backing you up. The latter is dishonest.
  21. Of course. But would you shun him? Pretend like he doesn't exist? I'm going to assume that you would not.. you're to nice.
  22. You're awesome pam. Handling it tremendously IMO. I do want to ask you a question.. would you ever shun him for his choices? Or would you love him unconditionally? That's the real test.. and I think you'll do wonderfully.
  23. And when you're old(er) and unable to support yourself we'll have "the right to privacy" also. The door swings both ways -- support your children and they'll support you. Shun your children -- and pray that you don't have a time of need. To answer your question.. no, they are not responsible to support me. I'm thankful they do -- and they would even if they disagreed with my religious views (which they do). Perhaps my parents were forged from a more quality metal than those who would shun their children due to life style choices.